Bluemoon Fitness Thread

Ha ha, mate I done all kind of diets calorie restrictions etc 6 small meals a day but never stuck with them. IF just fits my life perfectly I fast for roughly 16-18 hours per day then eat all my calories in a smaller feeding window. Hit them fat reserves by fasting instead of using carbs for fuel.
So on a training day,what does your typical day look like in regards timings of food and the workout?
Anyone here had experiences with the Paleo Diet?
As in sticking to foods that your body is historically used to with ancestors having a long history of success in consuming certain foods.

Paleo is my regular go to diet throughout the week although I do have a binge of junk whenever I feel like it as I'm still skinny and burn fuel quickly for now.

Been on it for a week or two now bar the odd thing I can't avoid like a few biscuits at work or a sandwich the other day when I forgot my dinner.

I'm young, athletic and have a high metabolism as it is but the "bloat" or small "podge" has fell off and I'm flat as a washboard again. So much fruit and veg, though I find eating a lot of fruit and veg makes me hungrier!!
Been on it for a week or two now bar the odd thing I can't avoid like a few biscuits at work or a sandwich the other day when I forgot my dinner.

I'm young, athletic and have a high metabolism as it is but the "bloat" or small "podge" has fell off and I'm flat as a washboard again. So much fruit and veg, though I find eating a lot of fruit and veg makes me hungrier!!
Hmm that's odd as eating whole fruits and veg is supposed to fill us, and more so than juicing.
I can drink Bucket loads of orange juice all day, thus consuming all that sugar and I'm still hungry...yet just eating one whole orange is enough for me.

Are you a quick eater by any chance?

Fab diets are exactly that and for me aren't designed to be a success forever, as the creators wouldn't then be able to sell their next books.

It's all about lifestyle, nailing this down and making the diet YOUR regular diet, like it's a part of your personality and defines you.

My partner finds me predictable and boring as I'll usually choose fish, rice and veg when we go out for meals or I cook but tough shit, if she wants a fella with a ripped body that's what I'm eating.
Fab diets are exactly that and for me aren't designed to be a success forever, as the creators wouldn't then be able to sell their next books.

It's all about lifestyle, nailing this down and making the diet YOUR regular diet, like it's a part of your personality and defines you.

My partner finds me predictable and boring as I'll usually choose fish, rice and veg when we go out for meals or I cook but tough shit, if she wants a fella with a ripped body that's what I'm eating.

I don't think it can ever be a diet but more a new way of life in what we eat.
It isn't something that can be constantly switched on and off like a light switch.
There are folk out there that do have lower burn rates but surely the answer is to accomadate this by reducing calorific intake accordingly.
Since giving up the evil cig I gained weight by a good three stones.
And then over the last year or so increased alcholol intake.
In reality though giving up smoking is not why I am fat.
I am fat because I eat too much and drink too much beyond daily calorific limatations.

I have reduced alcholol down only to Mondays and wednesdays
On the whole this is a good call because alcholol is incredulously calorie intensive.
Tonight I am having Holstein Pils because the sugar turns to alchohol and it's probabley the lower calorie lager outthere when strenth and ABV is taken into consideration.I dont like the taste of lower ABV lagers or beers.
On one day a week namely sunday I only imbibe of 500 calories to give my system a complete rest.
I am consintently losing weight and soon will be a veritable bird magnet although this is not my intention.
I will deal with this new phenonominum by reducing spice bomb intake to my neck.
That is all for now:
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Hmm that's odd as eating whole fruits and veg is supposed to fill us, and more so than juicing.
I can drink Bucket loads of orange juice all day, thus consuming all that sugar and I'm still hungry...yet just eating one whole orange is enough for me.

Are you a quick eater by any chance?

Fab diets are exactly that and for me aren't designed to be a success forever, as the creators wouldn't then be able to sell their next books.

It's all about lifestyle, nailing this down and making the diet YOUR regular diet, like it's a part of your personality and defines you.

