
Re: Bluemong/moan

BillyShears said:
r.soleofsalford said:
alib said:
have to agree with the op

this forum used to be good with some funny and intelligent posters

now it's inhabited largely by kids , drama queens , attention seekers , people who know nothing about football and cretins


you missed out boring fuckers.

Here's a thought. If you don't like the forum - don't read it. Find one you do like.

Easier still is to ignore the things you don't like and stick to reading and interacting with those who you share common interests with. There's a million ways to skin this cat so everyone's happy. Which is why threads like this one - started solely to attack the point of view of other posters in a very abusive and ignorant way inevitably leads to a thread of abuse and insults flying from all directions...
Could you not also avoid the thread if you dont like it?
Re: Bluemong/moan

jay_mcfc said:
Didsbury Dave said:

Look it up in a dictionary if need be.

If you don't like it fuck off. We don't need some new kid giving lectures like he owns the place.

People are entitled to an opinion whether they've been here 5 minutes or 5 years

Of course they're entitled to an opinion but I'm entitled to tell them to fuck off
Re: Bluemong/moan

SWP's back said:
BillyShears said:
r.soleofsalford said:
you missed out boring fuckers.

Here's a thought. If you don't like the forum - don't read it. Find one you do like.

Easier still is to ignore the things you don't like and stick to reading and interacting with those who you share common interests with. There's a million ways to skin this cat so everyone's happy. Which is why threads like this one - started solely to attack the point of view of other posters in a very abusive and ignorant way inevitably leads to a thread of abuse and insults flying from all directions...
Could you not also avoid the thread if you dont like it?

Re: Bluemong/moan

sniff said:
york away to this! said:
this thread just illustrates the current bluemoon position perfectly.

what's happened to the light-hearted, self depreciating, sarcastic wit that used to typify the masses in/on here?I'm hardly an elder statesman but I really have not laughed at anything in here for ages - what the f*ck is up with everyone?

bit of bloody silverware and it's getting just way too serious.

bring back photoshop hughsey, the bluemoon prozzer, fish puns and general transfer giddiness - as well as gratuitous pics!


Think like me they paid the best part of £200, then over 8 hours of traveling in in one day to watch the shower of shite that was laid on for us.

After all the abuse the stay aways got, i dont blame them. We didnt even watch a contest if your honest.

People have a right to be pissed of and angry after that, whats the view of the op, im not allowed to vent off on a City forum.

Its not wit, humor, or even that intelligent. Its more Naive, immature and stupid.

The whole post calling maoning at people for moaning. Serious, if that isnt an arrogant thing to do im not sure what is. I can moan and have a valid point, but everyone else has a defect ?

Yeah jog on nob head.

Thank you, you illustrate my point perfectly.

...and I think you'll find it's Knob head.
Re: Bluemong/moan

JohnMaddocksAxe said:
BillyShears said:
You remind me of JMA's in that you seem to like a good crying moaning whining session yourself.

See you in court!

you know I meant it in the nicest possible way!
Re: Bluemong/moan

Re: Bluemong/moan

BillyShears said:
uncle charlie wilson said:
suits your embittered agendas.


We have a winner.

Anytime you fancy a pint sunshine you drop me a PM and we'll meet up before a match.

I'd like to see if the 'cut of your jib' is in fact as interesting as it is here on miserable Bluemoan.

I've seen quite a few of your posts since you joined. You remind me of JMA's in that you seem to like a good crying moaning whining session yourself...seems a shame though that you reserve most of your crying moaning whining to what other people post on here rather than whatever subject is being discussed...

My supposed moaning will never hold a candle to yours in respect of our manager. I'd imagine you were foaming at the mouth with indignation on here last night / this morning.

But besides that minor irritance, I do in fact consider you a quality poster, someone who contributes rather than takes. I can't say the same of DD.

Your cabal with him is a little unnerving, if not a little odd.

I'd be willing to meet for a drink, unless its simply a lure in a effort to groom me so yourself and Dave can pass me around while taking turns.

But otherwise, why not?
Re: Bluemong/moan

We do moan a lot. Last season we won the FA Cup and qualified outright for CL and we moaned. We win the PL and we will moan.

Personally I think its just insecurity, the lurking fear that we will cock things up. We are pre conditioned like a whipped dog. Game goes tits and our fears come flooding back - manager is shit, players are shit, need new players, players not up for it, poor pre season, why didn't we play this formation/player/Ade/Bellamy etc etc

After years of living in squalor and feeding off scraps we have moved into a plush new penthouse with 24 hour room service and we are just waiting for someone to rumble us and turf us out.

And the cure?

Years of unremitting success.

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