Bluemoon Fitness Thread

I wanted to cut out bread, I usually have it only on my dinner breaks in work.

Usually 2 sandwiches - chicken or ham and cheese. I'm quite fussy in what i like! Sometimes I have pasta with chicken and chorizo

I was wondering what i could replace bread with to help my weight loss? I'm currently going gym 4/5 times a week and just started jogging 5k.

So my plan has been jogging outdoors Monday Wednesday Friday then gym Tuesday Thursday. I've actually been losing weight as my clothes are fitting better and clothes that didn't fit now fit. Feel abit better and have been off the drink for a few weeks!
I wanted to cut out bread, I usually have it only on my dinner breaks in work.

Usually 2 sandwiches - chicken or ham and cheese. I'm quite fussy in what i like! Sometimes I have pasta with chicken and chorizo

I was wondering what i could replace bread with to help my weight loss? I'm currently going gym 4/5 times a week and just started jogging 5k.

So my plan has been jogging outdoors Monday Wednesday Friday then gym Tuesday Thursday. I've actually been losing weight as my clothes are fitting better and clothes that didn't fit now fit. Feel abit better and have been off the drink for a few weeks!
Wholemeal pitta.

And stick to white meat.

Take nuts,boiled eggs,tinned fish,apples,bananas,protein shakes/bars for snacks.
Struggling for motivation this weekend. And craving a roast dinner. Off to the pub shortly and resisting temptation will be hard.

How far do you reckon you'd need to run to burn off a full Sunday roast?!! Might have to do it after the City game
Hello Ben and I tend to agree with your hypothesis on Homebrew consumption and it's calorific content.
We really have no grasp of energy imbibed when performing the ancient art of distilling.
I have been recently honing my body back into something resembling a shape.
Dropping a few dress sizes and being able to cut my own toe nails would be a step in the right direction.
So many different ideas and mapped out formuli to acheive sensible karma.
We have the carb diet the fat burning diet the grapefruit diet the low fat diet,weightwatcher plan and indelible Atkins plan.
High glucoma low impact high impact workouts five twos and six ones and isometric bounce yourself fit tripe.

When push comes to shove it comes down to a modicum of common sense.
Energy in energy out shall be our salvation. Some may disagree as we are not steam engines but more A complex organism witk many factors coming to play.
Increase the energy out,decrease the energy in and we have negative calorific flow and the holy grail of eventual weight loss on our road to Jeruselelm.
I think the word diet should be struck from our vocabulary being replaced with education. A total scientific understanding of what we eat and why.
I will discuss why we eat what we eat at at a later stage. But basically my plan consists of replacing one subsititute food for another.
If we make simple changes to the way we eat we can make this journey more bareable.
We all know what should go to the bin with sugared snacks and saturated cake high on the agenda.
We did not pile the pounds on quickly so why should we set unacheivable targets in erridicating this adiposal menace from our hips and midrift.
Small baby steps will be the new watchword. You can read more about this in my new book called Taxi Stepping Your Way Back To Fitness out soon;

Can anyone tell me what we have not discussed today..
That's right excersise which is the important key to any pandora box.
You are about to launch yourselfs on a journey releasing an untapped wonder that's alive and breathing within you all.
I care not how you excersise only that you do it and do it as safe as possible.
Remember that steam train analogy we talked about because your body is not going to chug down that track at full throttle on day one.
You have to build stamina slowly as injury will set you back and halt any progress.
Here are some warm up excersises for you from a good pal of mine called Vera De Milo

Excellent post as ever, I fear the home brew has had lasting effects.

If you are looking at your food intake, I would recommend the myfitnesspal app or similar, it has all the foods you may come across and will help keeping track of what's going in without having to rely on the ready meals, it worked wonders for me and showed just how badly wrong I'd misjudged my eating habits. Another stint is probably needed to shift a reappearing stone or so.

I started with improving my eating and as time went and weight loss stalled built up the exercise, namely running, the first time I was lucky to make a KM and walked home on two numb stumps, but as with anything, perseverance pays off and the only thing that holds me back now is laziness.

Good luck, it's actually quite good fun finding out what you're capable of.
I've totally binned running now as my calf keeps giving up (I can't just take my time and jog, have to run). So, I've now gone down the swimming route. It's taken me a while to get up to speed, but I now go 4 times a week and I'm doing around 2km each swim. I'm doing 1500m freestyle without stopping, then an extra 500m to finish off. Recently I've tried to put that proper turn in, but my life it's difficult........and I look a twat!

As for the discussion above, I can't give up bread as I enjoy it too much, same for alcohol.
Quite a proud feeling today for me.
I haven't posted in here for about 3/4 weeks.

