bnp have an elected mep

der-bomber said:
bb...the delectable Ms Televators seems to be firmly aligned with us backbone lads and is full of moral fibre and not scared to tell it how it is....

The jellies aint got a clue, mate, l can't work out how they get through life on a day to day basis, l gave that gimp ernesto the benefit of the doubt tonight and tried to engage him openly in debate, but he just continued with his pitiful ,cretinous one liners that aren't even funny, relevent or well constructed...

yet you conveniently ignored all of my post. i understand that immigration (i can't tell if it's legal or illegal) is threatening your livelihood, so you want to vote for a change that helps your cause. in times of recession you want to look after things that are only important to you and the people you can see and touch, and to hell with the rest of it. like i said in my post, i understand that, i think it's selfish, that's my opinion, but i understand that people are going to feel the need to protect their own and damn everything else.

you can't tar all immigrants with that brush though, just because some shady Albanian blokes are muscling in on your business, doesn't mean that all Albanians, all Eastern-Europeans and all immigrants are here illegally and are shady bastards looking to get you at every turn.

it sucks for you that you're faced with threats, no-one should have to suffer that, but there's got to be a better way than even considering the BNP. Nick Griffin is a bad human being who deserves no power.

To recap something I posted earlier in this thread in layman's terms, the bnp recently rephrased their policy of the compulsory repatriation of non-whites and rewording it as a "firm encouragement" for voluntary repatriation for all. this change in policy recently makes them seem a little less extreme, but so far they have refused to rule out a switch back to their former policy if they get in to power. think about it, they want to send every non-white person in the UK back to their country of their grandparents, regardless of where they were born.

The BNP's goal is that every non-white person in England will be forced to leave the British isles.

if you agree with that, vote for them, if you think that's fucked up, vote against them. surely that's worth doing everything you can to prevent it from happening? or am i being a softy left wing whinger? protecting basic human rights is worth fighting for and worth arguing about on a message board full of people that look like they could go either way on this.

please understand why it's so important to get rid of the bnp.
Firstly, no-one is personally threatening me or my family, otherwise they would find themselves inside a roll of carpet getting a free lift out to sea on a Brixham trawler....only joking, lol.

There needs to be a balance , and the continued influx of economic migrants without appropriate skill-sets into this small country of ours needs to be checked, we are already overcrowded and as l mentioned earlier there aren't enough jobs or Local Authority housing to go round.

Surely you can see that ?
mrcunny said:
dannybcity said:
mrcunny said:
Alan Kernaghan's 40yd Lob said:
it makes me want to cry that normal people want to vote for the bnp

They have hit their is in a mess and this will always result in the unsavoury types of parties getting more votes.
BNP have no chance of progressing much further imo.

This, although it's depressing that this peak has even been reached. Apparently however, the BNP were expecting much more from the EU elections so all is not lost.

Things happen buddy,just dont take them to still toying of voting for ukip tho im just fed up of the relentless dross from labour,libs and cons time for a change for me..

see i knew you were alright mrcunny, but politics and the future of the country is kinda one of the only things worth taking to heart mate. if there was ever a day when all non-whites were forced to leave england, i would struggle to keep it together. it has impact on everything. like you say, the bnp don't have much chance of progressing further, but the fact that they're growing and decent hard working city fans like der bomber are seriously considering voting for them if they have not already means that we are in a lot of trouble. just a few years ago, the bnp a no-go area to most people, as scary a proposition as the national front. in 1997 nick griffin became their leader. nick griffin is a former member of the national front governing body.

as for ukip, i don't really know too much about them right now, one battle at a time i guess. i'd rather anyone got votes other than the bnp. kilroy though. he's not part of ukip now is he, but he famously penned this unbelievable rant about arabs... you don't have to read it all. suffice to say, it's pretty fucking bad.

Robert Kilroy-Silk Sunday said:
We Owe Arabs Nothing
Arabs are "suicide bombers, limb-amputators, women repressors"

WE ARE told by some of the more hysterical critics of the war on terror that "it is destroying the Arab world". So? Should we be worried about that? Shouldn't the destruction of the despotic, barbarous and corrupt Arab states and their replacement by democratic governments be a war aim?

