Blue Tuesday: Lakey's Question: If u could bring in one rule

If a Goalkeeper is sent off the team punished cannot put their sub keeper on in place of an outfield player.
Home draw - 1 point
Away draw - 2 points
Home win - 3 points
Away win - 4 points
Make the goals bigger!

Seriously. They've been the same dimensions since they were standardised in 1875, when the average height was 5ft 5. Players are much bigger nowadays.
a public clock that only records the time that the ball is in play .ten players per side when the pitch is minimum size or make minimum size bigger. scrap offside on a trial basis.Or my favourite, replace the FA with a body fit for purpose,and the rest will take care of itself.
I understand industrial language being used out of frustration but I believe an immediate yellow card and a huge fine for swearing AT match officials and, when speaking to the referee, like rugby Union, the ref should be addressed to as "Sir" or "Referee"
Nothing annoys me more than players and managers alike shouting directly into an officials face "you f***ing c**t" What example is that setting to today's youth and the next generation of players.
Also, again like Rugby Union, when a player is spoken to by the Ref, the player's captain should be present.
My changes have already been mentioned, but for the reprise;

Offside is offside; if the ball was played forward past the second to last man and anyone is forward of said second to last man no matter where on the pitch the linesman should flag. If the defender can't spot the danger and get himself off the pitch or forward then it's their problem.

Dismissed goalkeepers must be replaced by someone already on the pitch.

No swearing at match officials. At all.
Feed-The-Goat said:
If vidic so much as raises his hands above head high ie elbowing! he is banned for 3 matches.

he gets away with it too much
send players off for being ugly, fat or red. seriously though a yellow for shielding the ball out for a goal kick, a 3 match ban for diving even if its seen after the game on video and let the physio on the pitch while the game carries on.
not so much a rule, but i would stop the referee's lecturing players after virtually every tackle.

take saturday for instance, there was a classic 50-50 challenge involving bridge, if he had won the ball he would have nudged it to robinhio, and city would have been in a good position, he was a milli second late, and commited a foul, but it was simply a ball he had to challenge for.

i am curious to know what the ref said for approximately 30 seconds, "can you refrain from challenging for 50-50 balls"

for a rule change, just stop the laughable injured player leaves the pitch, whats that all about, another blatter farce.

ok, and i would stop 3rd place teams dropping out of the champions league, it makes a mockery of the uefa cup
mat said:
If a Goalkeeper is sent off the team punished cannot put their sub keeper on in place of an outfield player.

Brings back great memories of Niall Quinn going into goal & saving that penalty.... if this rule came in, can we sign him again??!!

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