bnp have an elected mep

buzzer1 said:
Daviesmcfc - "That is one of the most racist things I have ever read.
The figures are NOT blown up, I am Jewish my self and many people I know had their entire families killed by the Nazi's. If anything, it was more than six million. To suggest Jewish people pumped the figure up to get Israel is extremely racist. You should go to Auchwitz, you should see the gas chambers. the confiscated items and the death camps. It would bring a tear to anyone's eye how six million innocent people were killed.

The last bit of your post is the biggest load of sh*t I have ever seen. The wealthy Jews did not help transport the lower class Jews and if they did it was because they were forced to by the Nazi's.

You are a Holocaust denier as there is overwhelming proof that millions of Jewish people were killed."

Buzzer1 ...

Whatever you believe the upper class jewish people did transport the lower class jews to the camps for immunity and probably for certain death. Do not dare call me Racist, as the jewish are the most racist people in the world (NOT all of them). The Rothschild created ADL and b' naibraith (spellcheck) as the habit of branding people, with names to suit their adgenda, i.e Racist, holocaust denier if it does not suit their poxy agenda. And yes Israel was bombed into existance and if you can get your one brain cell round this.. iam not English, Scotish, Jewish, Arobic, Asian, or any other stupid fucking name that you choose to allow yourself to be branded with. I am from this piece of ground on which i stand, which in turn belongs to the universe!

If you would of seen some of my other posts and comments, then you surely will see this. We are just an experiment from the stars, and untill people like you wake up to this minipulation we will always be at logger heads.

The only flag i wrap myself in Comes in the colours blue & white!
Fuck off your racist Holocaust denying bastard. That is total utter shit. I'd like to see proof of your first statement. Jewish people are racist? You are a fucking racist knobhed. It's cunts like you who vote for the BNP.
I can not believe that you said the figures for the Holocaust are massively blown up. No Jewish person transported another Jewish person to a camp you fucking idiot and if they did it was against their will.
Matty said:
buzzer1 said:
Whatever you believe the upper class jewish people did transport the lower class jews to the camps for immunity and probably for certain death. Do not dare call me Racist, as the jewish are the most racist people in the world (NOT all of them). The Rothschild created ADL and b' naibraith (spellcheck) as the habit of branding people, with names to suit their adgenda, i.e Racist, holocaust denier if it does not suit their poxy agenda. And yes Israel was bombed into existance and if you can get your one brain cell round this.. iam not English, Scotish, Jewish, Arobic, Asian, or any other stupid fucking name that you choose to allow yourself to be branded with. I am from this piece of ground on which i stand, which in turn belongs to the universe!

If you would of seen some of my other posts and comments, then you surely will see this. We are just an experiment from the stars, and untill people like you wake up to this minipulation we will always be at logger heads.

The only flag i wrap myself in Comes in the colours blue & white!

I'm not really sure I get your point. The BNP state the holocaust "didn't happen". Now that's quite clearly bollocks.

You, in a previous post, doubted the figures with regards to how many died, suggesting that those figures had been manipulated to meet an agenda the Jews had to gain their own homeland in the Middle East (amongst other nafarious aims).

You then seem to be clinging on to the "fact" that wealthy Jews assisted in the shipping of less well off Jews in return for their freedom/safety as some kind of reason they should be distrusted and hated as a race.

Your final point seems to be that the Jews, once given their own homeland, have been "the most racist people in the World".

Ok, lets look at each point in turn:-

1 - BNP Holocaust Denial No-one, yourself included I'd hope, with any ounce of common sense or intelligence, can deny that the BNP are an extremely racist organisation. Their aims, policies and behaviours are conducted with one thing in mind, turning Britain into a white only state. Their standpoint that the holocaust never happened is, quite simply compete crap.

