Blue Alliance name dropped and what happens next

Dunne's own goal said:
IWasHere said:
uwerosler28 said:
Arent they the same thing ?

No not really, its hard to explain...take blue alliance and holmesdale for example. Blue alliance were a group that wanted to create an atmosphere but they weren't an ultras group whereas Holmesdale are an ultras group? Might not make sense but I know what I mean haha

I'm confused.

Hahaha I'm confusing myself too
Ultras - a group of people who wear club colours and wave club banners and sing about THEIR club. Try to be peaceful and get on with fans of other clubs.

Casuals - a group of people who tend to wear Adidas/Stone Island/Burberry etc. and tend to wave nothing but do sing about OTHER clubs (usually while pissed/charlied). Usually end the day with a fight or two - sometimes amongst themselves (eg. Millwall at FA Cup semi) AKA "firm", "hooligans".

Hope that helps.
Some may not find those clothes to be "decent" though.
If one wishes to wear those clothes that is their choice however through marketing over the years many brands have tailored their clothing to specific markets, heavily influencing movies, music, free clothing to celebs and so on.

I like some of the stuff tbh, however I can't afford most of it... nothing to be ashamed of, I'd just rather pay my electric bill than buy a £300 coat

Some of the clothes some fans wear do reflect what is worn in Hooligan/gangster films.... if they are hooligans or gangsters then please forgive me but if they aren't then yes they are pretenders (or have high disposable incomes and can afford that "decent" jacket made in Taiwan)
liamctid said:
So in summery;

If you wear decent clothes to a football match you're a wannabe hooligan.

Some hilarious posts on here.

i agree, but the type of clothes your wear has always been associated with hooliganism, in the 80s especially. you could tell who was up for a fight by the type of clothes they were wearing
going off the beaten track here a little on this thread, didnt know Gok Wan was on bluemoon !
liamctid said:
So in summery;

If you wear decent clothes to a football match you're a wannabe hooligan.
Big difference between "decent" and "a uniform". If you want to dress like a casual don't be surprised if someone calls you one.

liamctid said:
Some hilarious posts on here.
Indeed there are Liam.
Raffles said:
Ultras - a group of people who wear club colours and wave club banners and sing about THEIR club. Try to be peaceful and get on with fans of other clubs.

Casuals - a group of people who tend to wear Adidas/Stone Island/Burberry etc. and tend to wave nothing but do sing about OTHER clubs (usually while pissed/charlied). Usually end the day with a fight or two - sometimes amongst themselves (eg. Millwall at FA Cup semi) AKA "firm", "hooligans".

Hope that helps.

blue alliance was neither ultras nor casuals group and didn't try to be either type of group. they were just fans who got behind the team. don't think anyone in the blue alliance had previous for charge sheets/ convictions or anything and liam certainly doesn't go round wearing burberry or stone island.

bit like saying all people who wear jeans are hooligans.
Liam is/was just one member of BA though bud... I've seen many lads often with BA at matches wearing clothing I've often associated with Hooliganism.

One thing we agree on though, TBA got behind the team and are/were great.
I'd rather have them there than not there.

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