bnp have an elected mep

Why don't these protesters use their brains and throw stuff at Griffen that will rile him? Chuck a few ethnics, single mums and a gayer at him and see if he is still smiling then.
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
buzzer1 said:
Care to tell us some more buzzer.
Rek,if the oiks dont wanna work,then stop their benefits,they get put to the back of the ques ie dentists,docs etc,and if there is no work,(as at present,)then make them do something to contribute to society,ie clean up the parks,instead of wrecking them,get values back such as apprenticeships,and if they have done a stretch,they go to the back of the que and wait their turn,instead of being fast-tracked,as they are now,(rewarded),and i would seriously look at the ritalin issue for kids,its like giving a crate of special brew to an alky. I apologise to any member of this site if i have offended anybody,the scroungers know who they are,and not somebody actively seeking employment,as some of the previous posters clearly are.and are desperate to work,i myself work 50 hours for £250 week,and its hard.

I suggested the very same here about a month ago in my post called 'manifesto' and was shouted down.[/quote]

Not surprised BB,youll be accused of being o freak or a cult leader or whatever they can shout at you to discredit your opinions,:now that my friend,is bullying and oppression to say the least,and they class themselves as pro democracy,the hypocracy is astounding.
PistonBlue said:
I have seen with my own eyes, a sign in a shop window saying quite clearly 'No Whites'. It wasn't there long as it caused a bit of a commotion and the Police were called. the council deny it ever happened.

Seen one myself a few months back, a shop on Moston Lane. I couldn't beleive my eyes.
PistonBlue said:
Let me straight away I didn't vote BNP, I chose not to vote at all.

I can understand why people did vote BNP though, disillusionment I believe being the main reason, and not racism as seems to be the appropriate accusation.

My current situation is that I'm gonna be made redundant any week now. I've been on a three day week since february, and my current earnings are barely covering the mortgage. With two kids to feed life hasn't been easy these last few months. I've been looking for work (as an electrician) and surprise surprise there's not much doing. Some of the sparky jobs I've seen avdertised are paying less that £8 per hour, a joke for a highly qualified tradesman. I've spoken to cleaners on more money than this.

So how come wages are so low? Well, partly the recession and partly because Polish labour is cheaper. I don't blame the Polish lads for coming here to make some cash, but they don't have crazy mortgages that were taken out before the Poles arrived and before the recession started to hit. I can't afford to live on those wages, unless I give up everything I've worked for, nice house etc. What I really need is for the Government to inject some serious life and cash into the construction industry, to get lads like me back earning what we're worth and we've built our lives around. So, the BNP's 'British jobs for British workers' works for me.

I look around the area I live in and it is unrecognisable from five years ago. Pubs are closed down, shops are closing, community spirit is dead, and mysteriously a large proportion of the Nigerian population has decided to settle here. The council say they are not seeking asylum but I find it hard to believe that they all just chose to move here off their own backs with no help from any government body. Most of them seem like decent people to be honest, the local church is seeing a revival in attendances at any rate.
Now, I don't have a problem with immigrants (I will be one myself when/if I get my Canadian visa) but when the English language is a novelty to hear in your local shops, surely 'multi culturalism' has gone a little far? The shops that are open cater largely for the African market.And now to the anecdotes.

I have seen with my own eyes, a sign in a shop window saying quite clearly 'No Whites'. It wasn't there long as it caused a bit of a commotion and the Police were called. the council deny it ever happened.
I personally have been asked wtf did I think I was doing on the street after 9pm, by a rather large African man and his pal, who also told me that after 9pm, the streets belong to 'us'. I don't know if 'us' means him and his mate, or what but I'm not sure I like this situation. Racism does work both ways.

So my working life is fucked, my pay is nearly half what it was two years ago, and I'm being told my white arse isn't welcome on the streets I grew up in after the 9pm watershed.

So, am I disillusioned? You're fucking right I am.

Can I understand people voting BNP? yes I can.

Would I vote for them myself? I never thought I would, but now I just don't know.

Do I give a shit if you think I'm a screaming fascist for saying so? No, I care not a jot.

so sorry to hear piston mate, im currently doing an electricians course myself and to hear that work is tough out there is heartbreaking! well looks like the army or raf is were i belong
The Black police federation and your "no whites" shop (which is probably a crap shop anyway) would not exist if the black policemen and presumably ethnic shopkeepers did not feel like a oppressed minority. Perhaps if we tackled the source of their fear and feelings of isolation/persecution, then they would not feel so inclined to form their own federations or shopping empires?
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Funny how the black police federation don't allow white members, but no one bats an eyelid...