2 - Death Toll Manipulation. Seriously? You think the actual figure was so much lower than the figure of 6,000,000 to have made a difference? 6,000,000 isn't accurate, there's no way to be 100% accurate, but it's an approximation based on the European Jew population prior to WWII and the population afterwards. If it was 5,000,000 rather than 6,000,000 would that make a difference? Do you really believe that the rest of the World would have said "5,000,000 dead, that's pretty bad, however if you'd had 6,000,000 we'd have resettled you all back in the chosen land"? The arguement simply doesn't hold water. Who came up with the approximate number? Jewish people? Or was it Britain, the USA, France etc? No doubt you'll claim all of those were being manipulated by Jewish nationals too.....

3 - Jewish Collaboration I've no doubt, on some scale, this happened. However, in every society, be it based on nationality, social standing or religious beliefs, there will be some who use their position to keep themselves and their families safe, sometimes with horrific actions. Reverse the roles and say Hitler was killing off Christians, do you really think there wouldn't be similar things happening? If you don't then you're being naive. I'd also suggest that the numbers of people doing this "collaborating" was minimal in the extreme, particularly when compared to the numbers that died.

4 - Current Jewish "Racism All societies, to one degree or another, act in their own best interests. The Jews in Israel have been repatriated into an area where their neighbours, perhaps in some instances with good reason, feel resentment towards them. Their actions, albeit at times heavy handed and misguided, are aims at self preservation. Can you really blame them given their recent history? I'm not being an apologist for the actions of the Israeli state, many of the actions they're undertaken against the indigenous Arab/Muslim/Palestinian population have been abhorent and vindictive, but to label an entire religious group as "as the jewish are the most racist people in the world (NOT all of them)" is unacceptable, and wrong. Your braketed (NOT all of them) doesn't really work either, you can't label an entire group in such a way and then almost retract it the next. Are they the most racist or aren't they, you can't have it both ways? Even if you're saying "SOME Jewish people are the most racist people in the World" that would need serious coroborating evidence to back it up.

ALL societies/religions will have extreme racist elements, the Islamic extremists that attacked New York don't represent every Muslim, but I'd certainly class them as racist (their hatred of everyone and everything not Muslim/different to themselves is pretty much the dictonary definition). Are you seriously trying to claim Jewish people are worse than these extremists?

Basically your standpoint doesn't hold up to any real form of critique, and as such it comes across as an ill-informed rant. If people read this rant and form the opinion you're racist because of it's content then that's an understandable assumption, a great deal of what you've said would seem to be motivated by an irrational hatred of the Jewish faith/people.
Thanks mate, brilliantly put and you completely proved wrong the racist prick Buzzer1.
bluearmy71 said:
Don't worry you were not being flippant you were being a dick don't try to belittle my right you know what it means the political correct society that tell us too use WHITE boards instead of black(it's a writing board), change OUR nursery rhyme about a black sheep to bah bah wool sheep(it's a sheep) and a endless list of over the top pc nonsense and getting rid of traditions.And you may not give it a thought but I assure you people who have worked in schools or with kids for many years have too put up with nonsense like this all the time to avoid upsetting different race children and so on.

The BNP are not perfect but they are changing and for the better in my opinion they are changing most of their old policy's and replacing them with more realistic and mainstream policy's similar to other party's if not more for British people but hey this is Briton and they are The British National Party and want us too reclaim the old British traditions closeness of community's and independence that made this once great nation of ours what it used to be.

They have no problem with foreigners coming to settle or people who have lived here this is if you have noticed the past few months what Nick Griffin has been saying they only want too control our borders more closely to avoid over crowding and immigration which is a major problem at the moment I for one am for that something similar to the Aussies policy's.

*I didn't say they are good they have said things in the past that they should be ashamed of yes but I think they now realise that and are making steps too became a creditable party they have a hell of a lot of work too do but they are changing there image if not impossible work too change your perception of them.And Gordon Brown doesn't drown puppies he shoots them in the head then eats them whole.
Their far from extreme they just want the best for their nation and I assure you I am not with them and I will not fight them like the muppets who throw eggs and attack them then make out that the BNP are the bad ones.

Their Constitution has many wholes in it and that is why they are changing and want to change their image and this is why they have no chance of being in power and Nick Griffin Knows this.

