bnp have an elected mep

Dubai Blue said:
I can't remember who mentioned the media's reaction earlier on in this thread, but I've just seen Joey Jones's report on Sky News about Griffn getting egged at Westminster and it's outrageously biased. I hate Griffin and his policies intensely but the way this so-called journalist has just spent 2 minutes sneering and mocking a democratically-elected party stinks. Particularly when you consider that he works for an organisation that owns The Sun; a newspaper that has played a huge part in influencing people to vote for this scumbag in the first place.
I'll stick by my initial verdict, but having watched it again, Griffin and his henchmen really need to learn to stop looking like they absolutely love it every time a bit of aggro kicks off. It shows them to be the thugs that they really are.
Dubai Blue said:
Dubai Blue said:
I can't remember who mentioned the media's reaction earlier on in this thread, but I've just seen Joey Jones's report on Sky News about Griffn getting egged at Westminster and it's outrageously biased. I hate Griffin and his policies intensely but the way this so-called journalist has just spent 2 minutes sneering and mocking a democratically-elected party stinks. Particularly when you consider that he works for an organisation that owns The Sun; a newspaper that has played a huge part in influencing people to vote for this scumbag in the first place.
I'll stick by my initial verdict, but having watched it again, Griffin and his henchmen really need to learn to stop looking like they absolutely love it every time a bit of aggro kicks off. It shows them to be the thugs that they really are.

Come on mate he got pelted with eggs.....can we not remember Gordon Browns reaction to one egg?! Maybe Nicky G was loving it when it kicked off because-

a) It's more media coverage for him.

b) It made the various groups/individuals pelting him look pathetic.
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Dubai Blue said:
Dubai Blue said:
I can't remember who mentioned the media's reaction earlier on in this thread, but I've just seen Joey Jones's report on Sky News about Griffn getting egged at Westminster and it's outrageously biased. I hate Griffin and his policies intensely but the way this so-called journalist has just spent 2 minutes sneering and mocking a democratically-elected party stinks. Particularly when you consider that he works for an organisation that owns The Sun; a newspaper that has played a huge part in influencing people to vote for this scumbag in the first place.
I'll stick by my initial verdict, but having watched it again, Griffin and his henchmen really need to learn to stop looking like they absolutely love it every time a bit of aggro kicks off. It shows them to be the thugs that they really are.

Come on mate he got pelted with eggs.....can we not remember Gordon Browns reaction to one egg?! Maybe Nicky G was loving it when it kicked off because-

a) It's more media coverage for him.

b) It made the various groups/individuals pelting him look pathetic.

That's your answer.

It's about time the mainstream parties faced them head on, rather than ignoring them.

I agree with Dubai blue comments. I despise everything those racist cunts stand for but hoe sensationalist was that sky news report?
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
buzzer1 said:
bluespana said:
It's obvious from reading some of the threads that the problem is not immigration but the hysteria that's feeds on ignorance and paranoia. As far as I can see asbo's are not dominated by immigrants but those fine upstanding native Brits who feel they have the right to trod on others any way they feel necessary. Anyone who votes for the BNP really needs to check their head because no policy they can write will justify judging people by their skin color or birthplace.

Dont worry mate,the BNP have things in mind for the aforementioned natives,theyll wonder what has hit them.

Care to tell us some more buzzer.
Rek,if the oiks dont wanna work,then stop their benefits,they get put to the back of the ques ie dentists,docs etc,and if there is no work,(as at present,)then make them do something to contribute to society,ie clean up the parks,instead of wrecking them,get values back such as apprenticeships,and if they have done a stretch,they go to the back of the que and wait their turn,instead of being fast-tracked,as they are now,(rewarded),and i would seriously look at the ritalin issue for kids,its like giving a crate of special brew to an alky. I apologise to any member of this site if i have offended anybody,the scroungers know who they are,and not somebody actively seeking employment,as some of the previous posters clearly are.and are desperate to work,i myself work 50 hours for £250 week,and its hard.

brooklandsblue2.0 said:
bluespana said:
It's obvious from reading some of the threads that the problem is not immigration but the hysteria that's feeds on ignorance and paranoia. As far as I can see asbo's are not dominated by immigrants but those fine upstanding native Brits who feel they have the right to trod on others any way they feel necessary. Anyone who votes for the BNP really needs to check their head because no policy they can write will justify judging people by their skin color or birthplace.

I would imagine those that support the BNP would argue that white kids on ASBO's have been sold out by successive governments who have not protected their interests and future employment prospects, governments who have perhaps put the needs of immigrants ahead of them. You could also argue that the white kids on ASBO's can be prosecuted without fear of being called racist?

Your theory like many of the BNP's makes no sense. If the politicians are only interested in getting elected why would they favor non-voters to their own constituents who are, btw, 90% white? The justification is ludicrous. Is the fear of being racist so strong in Britain? Seems trendy in some parts of the northwest. How about the fear of putting up Enoch Powell's picture?
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
No my point to Dubai blue was questioning how he wanted Nicky G to look after being pelted with eggs!
Angry, annoyed, pissed off, disillusioned, betrayed by the lack of police protection. But not smirking like he fucking loves it.
buzzer1 said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
buzzer1 said:
bluespana said:
It's obvious from reading some of the threads that the problem is not immigration but the hysteria that's feeds on ignorance and paranoia. As far as I can see asbo's are not dominated by immigrants but those fine upstanding native Brits who feel they have the right to trod on others any way they feel necessary. Anyone who votes for the BNP really needs to check their head because no policy they can write will justify judging people by their skin color or birthplace.

Dont worry mate,the BNP have things in mind for the aforementioned natives,theyll wonder what has hit them.

Care to tell us some more buzzer.
Rek,if the oiks dont wanna work,then stop their benefits,they get put to the back of the ques ie dentists,docs etc,and if there is no work,(as at present,)then make them do something to contribute to society,ie clean up the parks,instead of wrecking them,get values back such as apprenticeships,and if they have done a stretch,they go to the back of the que and wait their turn,instead of being fast-tracked,as they are now,(rewarded),and i would seriously look at the ritalin issue for kids,its like giving a crate of special brew to an alky. I apologise to any member of this site if i have offended anybody,the scroungers know who they are,and not somebody actively seeking employment,as some of the previous posters clearly are.and are desperate to work,i myself work 50 hours for £250 week,and its hard.


buzzer1 said:
Care to tell us some more buzzer.
Rek,if the oiks dont wanna work,then stop their benefits,they get put to the back of the ques ie dentists,docs etc,and if there is no work,(as at present,)then make them do something to contribute to society,ie clean up the parks,instead of wrecking them,get values back such as apprenticeships,and if they have done a stretch,they go to the back of the que and wait their turn,instead of being fast-tracked,as they are now,(rewarded),and i would seriously look at the ritalin issue for kids,its like giving a crate of special brew to an alky. I apologise to any member of this site if i have offended anybody,the scroungers know who they are,and not somebody actively seeking employment,as some of the previous posters clearly are.and are desperate to work,i myself work 50 hours for £250 week,and its hard.

I suggested the very same here about a month ago in my post called 'manifesto' and was shouted down.

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