My partner finds me predictable and boring as I'll usually choose fish, rice and veg when we go out for meals or I cook but tough shit, if she wants a fella with a ripped body that's what I'm eating.

I know there's something about having an apple or banana that makes me want like 30. I could easily eat a couple packets of pink ladies and not feel bad ha! I wonder if it's just my body adjusting to previous quite high levels of carbs and expecting them still.

But no, I'm a slow eater. I often have a break if I have a big meal and people whinge because I don't scoff it down when eating with company.
It's only 8mins, have a listen

Basic idea on what foods we should be eating/avoiding

Fuck pharmaceutical companies and their agenda for profit.
Big corps want you eating junk, so you become obedient.
You lose your natural senses, becoming depressed, physically Ill and so on... So you become dependant on the systems health "solutions"

Nature has its own solution.
The more you live naturally from the earth believe me you will feel better.

Nuts and seeds (Not roasted, salted shite)
Yerba Mate.
Filtered Water (no flouride)
Fresh Fish.
Free range eggs.
Organic non farmed Chicken.
Brown Rice (wholegrain)
Spinach (popeye wasn't daft)
Almond Milk.
Flaxseed oil.
Whole Fruits.
%100 natural Iranian Dates.
Lemon squeeze on your fish when cooking.
Black pepper.

Drink Yerba Mate throughout the day!!! Nobleza Gaucha
It's only 8mins, have a listen

Basic idea on what foods we should be eating/avoiding

Fuck pharmaceutical companies and their agenda for profit.
Big corps want you eating junk, so you become obedient.
You lose your natural senses, becoming depressed, physically Ill and so on... So you become dependant on the systems health "solutions"

Nature has its own solution.
The more you live naturally from the earth believe me you will feel better.

Nuts and seeds (Not roasted, salted shite)
Yerba Mate.
Filtered Water (no flouride)
Fresh Fish.
Free range eggs.
Organic non farmed Chicken.
Brown Rice (wholegrain)
Spinach (popeye wasn't daft)
Almond Milk.
Flaxseed oil.
Whole Fruits.
%100 natural Iranian Dates.
Lemon squeeze on your fish when cooking.
Black pepper.

Drink Yerba Mate throughout the day!!! Nobleza Gaucha

Good call that list. Quite a few of my favs on there - spinach, flaxseed, eggs, fish etc. Now trying to cultivate a taste for plain high cocoa chocolate.
I must admit I have tried the yerba mate 'tea' but gave it up, maybe too soon, to go back to green tea blend (70% green, 30% black) - will try again.

Mind you pal, I think they also say a good night's sleep is essential too, so I'm off to the land of nod ;-)
I think I could pretty much write your reply now for when he responds
No problem,please feel free to add your input.

Ive always been a fan of the little and often approach - high protein,moderate fat with carb manipualtion.

I would struggle going any longer than 4 hours without food,especially training on an empty stomach(if thats the case)
No problem,please feel free to add your input.

Ive always been a fan of the little and often approach - high protein,moderate fat with carb manipualtion.

I would struggle going any longer than 4 hours without food,especially training on an empty stomach(if thats the case)

IF is very person specific tbh mate, it either fits your natural appetite (people like me) or it doesn't (people like you).

I'll link you to Martin Berkhan's 'Leangains' where a vast majority of the research was done on IF (and where pretty much every other form takes that research and relates it to their own IF method, as an example, the 5:2 diet, the only research directly relating to that method was a 1950's study at a Spanish retirement home, the rest, it takes from Berkhan's work).

I'm pretty sure it won't be for you mate, but, it will answer many of the questions you ask and is a pretty good read regardless just to get another perspective (one that's even made the usual elite knowledgeable guys sit up and take notice), like fasted training, note that technically it isn't fasted as Berkhan recommends BCAA's pre workout, but that aside, there are various set-ups that allow 1 and 2 meals prior depending on your daily routine and when you train.

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