After all, the Arab countries are not exactly shining examples of civilisation, are they? Few of them make much contribution to the welfare of the rest of the world.

Indeed, apart from oil - which was discovered, is produced and is paid for by the West - what do they contribute?

Can you think of anything?

Anything really useful? Anything really valuable? Something we really need, could not do without?

No, nor can I. Indeed, the Arab countries put together export less than Finland.

We're told that the Arabs loathe us. Really? For liberating the Iraqis?

For subsidising the lifestyles of people in Egypt and Jordan, to name but two, for giving them vast amounts of aid? For providing them with science, medicine, technology and all the other benefits of the West? They should go down on their knees and thank God for the munificence of the United States.

What do they think we feel about them? That we adore them for the w ay they murdered more than 3,000 civilians on September 11 and then danced in the hot, dusty streets to celebrate the murders?

That we admire them for the cold-blooded killings in Mombasa, Yemen and elsewhere? That we admire them for being suicide bombers, limb-amputators, womenrepressors? I don't think the Arab states should start a debate about w hat is really loathsome.

But why, in any case, should we be concerned that they feel angry and loathe us? The Arab world has not exactly earned our respect, has it?

Iran is a vile, terrorist-supporting regime - part of the axis of evil. So is the Saddam Hussein-supporting Syria. So is Libya. Indeed, most of them chant support for Saddam.

That is to say they support an evil dictator who has gassed hundreds of thousands of their fellow Arabs and tortured and murdered thousands more. How can they do this and expect our respect?

Why do they imagine that only they can feel anger, call people loathsome? It is the equivalent of all the European nations coming out in support of Hitler the moment he was attacked by the US, because he was European, despite the fact that he was attempting to exterminate the Jews - and Arabs.

Moreover, the people who claim we are loathsome are currently threatening our civilian populations with chemical and biological weapons. They are promising to let suicide bombers loose in Western and American cities. They are trying to terrorise us, disrupt our lives.

And then they expect us to be careful of their sensibilities?
We have thousands of asylum seekers from Iran, Iraq, Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries living happily in this country on social security.

This shows what their own people think of the Arab regimes, doesn't it? There is not one single British asylum seeker in any Arab country.

That says it all about which country deserves the epithet loathsome.
der-bomber said:
Firstly, no-one is personally threatening me or my family, otherwise they would find themselves inside a roll of carpet getting a free lift out to sea on a Brixham trawler....only joking, lol.

There needs to be a balance , and the continued influx of economic migrants without appropriate skill-sets into this small country of ours needs to be checked, we are already overcrowded and as l mentioned earlier there aren't enough jobs or Local Authority housing to go round.

Surely you can see that ?

course i can because it makes sense, but even though the bnp will make that happen, they wont stop there. you can't just pick the "good" out of what the bnp say, they want the lot. like i said, the sacrifice made will be that every non-white in england will be forced to leave. that's it. that's what we're faced with. i'm not being over sensitive. do you think that if nick griffin gets in to power that he'll give up on that idea? that's his number one priority. there's got to be a better way. sadly i'm not the biggest brains in the world and i dont have all the answers. i know it's annoying when you get people fighting against something but they cant suggest an alternative, but it's important to me to make people aware the bnp are not as cuddly as they're trying to make themselves look.
der-bomber said:
ernesto said:
der-bomber said:
ernesto said:
so you say your`e a "business person" if a white anglo-saxon person takes business of you thats ok? but heaven forbid an illegal immigrant does it its a no no, its called capitalism you play the game, i try not to

Amongst other things, l run twelve Doors in my town, employing 60 door Staff ,6 of whom are Black, all are courteous, professional, well paid and well trained.

An Albanian gentleman thinks he can do a better job, unfortunately his prospective door staff cannot speak English and will be on minimum wage, but paid cash in hand, thereby avoiding Income Tax, l would assume.

His Tender has been knocked back, so he has resorted to threatening and intimidating customers.

I could regale countless other similar stories from the real world, but that would spoil your little internet delusion.....
if you say so you are becoming a little tedious, everyone is to blame for your short comings but you yawn

I tried to be reasonable and debate pertinent issues ,but it is impossible with a clown like you ,who just leaches from the state and wanks himself silly in his bedsit everynight.