Your quotes from the media says it all really "coded messages" lol this is what you call brain washing and I wouldn't take any notice myself.

nice one resorting to calling me a dick mate. i wasn't being a dick. i was stating the truth about the relevance what you were putting forward as reasoning behind votes for the bnp had to the banning of the term 'black board'. again, apologies for being flippant (or in your eyes 'being a dick'), i don not give flying fuck about saying black board, black sheep, black pudding, or even black man, i care about a party founded out of embers of the national front not getting power, a party who want to remove all non-white people from England and who are opposed to an integrated society.

my quotes from media are sadly the closest thing i can find to the bnp manifesto small print, so i can't prove it, but i have read it, you can find it at any library. not sure what the coded messages alludend to, but i'm pretty sure you missed the point.

i'm not going to egg anyone as i dont think that's the way, but spreading the word about it will help, and having discussions about it is the way forward. people need to realise that the bnp are not all that they seem. nick griffin is an awful human being and will always be, just because he's presenting himself in a different way now doesn't mean that he's changed his mind on an all-white vision of england where OUR nursery rhymes can use the words black in them without the 'PC Brigade' going 'oooooo' all the time.
Daviesmcfc said:
buzzer1 said:
Daviesmcfc - "That is one of the most racist things I have ever read.
The figures are NOT blown up, I am Jewish my self and many people I know had their entire families killed by the Nazi's. If anything, it was more than six million. To suggest Jewish people pumped the figure up to get Israel is extremely racist. You should go to Auchwitz, you should see the gas chambers. the confiscated items and the death camps. It would bring a tear to anyone's eye how six million innocent people were killed.

The last bit of your post is the biggest load of sh*t I have ever seen. The wealthy Jews did not help transport the lower class Jews and if they did it was because they were forced to by the Nazi's.

You are a Holocaust denier as there is overwhelming proof that millions of Jewish people were killed."

Buzzer1 ...

Whatever you believe the upper class jewish people did transport the lower class jews to the camps for immunity and probably for certain death. Do not dare call me Racist, as the jewish are the most racist people in the world (NOT all of them). The Rothschild created ADL and b' naibraith (spellcheck) as the habit of branding people, with names to suit their adgenda, i.e Racist, holocaust denier if it does not suit their poxy agenda. And yes Israel was bombed into existance and if you can get your one brain cell round this.. iam not English, Scotish, Jewish, Arobic, Asian, or any other stupid fucking name that you choose to allow yourself to be branded with. I am from this piece of ground on which i stand, which in turn belongs to the universe!

If you would of seen some of my other posts and comments, then you surely will see this. We are just an experiment from the stars, and untill people like you wake up to this minipulation we will always be at logger heads.

The only flag i wrap myself in Comes in the colours blue & white!

Fuck off your racist Holocaust denying bastard. That is total utter shit. I'd like to see proof of your first statement. Jewish people are racist? You are a fucking racist knobhed. It's ***** like you who vote for the BNP.
I can not believe that you said the figures for the Holocaust are massively blown up. No Jewish person transported another Jewish person to a camp you fucking idiot and if they did it was against their will.

Hey you, you dirty piece of filth, you go round assassinating peoples character, and calling em c*unts, if you look at my post, i said what the question is, WAS IT blown up blah blah blah, so get yer facts right you oppressionist pr*k, and you what? Israel aint a racist state, just ask the palestinian people, and also every one of the Israeli leaders have been involved in a tarrorist group, i.e IRGUN, if you so wish i will name them all you silly little nobody. If i was bnp or any other worthless group, i would say so,you are a maggot who portray people the way your sick little mind will only allow you too. Also regards the transportation of jews to the camps you f*ckin proooove that they didnt. And as for the Palestinians they too were told a massive lie by the Rothschilds et al, they asked the palestinians for help to drive the Turks out of Palestine & the palestian people where promised a homeland. If you do not know your history look up Lawerence of Arabia who was also hoodwinked, but he knew what was going on when it was too late. Some homeland that turned out to be, its aparthied and racist in the extreme!!