I've now officially lost EXACTLY 4 stone since January.
I aimed to lose 3 stone before the end of August (my birthday)
But I've managed to smash my target a few weeks earlier than planned.
I wanna drop another 2 or 3 stone now. But I'm gonna do this next stage gradually and try and turn more into muscle.
I was 21 stone in January. I weighed myself in a hotel I was staying in when in London, and I was absolutely ashamed.
That weekend I began my journey.
Today when I weighed myself I was exactly 17 stone. (Still not ideal I know)

It's amazing how quickly it can drop off if you get into a proper routine.

I used to turn up to the gym a few years ago and think that it would just happen overnight. I've been really strict with myself this time and pushed myself to go that extra bit further.
I've made it a habit and a part of my daily routine and it's actually become more of a hobby than a chore.

Really excited to see what else I can achieve in the gym now!

It's been good adapting the way I eat too.
I used to skip breakfast (wasn't a fan of eating in the morning)
Have something for dinner, and have a big meal at night when I'd finished work at about 10pm, which was a major downfall.

I've cut out most carbs (bad carbs)
I'll have something in the morning, mainly eggs or fruit, high fibre cereal.
Or some days a meal replacement shake.

A mid morning snack of a healthy bar (nked bars, trek protein bars)

Usually a salad, fish/meat for dinner.

And usually another meal replacement shake, or salad with meat/fish again for tea.

Drinking water has never been an issue that's all I drink, water and sparkling water. Never been a big drinker of sugary things anyway. Cut out caffeine.

And I don't eat anything after 8pm. (Finish work at 10pm, my break is usually 7:30)

Haven't touched a drop of alcohol in 3 months either.

Gonna try a few different things in the gym now to build more muscle and tone up other areas.

Happy days!
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Quite a proud feeling today for me.
I haven't posted in here for about 3/4 weeks.

I've now officially lost EXACTLY 4 stone since January.
I aimed to lose 3 stone before the end of August (my birthday)
But I've managed to smash my target a few weeks earlier than planned.
I wanna drop another 2 or 3 stone now. But I'm gonna do this next stage gradually and try and turn more into muscle.
I was 21 stone in January. I weighed myself in a hotel I was staying in when in London, and I was absolutely ashamed.
That weekend I began my journey.
Today when I weighed myself I was exactly 17 stone. (Still not ideal I know)

It's amazing how quickly it can drop off if you get into a proper routine.

I used to turn up to the gym a few years ago and think that it would just happen overnight. I've been really strict with myself this time and pushed myself to go that extra bit further.
I've made it a habit and a part of my daily routine and it's actually become more of a hobby than a chore.

Really excited to see what else I can achieve in the gym now!

It's been good adapting the way I eat too.
I used to skip breakfast (wasn't a fan of eating in the morning)
Have something for dinner, and have a big meal at night when I'd finished work at about 10pm, which was a major downfall.

I've cut out most carbs (bad carbs)
I'll have something in the morning, mainly eggs or fruit, high fibre cereal.
Or some days a meal replacement shake.

A mid morning snack of a healthy bar (nked bars, trek protein bars)

Usually a salad, fish/meat for dinner.

And usually another meal replacement shake, or salad with meat/fish again for tea.

Drinking water has never been an issue that's all I drink, water and sparkling water. Never been a big drinker of sugary things anyway. Cut out caffeine.

And I don't eat anything after 8pm. (Finish work at 10pm, my break is usually 7:30)

Haven't touched a drop of alcohol in 3 months either.

Gonna try a few different things in the gym now to build more muscle and tone up other areas.

Happy days!
Well done Danny. Shows what hard work and determination can do but its not easy and you've smashed it mate. You should be really proud of yourself!
What's an alternative method to burning body fat aside from HIIT training?

I have attempted Insanity on four occasions now, but I have never made it past week 6. I either lose motivation, injure myself or question what the f**k am I doing jumping around like a chipmunk on speed for 40-45 minutes each day.

Right now I am approximately 65kg, my BMI is a rather misleading 19.2, and yet my body fat percentage must be fairly high.
What's an alternative method to burning body fat aside from HIIT training?

I have attempted Insanity on four occasions now, but I have never made it past week 6. I either lose motivation, injure myself or question what the f**k am I doing jumping around like a chipmunk on speed for 40-45 minutes each day.

Right now I am approximately 65kg, my BMI is a rather misleading 19.2, and yet my body fat percentage must be fairly high.
How tall are you? 65kg is fuck all
I would imagine you are 'skinny fat'

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