Blue cards to be trialled for sin-bins | IFAB postpones introduction (pg13)

Apparently they've had it in lower leagues for a bit and it works after they get used to it!

But a blue card is all subjective and will rely on the referee and his opinion of dissent or diving!
you know a radical idea to stop abuse of officials might be to stop being fucking useless, they dont have this shit in rugby and you dont see any kind of abuse of officials, if the officials arent strong enough to tell the players to fuck off out of it thats on them.
If dissent is bad enough for the player to be removed from the game, it should just be a red card.

Yellow for minor dissent, red for abusing the referee or ignoring multiple warnings.

Why the need to overcomplicate?
Like with everything, it’s the inconsistency that rankles. Doesn’t matter what colour the card is if one ref takes more abuse than another.

A sin binning would stop more dissent than a yellow card does. It might give the refs more authority and less screaming in their ears.

Fernandes would have a season ticket in the sin bin.

I’m not advocating the change, just trying to visualise what it might do.

Any player rolling around to get the game stopped before getting up and sprinting around straight after could be sin binned too. It might be good for the game in the long run.
you know a radical idea to stop abuse of officials might be to stop being fucking useless, they dont have this shit in rugby and you dont see any kind of abuse of officials, if the officials arent strong enough to tell the players to fuck off out of it thats on them.
Do what Hackett did.

Send players off. SKY/TNT/Talkshite would moan it destroys the game as their favourite redshirts get rightfully battered by Luton but they'd soon fall in line when they are fighting relegation in December.
and in one foul swoop u have ruined the game, so someone gets a blue card and gets reduced to ten, they will go into a defensive mode and try to slow the game down even more and that ten minutes of the game will be ruined
This all day long. I've played in a league that trialled it and tbf if worked, I and most people thought it was great. But that was at Sunday league level, at the higher levels of professional football it would ruin it just like you said.

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