bnp have an elected mep

BingoBango said:
mrcunny said:
BingoBango said:
CHBLUE said:
by voting in these 2 parties , even for a small number of seats set a real statement on how most people are seeing this country , maybe in hope that other partys notice and make some of these issues part of there agenda aswell . yes i voted them and no many people that did . due to the fact that it is an open gate policy into britain !

So again, you aren't 'a racist or fascist', yet you voted for a racist and fascist party. Don't you see the contradiction there? I really don't understand how you square that one.

If you wanted to send a message and a statement you could do it by voting UKIP, a party I have no love for, but at least hatred of others isn't one of their fundamental tenets.

You seem to be chewing on the same bone for some while..You dont have to be a fascist stormstrooper to vote bnp i presume a lot of law abiding pillars of the community voted for them.
The same goes you dont have to be gay to vote for the green party.
lets try and move on now and be a good chap.

My point wasn't to suggest that everyone who voted BNP is a stormtrooper or foaming fascist, that would be silly.

My point with CHBlue was that he was talking about sending a message, and he believed the BNP and UKIP ran campaigns on similar issues. Why not vote UKIP to send that message, rather than the other shower of hateful bastards?

chewing on the same bone , i like it !

BNP was the loudest , UKIP ran a quieter way . the loud 1's stood up and got heard my friend .
I'd say that a lot of people who wouldn't class themselfs as racists voted BNP. Nearly 1m people chose to vote for them and I'd say a vast number of those don't count themslfs as racists. People voted for the BNP because of the immigration issue and how our current government as let it get out of hand. I have some sympathy for those people. I'm not racist and I didn't vote BNP. One of the great things about this country is the value immigrants have put into this country. However it has now gone too far. We are seen as an easy target and people see it as a meal ticket. Compare our immigration policy to say Australia. You can't get in there if you haven't got work, etc. Here immigrants are begging or selling the Big Issue.
mcfc1996 said:
I'd say that a lot of people who wouldn't class themselfs as racists voted BNP. Nearly 1m people chose to vote for them and I'd say a vast number of those don't count themslfs as racists. People voted for the BNP because of the immigration issue and how our current government as let it get out of hand. I have some sympathy for those people. I'm not racist and I didn't vote BNP. One of the great things about this country is the value immigrants have put into this country. However it has now gone too far. We are seen as an easy target and people see it as a meal ticket. Compare our immigration policy to say Australia. You can't get in there if you haven't got work, etc. Here immigrants are begging or selling the Big Issue.


knock knock
whos there?
biggish who
not today thanks

ill get my coat
supercity36 said:
mcfc1996 said:
I'd say that a lot of people who wouldn't class themselfs as racists voted BNP. Nearly 1m people chose to vote for them and I'd say a vast number of those don't count themslfs as racists. People voted for the BNP because of the immigration issue and how our current government as let it get out of hand. I have some sympathy for those people. I'm not racist and I didn't vote BNP. One of the great things about this country is the value immigrants have put into this country. However it has now gone too far. We are seen as an easy target and people see it as a meal ticket. Compare our immigration policy to say Australia. You can't get in there if you haven't got work, etc. Here immigrants are begging or selling the Big Issue.

spot on . it's way out of control . i'm not a racist or facist but it makes some people happy if you just say you are !
CHBLUE said:
BingoBango said:
My point wasn't to suggest that everyone who voted BNP is a stormtrooper or foaming fascist, that would be silly.

My point with CHBlue was that he was talking about sending a message, and he believed the BNP and UKIP ran campaigns on similar issues. Why not vote UKIP to send that message, rather than the other shower of hateful bastards?

chewing on the same bone , i like it !

BNP was the loudest , UKIP ran a quieter way . the loud 1's stood up and got heard my friend .

Then why did the UKIP come 2nd overall with 2.5 million votes and the BNP come 6th with 0.9 million?
emptypockets said:
CHBLUE said:
BingoBango said:
My point wasn't to suggest that everyone who voted BNP is a stormtrooper or foaming fascist, that would be silly.

