Blue Tuesday: Ask the Goat and he may answer...

Hello all – first post after lurking on here for many years. I couldn’t resist the chance to try and ask the Goat a question which I’ve often longed to ask him.
It goes back to those strange days at Maine Road when the players, instead of warming up on the pitch, used to pile into a minibus and race through the crowded streets of Moss Side just before the match to warm up in a local school. I used to stand outside to cheer them off and it always looked to me as if Shaun competed with the other players to get the back seat of the minibus. In my fevered imagination this became a matchday superstition – if Shaun got out of the dressing room first and bagged the back seat,I could relax as we were sure to win the game. So what I want to know is:
Did Shaun really fight for the back seat ?
Was the minibus really driven by Lee Jackson (now Head Groundsman at COMS)? And
How on earth did they manage to get insurance for an entire team, two coaches, a driver and a policeman in a 12 seater minibus?

If there is one player from City's past and one from the current team that you would have loved to play with, who would it be and why?

And cheers to Emily and the Blue Tuesday gang for arranging this special interview.
Shaun Goater is a true City legend. Can you ask him if he remembers me - I used to sit in the kippax and sing his name and I sometimes wore blue

Can you also ask him what his favourite goal was? What was his strongest goal scoring attribute (i remember his anticipation being great - always knew where the ball was gonna bounce)? I also remember him volleying a goal in off his shin - was it a fluke or a classic?
so shaun if city fans were to feed you , would it be a barm or a muffin?

If you ever read this im a big fan mate and if i ever see you buy me a pint.

Feed the Goat
I have met him before at Asda, and whoever said dont meet your heroes as it is disappointing talks bollox.
I wagged work for 2 hours and it was more than worth the b0ll0cking i got. I still have my signed copy of his book. This guy is an utter legend.

My question would be
"Shaun, do you fancy benching for us on Monday night?"

0 - 0 5 mins to go Goat comes on and scores with his arse. 1 - 0.

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