bnp have an elected mep

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Makes me sick.
Alan Kernaghan's 40yd Lob said:
bluearmy71 said:
That is not what they want

Yes it is what they want.

bluearmy71 said:
this is the problem because they say things that people get all ooo you can't say that things that most of us do think about they get branded a racist party down to the pc brigade that think a black board is racist

Honestly, I don't mean to be flippant, but there's no such thing as 'The PC Brigade' and nobody in their right mind gives a thought to the term 'Black board' and it's supposed racist connotations.

bluearmy71 said:
they want tighter border control

Yes they do.

bluearmy71 said:
I don't know how people have this view about them I don't support the BNP but I watch their press conferences like i watch other party's and i don't hear one racist thing in them.

I don't doubt that you have not heard one racist thing in the BNP's press conferences. Former NF Secretary Nick Griffin, leader of the BNP is not an idiot. The National Front were not racist either. At least, they said so in their press conferences.

bluearmy71 said:
They would not and wouldn't want too get rid of all non whites in England

Yeah. They would. They would certainly want to. Absolutely. The BNP are by their own admission "wholly opposed to any form of racial integration between British and non-European peoples."

bluearmy71 said:
this is the nonsense that gets blown right out of proportion by the media and simple minds brain washed without a view of their own that don't bother finding out just what the BNP are about

it's not nonsense mate. it really really isn't.

bluearmy71 said:
yes they have said some things that have been wrong but i can say that about the other party's aswell.

*you've lost me mate. "YES THEY HAVE SAID SOME THINGS THAT HAVE BEEN WRONG". Okay. So, what's your real point here? They're good because some other parties have said some stuff that is wrong? As wrong as what the BNP has said? And even if you give me a quote of Gordon Brown saying he drowns puppies, it doesn't reverse what the BNP have said, say, have done and do.

Again, you either truly believe they are wrong, and you fight them, or you don't actually think it's wrong and you're with them. They are an extreme right party, the reaction is an extreme one, with or against.

The BNP Constitution said:
The British National Party stands for the preservation of the national and ethnic character of the British people and is wholly opposed to any form of racial integration between British and non-European peoples. It is therefore committed to stemming and reversing the tide of non-white immigration

[url=]The New Statesman[/url] said:
Griffin was allowed to get away with claiming that the BNP had mellowed and no longer believed in the compulsory deportation of British citizens whose colour he disliked. This is a lie, designed to spin media dolts. Searchlight, the fascist monitoring group, points out that the small print of BNP policy says it believes in first creating an apartheid state which separates races, then encouraging "voluntary repatriation" and then considering "forcible repatriation" if non-whites refuse to be driven from their homes.

[url=]Searchlight[/url] said:
Read the small print. The BNP claims no longer to be in favour of compulsory repatriation but will offer "non-whites" (regardless of whether they were born in Britain or not) money to return home. However, if you read the finer details of its policy you will see that after those who have chosen to "return" go back, a BNP government will take a decision on the rest. The coded message is that the BNP will then dispatch those as well. Other parts of its programme reveal how it plans to force people out. The BNP states that "native Britons" will be given priority in the job market - the coded message being that "non-whites" will be forced out of jobs and effectively driven out.

Don't worry you were not being flippant you were being a dick don't try to belittle my right you know what it means the political correct society that tell us too use WHITE boards instead of black(it's a writing board), change OUR nursery rhyme about a black sheep to bah bah wool sheep(it's a sheep) and a endless list of over the top pc nonsense and getting rid of traditions.And you may not give it a thought but I assure you people who have worked in schools or with kids for many years have too put up with nonsense like this all the time to avoid upsetting different race children and so on.

The BNP are not perfect but they are changing and for the better in my opinion they are changing most of their old policy's and replacing them with more realistic and mainstream policy's similar to other party's if not more for British people but hey this is Briton and they are The British National Party and want us too reclaim the old British traditions closeness of community's and independence that made this once great nation of ours what it used to be.

They have no problem with foreigners coming to settle or people who have lived here this is if you have noticed the past few months what Nick Griffin has been saying they only want too control our borders more closely to avoid over crowding and immigration which is a major problem at the moment I for one am for that something similar to the Aussies policy's.

*I didn't say they are good they have said things in the past that they should be ashamed of yes but I think they now realise that and are making steps too became a creditable party they have a hell of a lot of work too do but they are changing there image if not impossible work too change your perception of them.And Gordon Brown doesn't drown puppies he shoots them in the head then eats them whole.
Their far from extreme they just want the best for their nation and I assure you I am not with them and I will not fight them like the muppets who throw eggs and attack them then make out that the BNP are the bad ones.

Their Constitution has many wholes in it and that is why they are changing and want to change their image and this is why they have no chance of being in power and Nick Griffin Knows this.

Your quotes from the media says it all really "coded messages" lol this is what you call brain washing and I wouldn't take any notice myself.
bluearmy71 said:
Alan Kernaghan's 40yd Lob said:
bluearmy71 said:
That is not what they want

Yes it is what they want.

bluearmy71 said:
this is the problem because they say things that people get all ooo you can't say that things that most of us do think about they get branded a racist party down to the pc brigade that think a black board is racist

Honestly, I don't mean to be flippant, but there's no such thing as 'The PC Brigade' and nobody in their right mind gives a thought to the term 'Black board' and it's supposed racist connotations.

bluearmy71 said:
they want tighter border control

Yes they do.

bluearmy71 said:
I don't know how people have this view about them I don't support the BNP but I watch their press conferences like i watch other party's and i don't hear one racist thing in them.