My point with CHBlue was that he was talking about sending a message, and he believed the BNP and UKIP ran campaigns on similar issues. Why not vote UKIP to send that message, rather than the other shower of hateful bastards?

chewing on the same bone , i like it !

BNP was the loudest , UKIP ran a quieter way . the loud 1's stood up and got heard my friend .

Then why did the UKIP come 2nd overall with 2.5 million votes and the BNP come 6th with 0.9 million?

dont waste your time mate. he has more holes than spongebob.
I was the head chef at the immigration centre for nearly 3years,and i know 1st hand exactly what benefits etc that these people get. We had rapists,philes,robbers and yes,decent honest people just trying to grab a fair chance at having some sort of life. The immigrants were fed 3 square meals per day along with snacks at 11am and 8pm,by snacks i mean fruit,buiscuits,tea, juice and coffee etc,(unlimited),and we had a monitor x4 (60k per year),to make sure the food was bob on,i mean,if the carrots being a little over/underdone,we would be marked accordingly,(not just saying it but mostly unfairly,inc the other 2 shifts). They had a choice of,fish,(different styles every sitting),chiken,beef/goat/lamb,curried etc, salad,and a choice of pudding,ie,homemade apple and custard,swiiss roll,ice cream etc,and you wouldnt believe the abuse that the servers used to get,they would be spat at,have the dinners thrown back at them,called nasty names,;and if you said anything back,like,"who dya think yer talking to",the said immigrant would put a report in and the server would be boolocked,or on several occasions get a written warning and be branded racist. They also get to play prize bingo,for a fiver or a tenner or a gift token for the subsidised shop,that we,by the way,were not allowed touse. GLS,formerley Group 4,were a joke to say the least,probably about 10 out of the 100 guards could handle it if it went off,and times 100 by 25k per year that the guards were on,and they were no better than dads army at best. Along with the otherb admin staff etc,the place costs billions to run,and to think the govt. stopped the warden on a weekend for at my mums sheltered accomodation,for the sake of a few quid in comparison to what gets spent on immigration,oh by the way,despite what any bullshit merchant wants to tell you,if they are granted asylum,they get fired to the front of the housing que,and prefered in the job market,and if they are sent back to their own countries,they get,either 1 or 2k as a goodbye gift,and yes,we also pay for their air fare. So just a little insight with no bullshit involved.
buzzer1 said:
I was the head chef at the immigration centre for nearly 3years,and i know 1st hand exactly what benefits etc that these people get. We had rapists,philes,robbers and yes,decent honest people just trying to grab a fair chance at having some sort of life. The immigrants were fed 3 square meals per day along with snacks at 11am and 8pm,by snacks i mean fruit,buiscuits,tea, juice and coffee etc,(unlimited),and we had a monitor x4 (60k per year),to make sure the food was bob on,i mean,if the carrots being a little over/underdone,we would be marked accordingly,(not just saying it but mostly unfairly,inc the other 2 shifts). They had a choice of,fish,(different styles every sitting),chiken,beef/goat/lamb,curried etc, salad,and a choice of pudding,ie,homemade apple and custard,swiiss roll,ice cream etc,and you wouldnt believe the abuse that the servers used to get,they would be spat at,have the dinners thrown back at them,called nasty names,;and if you said anything back,like,"who dya think yer talking to",the said immigrant would put a report in and the server would be boolocked,or on several occasions get a written warning and be branded racist. They also get to play prize bingo,for a fiver or a tenner or a gift token for the subsidised shop,that we,by the way,were not allowed toGLS,formerley Group 4,were a joke to say the least,probably about 10 out of the 100 guards could handle it if it went off,and times 100 by 25k per year that the guards were on,and they were no better than dads army at best. Along with the otherb admin staff etc,the place costs billions to run,and to think the govt. stopped the warden on a weekend for at my mums sheltered accomodation,for the sake of a few quid in comparison to what gets spent on immigration,oh by the way,despite what any bullshit merchant wants to tell you,if they are granted asylum,they get fired to the front of the housing que,and prefered in the job market,and if they are sent back to their own countries,they get,either 1 or 2k as a goodbye gift,and yes,we also pay for their air fare. So just a little insight with no bullshit involved.

