Bluemoon Fitness Thread

6k climbing in 18 hours is very impressive all the same- my head falls off after about 5 hours. Well done.

Cheers mate, I'm normally a four or five hour rider. Got some decent tunes going, a nice easy gear and disengage brain! Are you in Manchester?
Its easier said than done.....but fuck what anyone else thinks......anyone who criticises another who is attempting to improve themselves is a cvnt in my book and not worth a wank.Besides,the vast majority in any gym are so self obsessed they barely notice anyone else :-)

So,find a good gym and get your arse in there!

Diet wise,something similar to......

weetabix,banana and protein shake or eggs on rye bread

Basmati rice and chicken

Salmon/white fish,lean beef,turkey,chicken and loads of veg

2 boiled eggs or cottage cheese/quark

Snack - 8 almonds/tspn natural Peanut butter and an apple

@FantasyIreland, assuming in general you train between Lunch and Tea, do you put something in the 2 spaces between bfast and lunch, and then between lunch and tea (pre-workout or post?)
What's an alternative method to burning body fat aside from HIIT training?

I have attempted Insanity on four occasions now, but I have never made it past week 6. I either lose motivation, injure myself or question what the f**k am I doing jumping around like a chipmunk on speed for 40-45 minutes each day.

Right now I am approximately 65kg, my BMI is a rather misleading 19.2, and yet my body fat percentage must be fairly high.
Just about to finish insanity for the fourth time mate. I love it. It is ridiculously hard but there is no better way to burn fat and shred your body. I love the results, which is what motivates me.
@FantasyIreland, assuming in general you train between Lunch and Tea, do you put something in the 2 spaces between bfast and lunch, and then between lunch and tea (pre-workout or post?)

A typical training day diet would have been......

0600 - 100g Muesli,blueberries and 40g protein shake (1g vit c,3g fish oil,5g creatine) or 2 Rye 6 eggs(1 yolk) half tin of chopped tomatoes
0900 - Quark and 10g protein powder or 2 boiled eggs
1200 - 150g chicken/spinach leaves in wholemeal pitta
1500 - Banana and 30g protein shake or 50g porridge and protein shake
1615 - preworkout drink(nitric oxide)
1700 - Train
1800 - banana and 40g protein shake(5g creatine,5g leucine,1g vit C,ZMA)
1900 - Salmon,half packet of tilda rice,mushrooms,peppers and brocolli.
2200 - 40g Casein shake and tbsp peanut butter(3g fish oil)

All built around a 3 day PPL routine.
I have lost 1.5 pound this week not through dieting but by making educated choices and replacements.If I call it a diet it shall be borne of failure.

Three meals a day and nothing niltch zilch inbetween.
Alcholol has been cut to three days a week and a limiter of 6 pints a session put on.
The meals I choose are very satiating and a typical example is

Breakfast was Bran flakes and skimmed milk.
Dinner today was a spanish ommelette no filling and two pices of danish bread
Tea was immense and was another steamed microwave meal from the aldi stable with spinich and green shoots and chicken and potatoes.

I shall follow these ready meals as they give me exact calorific counters in these early days.
The ale has been negated by a three hour walk at four mile per hour (briskly) I cant run yet.
My target is going to be an acheivalble 14.stone seven pounds and a 36 inch waist
Back in the day I was a very fit individual.
When I was at hawsey island training for clearance diving we used to mud run in full dry suits for hours on end
Run the lengh of the island with logs on shoulder.
This will obviously never happen again but excersise will come more into play more as the pounds slip off.Swimming especially.
That is all for now and good luck to all on their sabatical back to fitness.

Good luck Taxi - i too am a fat bastad. Currently 14.10 at about 5ft 11 and trying to get to 12 12 and body fat percentage under 15% by next June. My biggest problem is doing well Monday to Thurday and then putting back on all i have lost midweek by going on a bender on the saturday. Ale makes me loose all willpower! Started keeping a food and excersise diary and limited my alchohol to Friday and Saturday nights.
I'd forget any ideas of losing weight and get on the weights.
Ideally starting strength but if ego gets in the way (mine did) another 5x5 would work - or GOMAD (Google It)
Stronglift 5x5 - very easy to follow program, has a nice app and will give good results for beginners and intermediate lifters. And check out videos by starting strength/mark rippertoe for lifting technique.

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