Also black music radio stations,.And when they report about certain muslim MPs,instead of just saying,The MP for blah blah,they say the Muslim MP for blah blah, the ADL and BNAI" BRAITH(SPELL CHECK)have a lot to do with the society we live in today,if a bunch of BNP members would have thrown eggs at the head(not head as in literally) of the muslim council,or Jewish,or hindu,or anyother poor oppressed group,it would have been a hate crime,f*k em.
Helmet Cole said:
The Black police federation and your "no whites" shop (which is probably a crap shop anyway) would not exist if the black policemen and presumably ethnic shopkeepers did not feel like a oppressed minority. Perhaps if we tackled the source of their fear and feelings of isolation/persecution, then they would not feel so inclined to form their own federations or shopping empires?

that is aload of bullshit mate
buzzer1 said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Funny how the black police federation don't allow white members, but no one bats an eyelid...

Also black music radio stations,.And when they report about certain muslim MPs,instead of just saying,The MP for blah blah,they say the Muslim MP for blah blah, the ADL and BNAI" BRAITH(SPELL CHECK)have a lot to do with the society we live in today,if a bunch of BNP members would have thrown eggs at the head(not head as in literally) of the muslim council,or Jewish,or hindu,or anyother poor oppressed group,it would have been a hate crime,f*k em.

'Murdered black teenager' stephen Lawrence
Fair comments in Piston's long post and a situation where the circumstances described are out of order and should be addressed by the authorities. Without doubt. There are social problems in the country. No-one denies that.

The only thing I would say is that the BNP have just about zero idea about how they would provide the aformentioned "British jobs for British workers". Their idea of economics is just to put their hands in a bag until they pull out something that is compatable with their only policy - racism. In this case an economic policy out of Kim Il Jong's book - and look how that turned out.

It's also true, is it not, that Gordon Brown, months ago, was spouting the 'British jobs for British workers' line. Soundbites, soundbites, soundbites.

Now, it may be fair to say that he has not lived up to it, it may be fair to say that his plans have suffered, to some extent, at the hand sof uncontrolable world economic influences which he could do little about.

What it definitely shows though is that it's very easy to just spout lines like that. Especially when you are a party that does not have to, and couldn't, justify and demonstrate it's policies that would lead to that.

Soundbite politics is the scourge of modern politics but, despite the image they like to portray, the BNP is worse than any mainsteam party on that. They spout lines like 'British jobs for British workers' safe in the knowledge that they never have to explain how they would secure this, what detailed economic study they have done to support this and how their policies have been modelled and studied to deem them viable.

In fact, it's debatable as to whether they have anything which passes for a policy in the real world. Strip the soundbites away from the BNP and there is nothing left. No economic credibility, no serious policy makers, no-one who has the will or the ability to undertake the detailed background work that goes with implementing serious policies. All that's left is racism. That's all they amount to.

The criminal behaviour described is ridiculous. I've no reason to disbelieve it. Yet I also know that criminal and terrible behaviour has been rife in this country for the last 800 years. It's not something that arrived with immigration. That's not to excuse or to play down the situation described. The full weight of the law should be thrown at those responsible and no-one should have to live in fear of their saftey. Yet it's all too easy to take the example of one person or one area and use that as a 'man in the pub' anecdote/legend to paint the whole of society as a mess and living in fear of criminal immigrants.

Situations in certain areas (both geographical and policy) need addressing, without doubt. But it's a complex web and not something that will ever be done by "chucking out the foriegnors" or some racists shouting catchphrases.

The job situation that Piston describes is also heartbraking and it's exasperated by a lot of the main parties pretending that everything will turn out rosy and brilliant under each of them.

A bit more honesty along the lines of "the country is broke, the western world is broke, and we (the country and the working man) are all in the $hit" might be a start. Then people might actually appreciate that ridiculous, catch all soundbites from the likes of the BNP are nothing but slogans, with no substance, brains or policy behind them, designed only to play on people's fears and basest instincts.

They sell the easy, cheap dream that everything would be ok if they implemented their catchphrases. It's nonsense but, more importantly, it is childish in it's simplicity and lack of any serious study or scrutiny.

The country in a lot of respect is a great place to live. One of the best in the world. Yet in some economic respects it is in a mess, just like a lot of the rest of the Western world. Who is to blame for that is extremely complicated and it's a combination of many things. What is true though is that the catchphrase merchants in the BNP are just about the last people who you should place your trust in as being able to address the challenges that the country faces in the modern world.

They aren't equiped and have little desire to address serious issues. There's one issue that is at that heart of everything they say, all the cheap soundbites, lines and shouting. And it's a very dark one. Don't be fooled into thinking that they are anything at all like serious politicians that can tackle serious problems. They are only concerned with one thing.

(PS: All the above is a bit of a stream of conciousness. It probably doesn't make sense and is littered with typos. However, I'm tired and I'm not reading it back or editing it now)

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