This is an example of why nigh on 1m people voted BNP. Most of which aren't racist but fed up with shit like this.
buzzer1 said:
I was the head chef at the immigration centre for nearly 3years,and i know 1st hand exactly what benefits etc that these people get. We had rapists,philes,robbers and yes,decent honest people just trying to grab a fair chance at having some sort of life. The immigrants were fed 3 square meals per day along with snacks at 11am and 8pm,by snacks i mean fruit,buiscuits,tea, juice and coffee etc,(unlimited),and we had a monitor x4 (60k per year),to make sure the food was bob on,i mean,if the carrots being a little over/underdone,we would be marked accordingly,(not just saying it but mostly unfairly,inc the other 2 shifts). They had a choice of,fish,(different styles every sitting),chiken,beef/goat/lamb,curried etc, salad,and a choice of pudding,ie,homemade apple and custard,swiiss roll,ice cream etc,and you wouldnt believe the abuse that the servers used to get,they would be spat at,have the dinners thrown back at them,called nasty names,;and if you said anything back,like,"who dya think yer talking to",the said immigrant would put a report in and the server would be boolocked,or on several occasions get a written warning and be branded racist. They also get to play prize bingo,for a fiver or a tenner or a gift token for the subsidised shop,that we,by the way,were not allowed touse. GLS,formerley Group 4,were a joke to say the least,probably about 10 out of the 100 guards could handle it if it went off,and times 100 by 25k per year that the guards were on,and they were no better than dads army at best. Along with the otherb admin staff etc,the place costs billions to run,and to think the govt. stopped the warden on a weekend for at my mums sheltered accomodation,for the sake of a few quid in comparison to what gets spent on immigration,oh by the way,despite what any bullshit merchant wants to tell you,if they are granted asylum,they get fired to the front of the housing que,and prefered in the job market,and if they are sent back to their own countries,they get,either 1 or 2k as a goodbye gift,and yes,we also pay for their air fare. So just a little insight with no bullshit involved.

25k security job? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahhhhhahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
mcfc1996 said:
buzzer1 said:
I was the head chef at the immigration centre for nearly 3years,and i know 1st hand exactly what benefits etc that these people get. We had rapists,philes,robbers and yes,decent honest people just trying to grab a fair chance at having some sort of life. The immigrants were fed 3 square meals per day along with snacks at 11am and 8pm,by snacks i mean fruit,buiscuits,tea, juice and coffee etc,(unlimited),and we had a monitor x4 (60k per year),to make sure the food was bob on,i mean,if the carrots being a little over/underdone,we would be marked accordingly,(not just saying it but mostly unfairly,inc the other 2 shifts). They had a choice of,fish,(different styles every sitting),chiken,beef/goat/lamb,curried etc, salad,and a choice of pudding,ie,homemade apple and custard,swiiss roll,ice cream etc,and you wouldnt believe the abuse that the servers used to get,they would be spat at,have the dinners thrown back at them,called nasty names,;and if you said anything back,like,"who dya think yer talking to",the said immigrant would put a report in and the server would be boolocked,or on several occasions get a written warning and be branded racist. They also get to play prize bingo,for a fiver or a tenner or a gift token for the subsidised shop,that we,by the way,were not allowed toGLS,formerley Group 4,were a joke to say the least,probably about 10 out of the 100 guards could handle it if it went off,and times 100 by 25k per year that the guards were on,and they were no better than dads army at best. Along with the otherb admin staff etc,the place costs billions to run,and to think the govt. stopped the warden on a weekend for at my mums sheltered accomodation,for the sake of a few quid in comparison to what gets spent on immigration,oh by the way,despite what any bullshit merchant wants to tell you,if they are granted asylum,they get fired to the front of the housing que,and prefered in the job market,and if they are sent back to their own countries,they get,either 1 or 2k as a goodbye gift,and yes,we also pay for their air fare. So just a little insight with no bullshit involved.

This is an example of why nigh on 1m people voted BNP. Most of which aren't racist but fed up with shit like this.

BECARFUL , they might brand you aswell .
SPOT ON tho , yet again matey !

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