I don't doubt that you have not heard one racist thing in the BNP's press conferences. Former NF Secretary Nick Griffin, leader of the BNP is not an idiot. The National Front were not racist either. At least, they said so in their press conferences.

bluearmy71 said:
They would not and wouldn't want too get rid of all non whites in England

Yeah. They would. They would certainly want to. Absolutely. The BNP are by their own admission "wholly opposed to any form of racial integration between British and non-European peoples."

bluearmy71 said:
this is the nonsense that gets blown right out of proportion by the media and simple minds brain washed without a view of their own that don't bother finding out just what the BNP are about

it's not nonsense mate. it really really isn't.

bluearmy71 said:
yes they have said some things that have been wrong but i can say that about the other party's aswell.

*you've lost me mate. "YES THEY HAVE SAID SOME THINGS THAT HAVE BEEN WRONG". Okay. So, what's your real point here? They're good because some other parties have said some stuff that is wrong? As wrong as what the BNP has said? And even if you give me a quote of Gordon Brown saying he drowns puppies, it doesn't reverse what the BNP have said, say, have done and do.

Again, you either truly believe they are wrong, and you fight them, or you don't actually think it's wrong and you're with them. They are an extreme right party, the reaction is an extreme one, with or against.

The BNP Constitution said:
The British National Party stands for the preservation of the national and ethnic character of the British people and is wholly opposed to any form of racial integration between British and non-European peoples. It is therefore committed to stemming and reversing the tide of non-white immigration

[url=]The New Statesman[/url] said:
Griffin was allowed to get away with claiming that the BNP had mellowed and no longer believed in the compulsory deportation of British citizens whose colour he disliked. This is a lie, designed to spin media dolts. Searchlight, the fascist monitoring group, points out that the small print of BNP policy says it believes in first creating an apartheid state which separates races, then encouraging "voluntary repatriation" and then considering "forcible repatriation" if non-whites refuse to be driven from their homes.

[url=]Searchlight[/url] said:
Read the small print. The BNP claims no longer to be in favour of compulsory repatriation but will offer "non-whites" (regardless of whether they were born in Britain or not) money to return home. However, if you read the finer details of its policy you will see that after those who have chosen to "return" go back, a BNP government will take a decision on the rest. The coded message is that the BNP will then dispatch those as well. Other parts of its programme reveal how it plans to force people out. The BNP states that "native Britons" will be given priority in the job market - the coded message being that "non-whites" will be forced out of jobs and effectively driven out.

Don't worry you were not being flippant you were being a dick don't try to belittle my right you know what it means the political correct society that tell us too use WHITE boards instead of black(it's a writing board), change OUR nursery rhyme about a black sheep to bah bah wool sheep(it's a sheep) and a endless list of over the top pc nonsense and getting rid of traditions.And you may not give it a thought but I assure you people who have worked in schools or with kids for many years have too put up with nonsense like this all the time.

The BNP are not perfect but they are changing and for the better in my opinion they are changing most of their old policy's and replacing them with more realistic and mainstream policy's similar to other party's if not more for British people but hey this is Briton and they are The British National Party and want us too reclaim the old British traditions closeness of community's and independence that made this once great nation of ours what it used to be.

They have no problem with foreigners coming to settle or people who have lived here this is if you have noticed the past few months what Nick Griffin has been saying they only want too control our borders more closely to avoid over crowding and immigration which is a major problem at the moment I for one am for that something similar to the Aussies policy's.

*I didn't say they are good they have said things in the past that they should be ashamed of yes but I think they now realise that and are making steps too became a creditable party they have a hell of a lot of work too do but they are changing there image if not impossible work too change your perception of them.And Gordon Brown doesn't drown puppies he shoots them in the head then eats them whole.
Their far from extreme they just want the best for their nation and I assure you I am not with them and I will not fight them like the muppets who throw eggs and attack them then make out that the BNP are the bad ones.

Their Constitution has many wholes in it and that is why they are changing and want to change their image and this is why they have no chance of being in power and Nick Griffin Knows this.

Your quotes from the media says it all really "coded messages" lol this is what you call brain washing and I wouldn't take any notice myself.

Are you aware that everything you've just written is totally wrong?

The 'black' board issue, along with the other issues of 'political correctness' mentioned are complete falicies, stories created by people with ulterior motives to convince people like yourself.

The BNP are NOT changing, the other poster has quoted DIRECTLY from BNP policy their opinions on non-whites in Britain. It's not an issue you can debate, it's (ironically) in black AND white for all to see.

The only changes the BNP have gone through are cosmetic, their true intentions, and true aims, would see them completely unellectable. If they came out and said "We want to rid Britain of everyone who isn't white, then we'll start on shipping out the Jews....." they'd never be anything other than a laughing stock, by attempting to hide their true intentions under a veneer of 'respectability and change' they manage to convince certain sections of society (the disillusioned, the down trodded, the unintelligent) that they aren't really racist bigots after all. They always have been, and always will be, more racist than you can comprehend.
Televators said:
Daviesmcfc said:
denislawsbackheel said:
don't let the racist cnut wind you up. He is vermin.
He should be banned to be honest. I have reported his last post for being extremely racist and anti Semitic.

You stupid little boy.

Just live your life, the way you want to live your life.

Forget about everyone else. If this party ever gets anywhere it's because more people than you think they're right. At that point, and only then, maybe you will have to stop, and actually wonder if you were in the wrong.

Until then, concentrate on who you believe, and give everyone else that same courtesy too.
Get lost. So I should accept people voting for a party who wants to kick me out of the country and deport me even though I have lived here all my life?
That guy just denied the Holocaust. Why should I accept it when it is a fact that it happened?

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