bnp have an elected mep

I can't remember who mentioned the media's reaction earlier on in this thread, but I've just seen Joey Jones's report on Sky News about Griffn getting egged at Westminster and it's outrageously biased. I hate Griffin and his policies intensely but the way this so-called journalist has just spent 2 minutes sneering and mocking a democratically-elected party stinks. Particularly when you consider that he works for an organisation that owns The Sun; a newspaper that has played a huge part in influencing people to vote for this scumbag in the first place.
you really need to turn left
who are the exploiters of labour who allows capital to migrate into tax havens whilst labour is trafficked around for measly wages ,exploitation ,slavery?

laissez fair capitalist scum and criminal gangs that's who

It is necessary to globalise resistance through trade unions and other organisations against the wordwide oppression of the poor

war ,poverty ,competition for crap low paid work feeds fascism

it's time the left pulled itself out of this pathetic crisis it's got itself into and fought back against the divisive dicks of the right

It's no surprise that the collapse of laissez faire capitalism results in massive gains for laissez fair capitalists

Intervention and natiolnalisations are essential across europe in order to safeguard jobs and stimulate growth

tHe continuing madness of the free market advocated by the victory of the Right is a disaster for Europe and will lead to horrible austere lives for the European working class
Damn Piston, that is a terrible story. I live in a white, fairly affluent part of Hampshire where the only significant ethnic population are the Gurkhas so it is really hard to accept that the changes have been that big. F*cking politicians would say you made it all up
Dubai Blue said:
I can't remember who mentioned the media's reaction earlier on in this thread, but I've just seen Joey Jones's report on Sky News about Griffn getting egged at Westminster and it's outrageously biased. I hate Griffin and his policies intensely but the way this so-called journalist has just spent 2 minutes sneering and mocking a democratically-elected party stinks. Particularly when you consider that he works for an organisation that owns The Sun; a newspaper that has played a huge part in influencing people to vote for this scumbag in the first place.

i wouldnt be so suprised dubai blue. the amount of control the media have over politics is tantamount to propagandar.
Dubai Blue said:
I can't remember who mentioned the media's reaction earlier on in this thread, but I've just seen Joey Jones's report on Sky News about Griffn getting egged at Westminster and it's outrageously biased. I hate Griffin and his policies intensely but the way this so-called journalist has just spent 2 minutes sneering and mocking a democratically-elected party stinks. Particularly when you consider that he works for an organisation that owns The Sun; a newspaper that has played a huge part in influencing people to vote for this scumbag in the first place.

BBC Breakfast News had a balanced view on this morning when discussing the BNP. One black bloke who happened to be one of the protesters at Griffin's egging and a black American lady. Now the thought of a bunch of racists representing me sickens me but over 130k people in this area voted for them. I can't imagine a tory/labour discussion being so one sided.
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
I know a hindu guy who voted for them! I didn't but did think about it, the reason I didn't was due to the roger cooke report on Griffin a few years ago. If the Tory government went back to basics and got tough on immigration, scroungers and stood up to the loonie left public sector the BNP would not get a look in. My hope is that the Conservatives will realise that the mood of the nation is turning and things have gone too far. Someone needs to stand up and say enough is enough and there is nothing fascist about putting those born here and have paid into the system first.

I know im a bit of an old conspiracist,but no matter how loud the people shout,if you have served the aganda,(hidden hand),then you will be f*ckd off,ie Thatcher,(anti europe,not good for what the agenda had planned,ie,to abolish countries,take away their power and sweep away their countries rich history and independence,)Blair was used to open the doors,fully and take us to war,(occupancy),and when they want to further there goals,they will bombard the media with hype or detrement,whatever there aim is,and unfortunately,people believe the hype etc;tory,labour,bnp,liberal,religious of any kind,doesnt matter,they are all different nuts in the same bag,being used at will.
It's obvious from reading some of the threads that the problem is not immigration but the hysteria that's feeds on ignorance and paranoia. As far as I can see asbo's are not dominated by immigrants but those fine upstanding native Brits who feel they have the right to trod on others any way they feel necessary. Anyone who votes for the BNP really needs to check their head because no policy they can write will justify judging people by their skin color or birthplace.
bluespana said:
It's obvious from reading some of the threads that the problem is not immigration but the hysteria that's feeds on ignorance and paranoia. As far as I can see asbo's are not dominated by immigrants but those fine upstanding native Brits who feel they have the right to trod on others any way they feel necessary. Anyone who votes for the BNP really needs to check their head because no policy they can write will justify judging people by their skin color or birthplace.

Dont worry mate,the BNP have things in mind for the aforementioned natives,theyll wonder what has hit them.
bluespana said:
It's obvious from reading some of the threads that the problem is not immigration but the hysteria that's feeds on ignorance and paranoia. As far as I can see asbo's are not dominated by immigrants but those fine upstanding native Brits who feel they have the right to trod on others any way they feel necessary. Anyone who votes for the BNP really needs to check their head because no policy they can write will justify judging people by their skin color or birthplace.

I would imagine those that support the BNP would argue that white kids on ASBO's have been sold out by successive governments who have not protected their interests and future employment prospects, governments who have perhaps put the needs of immigrants ahead of them. You could also argue that the white kids on ASBO's can be prosecuted without fear of being called racist?
buzzer1 said:
bluespana said:
It's obvious from reading some of the threads that the problem is not immigration but the hysteria that's feeds on ignorance and paranoia. As far as I can see asbo's are not dominated by immigrants but those fine upstanding native Brits who feel they have the right to trod on others any way they feel necessary. Anyone who votes for the BNP really needs to check their head because no policy they can write will justify judging people by their skin color or birthplace.

Dont worry mate,the BNP have things in mind for the aforementioned natives,theyll wonder what has hit them.

Care to tell us some more buzzer.

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