So I went to Sri Lanka at the start of April and immediately hated the holiday snaps the wife had taken of me. So in the five weeks I’ve been back, I stepped up back into my old training regime. At 37, I thought I’d struggle to drop weight and regain fitness but have been pleasantly surprised although I’ve been stupidly strict on my diet and calorie intake. If I took it in, it was a calorie with a purpose type of thing.
Been limiting carbs to very little. And completely cut out none natural sugars (not doing keto but just being sensible.) that was hard as I love sweets.
Virtually no booze (yes, both CL ties and the derby dry, had a beer against Brighton though).
Lots of protein and veg.
Been doing a lot of running and weights three days a week, took up boxing against couple of days per week before work as well and feel that my five week blast has nearly put me back in the shape I was seven years ago. Gonna continue this through until the summer (then relax into having a drink again after that as I’m boring dry) and try and see how shredded I can end up by the time we hit the Bahamas in July.
April 12th - 103kg (I’m 6’ 4” and hadn’t noticed the weight so much in my suit at work)
May 16th - 90.6kg (still 6’ 4” and back benching 100kg, was struggling with 50 back in April) and ran 11km this morning before I took an obligatory selfie in the lift.
I’m amazed how fast the weight falls off when cutting out booze and bread/pasta/refined sugar as I thought it would take another couple of months to hit 90kg.