
Re: Bluemong/moan

uncle charlie wilson said:
BillyShears said:
uncle charlie wilson said:
suits your embittered agendas.


We have a winner.

Anytime you fancy a pint sunshine you drop me a PM and we'll meet up before a match.

I'd like to see if the 'cut of your jib' is in fact as interesting as it is here on miserable Bluemoan.

I've seen quite a few of your posts since you joined. You remind me of JMA's in that you seem to like a good crying moaning whining session yourself...seems a shame though that you reserve most of your crying moaning whining to what other people post on here rather than whatever subject is being discussed...

My supposed moaning will never hold a candle to yours in respect of our manager. I'd imagine you were foaming at the mouth with indignation on here last night / this morning.

But besides that minor irritance, I do in fact consider you a quality poster, someone who contributes rather than takes. I can't say the same of DD.

Your cabal with him is a little unnerving, if not a little odd.

I'd be willing to meet for a drink, unless its simply a lure in a effort to groom me so yourself and Dave can pass me around while taking turns.

But otherwise, why not?

PMSL - you know a lot to say you've been here one month mate.

You're obviously someone who's lost an argument and got banned before.

Come on...own up...
Re: Bluemong/moan

Didsbury Dave said:
jay_mcfc said:
Didsbury Dave said:

Look it up in a dictionary if need be.

If you don't like it fuck off. We don't need some new kid giving lectures like he owns the place.

People are entitled to an opinion whether they've been here 5 minutes or 5 years

Of course they're entitled to an opinion but I'm entitled to tell them to fuck off

I'd read Ric's small print at the top of the site ;)
Re: Bluemong/moan

uncle charlie wilson said:
After just 10 minutes browsing this forum for the first time since yesterday's game I've read;

Kompany's a twat.

Balotelli is a ****.

Silva's a myth.

And even - 'Gary Neville was right'.

So in that vein, the rags were right. Their description of this forum is pretty accurate, this forum is an absolute embarrassment. Those of us who have reasonable cognitive abilities have to regularly suffer the large collection of excessively fickle fuckwitts who make an otherwise brilliant forum, occasionally insufferable.

I think I speak for many when I say this - Log off, have a wank or shag your mum/sister (whatever floats your boat), and give the forum a wide berth until you've spouted your first pube.


On another note entirely, I hope those clueless enough to consider Barry useless will have learned to appreciate what he brings to our side after Yaya's completely ineffective performance while playing in his role beside De Jong. And as such, I hope those people will recognise his contribution to our previous successful season - he deserves it.

Anyway, here's to the coming season and the end of entirely pointless friendlies. Cheer up, muppets.


Look it up in a dictionary if need be.
You do know this is a Manchester City Internet forum, don't you?! As a set of fans we are bi-polar, and there are a huge amount of Rags who pose as Blues and post on here. I don't take it too seriously. Just pick out the good bits, because there are loads and concentrate on them. There's some top posters on here who don't have to resort to knee-jerk reactions or calling other posters names or trying to make a point of how big their dicks or wallets are!
Re: Bluemong/moan

uncle charlie wilson said:
My supposed moaning will never hold a candle to yours in respect of our manager. I'd imagine you were foaming at the mouth with indignation on here last night / this morning.

Your cabal with him is a little unnerving, if not a little odd.

You're making this far too easy and far too transparent. You set out with express purpose of getting a rise out of people - bet you can't believe your luck that it's managed to suck the likes of me and DD in...

That alone chalks this up as a victory for your good self...
Re: Bluemong/moan

Didsbury Dave said:
PMSL - you know a lot to say you've been here one month mate.

You're obviously someone who's lost an argument and got banned before.

Come on...own up...

If everyone chips in a fiver, and sends it to your paypal or whatever, will you consider refraining from 'PMSL' for the duration of this season?
Re: Bluemong/moan

BobKowalski said:
We do moan a lot. Last season we won the FA Cup and qualified outright for CL and we moaned. We win the PL and we will moan.

Personally I think its just insecurity, the lurking fear that we will cock things up. We are pre conditioned like a whipped dog. Game goes tits and our fears come flooding back - manager is shit, players are shit, need new players, players not up for it, poor pre season, why didn't we play this formation/player/Ade/Bellamy etc etc

After years of living in squalor and feeding off scraps we have moved into a plush new penthouse with 24 hour room service and we are just waiting for someone to rumble us and turf us out.

And the cure?

Years of unremitting success.

Bob, all football fans of all clubs in all leagues in all countries have forums which highlight the more extreme viewpoints. Fickleness, football fans and forums are an unholy trinity and will always sit together.

If we'd have won on Sunday there would have been threads about winning the quadruple. It's the nature of the beast.

That's why threads like this are irritating, they seem to think City fans are different to anyone else. How would you feel if some new kid came in your local on a Saturday night, finished his first coke, cleared his throat and "announced" that this pub was shit, everyone is drunk?
Re: Bluemong/moan

Didsbury Dave said:
uncle charlie wilson said:
BillyShears said:

We have a winner.

Anytime you fancy a pint sunshine you drop me a PM and we'll meet up before a match.

I'd like to see if the 'cut of your jib' is in fact as interesting as it is here on miserable Bluemoan.

I've seen quite a few of your posts since you joined. You remind me of JMA's in that you seem to like a good crying moaning whining session yourself...seems a shame though that you reserve most of your crying moaning whining to what other people post on here rather than whatever subject is being discussed...

My supposed moaning will never hold a candle to yours in respect of our manager. I'd imagine you were foaming at the mouth with indignation on here last night / this morning.

But besides that minor irritance, I do in fact consider you a quality poster, someone who contributes rather than takes. I can't say the same of DD.

Your cabal with him is a little unnerving, if not a little odd.

I'd be willing to meet for a drink, unless its simply a lure in a effort to groom me so yourself and Dave can pass me around while taking turns.

But otherwise, why not?

PMSL - you know a lot to say you've been here one month mate.

You're obviously someone who's lost an argument and got banned before.

Come on...own up...

As I've already stated, I've been a poster for one month, I've been a viewer much longer.
Re: Bluemong/moan

ST Coleridge said:
Didsbury Dave said:
PMSL - you know a lot to say you've been here one month mate.

You're obviously someone who's lost an argument and got banned before.

Come on...own up...

If everyone chips in a fiver, and sends it to your paypal or whatever, will you consider refraining from 'PMSL' for the duration of this season?
Oh please
Re: Bluemong/moan

Didsbury Dave said:
BobKowalski said:
We do moan a lot. Last season we won the FA Cup and qualified outright for CL and we moaned. We win the PL and we will moan.

Personally I think its just insecurity, the lurking fear that we will cock things up. We are pre conditioned like a whipped dog. Game goes tits and our fears come flooding back - manager is shit, players are shit, need new players, players not up for it, poor pre season, why didn't we play this formation/player/Ade/Bellamy etc etc

After years of living in squalor and feeding off scraps we have moved into a plush new penthouse with 24 hour room service and we are just waiting for someone to rumble us and turf us out.

And the cure?

Years of unremitting success.

Bob, all football fans of all clubs in all leagues in all countries have forums which highlight the more extreme viewpoints. Fickleness, football fans and forums are an unholy trinity and will always sit together.

If we'd have won on Sunday there would have been threads about winning the quadruple. It's the nature of the beast.

That's why threads like this are irritating, they seem to think City fans are different to anyone else. How would you feel if some new kid came in your local on a Saturday night, finished his first coke, cleared his throat and "announced" that this pub was shit, everyone is drunk?

I wish you would fuck off.

I am agreeing with more and more of your posts. Do i need help?

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