Bluemoon Fitness Thread

Good luck Taxi!

May I offer a word of advice? Don't cut out snacks, just make sure they are healthy

Else you lol end up starving and reach for the biscuit tin

Does tonights tea look amazing.It certainly tasted so and was rather satiating.


Is there a reason you couldn't make this yourself? You'd be much better served doing your own version, cutting out most of the salt, preservatives and sugar that "ready meals" come stacked with.
If I was in a jungle and being chased down by a lion I would just have to say eat me up Mr Lion and be dammed with the consequence !
My all time fitness level is now perilessly close to full on capitulation.
And so if I may be so pertenent as to request affiliated membership of your Bluemoon fitness I would be so grateful.

I have been drinking too much over the last year or so and drink as we all know is calorie intensive offering little in the way of any sensible nutrition.
I am also ridiculously addicted to jammie dodgers and ridge crisps.
No such thing as being big boned or having an underactive thyroid (well maybe for some but not for the majority )
I have a wedding in May and could do with losing four stone of adipose puppy fat.
Mainly for health but also because it would enable me to glide down the isle a little easier.
I have started a self awarness programme of all that I eat and drink and "in the last fortnight" I have performed rather magnificently.
My vital statics at start up were 251 pounds and five foot seven and a half in height.
BMI of around 39 and so a bit on the plumpish side.Size XXL in t shirts and 42 inch waist.
Here is my new diet shedule that I place to print if it may be of assistance to others in a similar boat.
If it is piss poor then feel free to offer any advice which would gratefully be received.
It certainly is of assistance for me to put into words my ten month journey back to some resemblance of fighting fitness.
It will not be a diet for me but a total change of eating habits moderated drinking and more excercise.

Here are my own rulez;
Saturated fats and sugars will be in the main be excluded.
No snacking in between meals.
Three balanced meals a day.

Meal one cereal based with skimmed milk.
Meal two frozen meal of some description for ease with baked potatoe etc
Meal three fish or chicken with steamed vegitables and new potatoes
Fruit to satiate any perceived hunger.

Three days a week shall always be drinking days.
In order to reduce calorie content I shall use the lowest calorie count for the strenth of lager I prefer.
I cannot abide drinking piss like Fosters or Carling etc so will imbibe upon a cheeky 5 % number called Hostein Pils where all the sugar turns to alcholol.
A Holstein pint is 210 calories so very good there.
I will have three pints of this potion suplemented with a rather cuning fiendish plan of mine suplemementing the other four or five I would normaly drink with Gin and low calorie tonic.

I have calculated that 60 ml gin@37.5 proof is the same strenthgh as a 5% pint of holstein but only containing around 125 calories saving 85 calories a drink.
In order to negate and compensate for my three nights drinking sessions which are non negotiable I have been walking 3 hours a day at 3 mph burning around 800 -1,000 kcal. As I reduce weight I intend to re introduce swimming.
Calories for food without deducting exersise are being maintained around the 1,000 mark for the first month owing to levels of obesity.
Calories for alcholol will be restricted to around 1,000 for each of the three days but negated by my forest gump impersonation..

Tonights tea consisted of a steamed ping ready meal from Aldis of chili chicken and noodles.
Acompanied by a baked potatoe @ 200grams and a packet of steamed vegatables.Total intake 500 kcal.
Lunch was a ham ommelatte and breakfast was shredded wheat three of (piece of piss) with skimmed milk.

Does tonights tea look amazing.It certainly tasted so and was rather satiating.


Hope you dont mind me ocationaly intruding on thread once in a bluemoon to update progress.
Happy days indeed ;

If I do have to join a gymnasium after month one is over then this is the gym I would like to join

3 drinking days and ready meals what possibly could go wrong

I presume the cereal is sugar puffs or coco pops

Good luck though
I have always been active but was 15 and a half stone for years! I am 42 now and have tried a few things to get rid of the belly.

I play football twice a week, have run a lot and cycled but, admittedly, have always eaten crap.

I started the Joe Wicks Lean in 15 a couple of months ago and then subscribed (£50 a month for 3 months) to get my own personal plan.

I have never eaten so much but followed the plan with the easy exercises and its working a treat

Downside is it does cost and you have to buy a lot of food!
Pros are I have never been fitter, the belly is disappearing and I'm putting on a lot of muscle - I am onto week 5 of 12 at the moment and the changes are amazing

There you go
I have always been active but was 15 and a half stone for years! I am 42 now and have tried a few things to get rid of the belly.

I play football twice a week, have run a lot and cycled but, admittedly, have always eaten crap.

I started the Joe Wicks Lean in 15 a couple of months ago and then subscribed (£50 a month for 3 months) to get my own personal plan.

I have never eaten so much but followed the plan with the easy exercises and its working a treat

Downside is it does cost and you have to buy a lot of food!
Pros are I have never been fitter, the belly is disappearing and I'm putting on a lot of muscle - I am onto week 5 of 12 at the moment and the changes are amazing

There you go

It's all about using your noggin where food is concerned and adding weights and cardio and it's doable, people can either work it out themselves or follow a plan like you, most Fail through lack of planning or fad diets
Shredded wheat three of !
Ready meals or ping meals have the nessasary ingrediants mapped out making calculation somewhat easier.
I have the power to dress the meals up making them more appealing and satiating .
The meal I ate tonight was splendid in every sense of the word and my compliments to chef.

In my experience processed food is one of the biggest mistakes you can make fella, lean meat and veg is pretty easy to cook and I agree making them interesting is key, no one wants grilled chicken and broccoli every night or any night for that matter
Let me advise of a typical none working day over two weeks ago.

Breakfast sausauge and bacon buttie with brown sauce but always some form of fry up.
Left over sausauge and bacon butties off the wifes plate.
Dinner was a pound bake pie or similar
A scoop or two in a weatherspoons whilst shopping.
Tea time ..whatever we had ..
Tinnies around seven or eight for the evening session plus some home brew.

The above fluctuated give or take but was generally the norm accomapanied by little to no excersise save for shopping.
Therefore I conclude I do not have an overactive thyroid after all but more of an overactive mouth.
The line in the sand has now been firmly drawn and soon my toes and I will be reconcilled !
Word dude. Good luck.

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