bnp have an elected mep

Helmet Cole said:
The Black police federation and your "no whites" shop (which is probably a crap shop anyway) would not exist if the black policemen and presumably ethnic shopkeepers did not feel like a oppressed minority. Perhaps if we tackled the source of their fear and feelings of isolation/persecution, then they would not feel so inclined to form their own federations or shopping empires?

So racism from an ethnic shop keeper is ok because he might feel opressed? You've just summed up everything that's wrong with this excuse for a country. Well done.
PistonBlue said:
Helmet Cole said:
The Black police federation and your "no whites" shop (which is probably a crap shop anyway) would not exist if the black policemen and presumably ethnic shopkeepers did not feel like a oppressed minority. Perhaps if we tackled the source of their fear and feelings of isolation/persecution, then they would not feel so inclined to form their own federations or shopping empires?

So racism from an ethnic shop keeper is ok because he might feel opressed? You've just summed up everything that's wrong with this excuse for a country. Well done.

brooklandsblue2.0 said:
buzzer1 said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Funny how the black police federation don't allow white members, but no one bats an eyelid...

Also black music radio stations,.And when they report about certain muslim MPs,instead of just saying,The MP for blah blah,they say the Muslim MP for blah blah, the ADL and BNAI" BRAITH(SPELL CHECK)have a lot to do with the society we live in today,if a bunch of BNP members would have thrown eggs at the head(not head as in literally) of the muslim council,or Jewish,or hindu,or anyother poor oppressed group,it would have been a hate crime,f*k em.

'Murdered black teenager' stephen Lawrence

Say no more BB,say no more. Anyway mate,im getting me kipper down as am up for the grind at 5am,(sorry if that sounds ungrateful) for me £5 per hour take home pay,but just be a good little Englishman and do not step over the line,or we"ll have you for some crime that we aint even invented yet,BUT WE WILL. Nite nite.

"English Civil War"
(traditional; arranged by strummer/jones)

When johnny comes
Marching home again
Hes coming by bus or underground
A womans eye will shed a tear
To see his face so beaten in fear
An it was just around the corner in the english civil war

It was still at the stage of clubs and fists
When that well-known face got beaten to bits
Your face was blue in the light of the screen
As we watched the speech of an animal scream
The new party army was marching right over our heads


There you are, ha ha, I told you so
Says everybody that we know
But who hid a radio under the stairs
An who got caught out on their unawares?
When that new party army came marching right up the stairs

When johnny comes marching home again
Nobody understands it can happen again
The sun is shining an the kids are shouting loud
But you gotta know its shining through a crack in the cloud
And the shadows keep falling when johnny comes marching home
blue_chili_pepper said:
PistonBlue said:
Helmet Cole said:
The Black police federation and your "no whites" shop (which is probably a crap shop anyway) would not exist if the black policemen and presumably ethnic shopkeepers did not feel like a oppressed minority. Perhaps if we tackled the source of their fear and feelings of isolation/persecution, then they would not feel so inclined to form their own federations or shopping empires?

So racism from an ethnic shop keeper is ok because he might feel opressed? You've just summed up everything that's wrong with this excuse for a country. Well done.


Of course racism is wrong from an ethnic shopkeeper, but even the ethnics have one or two rotten apples amongst them - just like your lovely white version of our species. The BNP would still be a set of c**ts, even if they were all black policemen and cornershop owners.
Just one more thing to the clown spouting the line about the Black Police Organisation not allowing any white members.

That's an out and out lie and one which Nick Griffin can often be heard spouting.

Funny that.

These type of organisations shouldn't exist in a perfect world. But it's not a perfect world and they exist due to systematic racism which was inherent in certain circumstances and areas at one point. Less so now, but who can honestly say not at all.

And that's not to say that anyone who is white is never subject to racism or whatever, but, despite the daft soundbites of the likes of Griffin, the everyday experience of a white man and a black man in this coutnry over the past 30 years regarding racism are totally different.

And, yes, there are people of all races who are professional victims and love to cry about being persecuted and whinge and moan and lie about it.

Nick Griffin is just one example from my own race. But let's not paint organisations like the Black Police Association as some sort of conspiracy. It's grown from certain circumstances and out of some very nasty elements. Hopefully, one day soon, such organisations will be the thing of the past.

It won't be anytime soon though if the likes of Griffin are able to sell his ideas so easily to people in general. Unless of course his wet dream comes true and he actually becomes Fuhrer.
der-bomber said:

"English Civil War"
(traditional; arranged by strummer/jones)

When johnny comes
Marching home again
Hes coming by bus or underground
A womans eye will shed a tear
To see his face so beaten in fear
An it was just around the corner in the english civil war

It was still at the stage of clubs and fists
When that well-known face got beaten to bits
Your face was blue in the light of the screen
As we watched the speech of an animal scream
The new party army was marching right over our heads


There you are, ha ha, I told you so
Says everybody that we know
But who hid a radio under the stairs
An who got caught out on their unawares?
When that new party army came marching right up the stairs

When johnny comes marching home again
Nobody understands it can happen again
The sun is shining an the kids are shouting loud
But you gotta know its shining through a crack in the cloud
And the shadows keep falling when johnny comes marching home

a great song der-bomber. but surely this is more apt:

straight to hell

If you can play on the fiddle
How's about a British jig and reel?
Speaking King's English in quotation
As railhead towns feel the steel mills rust water froze
In the generation
Clear as winter ice
This is your paradise

There ain't no need for ya
Go straight to hell boys

Y'wanna join in a chorus
Of the Amerasian blues?
When it's Christmas out in Ho Chi Minh City
Kiddie say papa papa papa papa-san take me home
See me got photo photo
Photograph of you
Mamma Mamma Mamma-san
Of you and Mamma Mamma Mamma-san
Lemme tell ya 'bout your blood bamboo kid.
It ain't Coca-Cola it's rice.

Straight to hell
Oh Papa-san
Please take me home
Oh Papa-san
Everybody they wanna go home
So Mamma-san says

You wanna play mind-crazed banjo
On the druggy-drag ragtime U.S.A.?
In Parkland International
Hah! Junkiedom U.S.A.
Where procaine proves the purest rock man groove
and rat poison
The volatile Molatov says-


Go straight to hell

Can you really cough it up loud and strong
The immigrants
They wanna sing all night long
It could be anywhere
Most likely could be any frontier
Any hemisphere
No man's land and there ain't no asylum here
King Solomon he never lived round here

Go straight to hell boys
blue_chili_pepper said:
so sorry to hear piston mate, im currently doing an electricians course myself and to hear that work is tough out there is heartbreaking! well looks like the army or raf is were i belong

They used to say sparking was the best trade to have, now we get treated like shit mate. 5 years in college, back to college every few years to do your regs again, more college work to progress up the ladder. And then they offer you £8 a fucking hour. Fuck that mate, it's a mugs game. You're still young, do something different like web design or go on big brother and act like a prick for a few weeks they'll make you famous.
TheMightyQuinn said:
As a keen fan of Man City with their brilliant white English players I can only concur that any form of immigration is wrong and that black people are lazy.

Im personally not saying that, Quinny,scum comes in all forms,any creed,colour,religious beliefs,age,sex,anything,most of em are dictating to us in our daily lives,ie MPs,its just that the native white,hetrosexual male feeling that they are getting the shitty end of the stick.and theyve had enough.

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