You, ernesto (Andy) are the most worthless poster on this site and have nothing of substance to offer, it is apparent for all to see.

ln fact l am in total agreement with my buddy who had the misfortune to meet you in, 'made his skin crawl ' ......his words not mine.
funny i don`t recall talking to any of your so called mates
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
when DB said ernesto is a useless poster I must agree. I have no beef with Televators, TMQ, Knonkike etc who are clearly left leaning but obviously have a degree of intellect, this cretin is clueless and embarrasses himself day in day out. When Lee Bradbury posted here, both myself and DB stood up to him when he went too far, but none of ernestos 'comrades' are willing to do the same and admit this guy is a fucking clown....why?

I think we should be told.
you embarass yourself on a daily basis.
but hey thats your problem not mine oracle.
quote="ernesto"]so you say your`e a "business person" if a white anglo-saxon person takes business of you thats ok? but heaven forbid an illegal immigrant does it its a no no, its called capitalism you play the game, i try not to[/quote]

Amongst other things, l run twelve Doors in my town, employing 60 door Staff ,6 of whom are Black, all are courteous, professional, well paid and well trained.

An Albanian gentleman thinks he can do a better job, unfortunately his prospective door staff cannot speak English and will be on minimum wage, but paid cash in hand, thereby avoiding Income Tax, l would assume.

His Tender has been knocked back, so he has resorted to threatening and intimidating customers.

I could regale countless other similar stories from the real world, but that would spoil your little internet delusion.....[/quote]if you say so you are becoming a little tedious, everyone is to blame for your short comings but you yawn[/quote]

I tried to be reasonable and debate pertinent issues ,but it is impossible with a clown like you ,who just leaches from the state and wanks himself silly in his bedsit everynight.

You, ernesto (Andy) are the most worthless poster on this site and have nothing of substance to offer, it is apparent for all to see.

ln fact l am in total agreement with my buddy who had the misfortune to meet you in, 'made his skin crawl ' ......his words not mine.[/quote]funny i don`t recall talking to any of your so called mates[/quote]

Dont get me wrong but my first inpression of you was also a clown..ive postponed my judgement to a later date..
Alan Kernaghan's 40yd Lob said:
der-bomber said:
Firstly, no-one is personally threatening me or my family, otherwise they would find themselves inside a roll of carpet getting a free lift out to sea on a Brixham trawler....only joking, lol.

There needs to be a balance , and the continued influx of economic migrants without appropriate skill-sets into this small country of ours needs to be checked, we are already overcrowded and as l mentioned earlier there aren't enough jobs or Local Authority housing to go round.

Surely you can see that ?

course i can because it makes sense, but even though the bnp will make that happen, they wont stop there. you can't just pick the "good" out of what the bnp say, they want the lot. like i said, the sacrifice made will be that every non-white in england will be forced to leave. that's it. that's what we're faced with. i'm not being over sensitive. do you think that if nick griffin gets in to power that he'll give up on that idea? that's his number one priority. there's got to be a better way. sadly i'm not the biggest brains in the world and i dont have all the answers. i know it's annoying when you get people fighting against something but they cant suggest an alternative, but it's important to me to make people aware the bnp are not as cuddly as they're trying to make themselves look.

That is not what they want this is the problem because they say things that people get all ooo you can't say that things that most of us do think about they get branded a racist party down to the pc brigade that think a black board is racist,they want tighter border control,I don't know how people have this view about them I don't support the BNP but I watch their press conferences like i watch other party's and i don't hear one racist thing in them.
They would not and wouldn't want too get rid of all non whites in England this is the nonsense that gets blown right out of proportion by the media and simple minds brain washed without a view of their own that don't bother finding out just what the BNP are about, yes they have said some things that have been wrong but i can say that about the other party's aswell.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
stonerblue said:
Correct, they have access all areas passes for the Commons.

Not doubting you mate,but how do you know this?
I attended one of my MEP's surgeries last year and was told by him that they don't have access.
So MEP's lie through their arses as well?
I guess at least they're consistent.

Read it in the Times yesterday Mr Fetlocks.

Now we have an extremist at the heart of government who wants to rid the country of extremists. Will he banish himself from Britain on the grounds of National security i wonder..

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