The Jews and Arabs got along fine untill the Rothschilds came along, and created a living hell which is now ISRAEL! Not Racist, your having alaugh D**khead.
buzzer1 said:
Daviesmcfc said:
buzzer1 said:
Daviesmcfc - "That is one of the most racist things I have ever read.
The figures are NOT blown up, I am Jewish my self and many people I know had their entire families killed by the Nazi's. If anything, it was more than six million. To suggest Jewish people pumped the figure up to get Israel is extremely racist. You should go to Auchwitz, you should see the gas chambers. the confiscated items and the death camps. It would bring a tear to anyone's eye how six million innocent people were killed.

The last bit of your post is the biggest load of sh*t I have ever seen. The wealthy Jews did not help transport the lower class Jews and if they did it was because they were forced to by the Nazi's.

You are a Holocaust denier as there is overwhelming proof that millions of Jewish people were killed."

Buzzer1 ...

Whatever you believe the upper class jewish people did transport the lower class jews to the camps for immunity and probably for certain death. Do not dare call me Racist, as the jewish are the most racist people in the world (NOT all of them). The Rothschild created ADL and b' naibraith (spellcheck) as the habit of branding people, with names to suit their adgenda, i.e Racist, holocaust denier if it does not suit their poxy agenda. And yes Israel was bombed into existance and if you can get your one brain cell round this.. iam not English, Scotish, Jewish, Arobic, Asian, or any other stupid fucking name that you choose to allow yourself to be branded with. I am from this piece of ground on which i stand, which in turn belongs to the universe!

If you would of seen some of my other posts and comments, then you surely will see this. We are just an experiment from the stars, and untill people like you wake up to this minipulation we will always be at logger heads.

The only flag i wrap myself in Comes in the colours blue & white!

Fuck off your racist Holocaust denying bastard. That is total utter shit. I'd like to see proof of your first statement. Jewish people are racist? You are a fucking racist knobhed. It's ***** like you who vote for the BNP.
I can not believe that you said the figures for the Holocaust are massively blown up. No Jewish person transported another Jewish person to a camp you fucking idiot and if they did it was against their will.

Hey you, you dirty piece of filth, you go round assassinating peoples character, and calling em c*unts, if you look at my post, i said what the question is, WAS IT blown up blah blah blah, so get yer facts right you oppressionist pr*k, and you what? Israel aint a racist state, just ask the palestinian people, and also every one of the Israeli leaders have been involved in a tarrorist group, i.e IRGUN, if you so wish i will name them all you silly little nobody. If i was bnp or any other worthless group, i would say so,you are a maggot who portray people the way your sick little mind will only allow you too. Also regards the transportation of jews to the camps you f*ckin proooove that they didnt. And as for the Palestinians they too were told a massive lie by the Rothschilds et al, they asked the palestinians for help to drive the Turks out of Palestine & the palestian people where promised a homeland. If you do not know your history look up Lawerence of Arabia who was also hoodwinked, but he knew what was going on when it was too late. Some homeland that turned out to be, its aparthied and racist in the extreme!!

The Jews and Arabs got along fine untill the Rothschilds came along, and created a living hell which is now ISRAEL! Not Racist, your having alaugh D**khead.

HA HA,ive sussed it. I was asking the question,not actually stating a fact,but in your vile aggressive manner,you went straight on the attack,admittedly,i am not the best at english grammer,but i aint thick,ffs i still type with one finger. So,there goes your racist accusations,i was asking a question that actually gets brought up by different groups and the like. I have been the head chef at an immigration centre for 3years,am into various black musicians.SWP is in top 5 favourite blues of all time,in my top 3 dishes is a red hot curry,i am learning the guitar(badly) from a bitish born muslim,(top guy),and my top 3 bands involve The Clash and The Talking Heads,whom definateley have zero racist beliefs,so dont be a silly human being.
At some point, understanding the value of every life that was taken and wanting each life that was taken to be taken into account, someone thought it best to put a number to the Jews killed by the nazis. Six million, five million, a football stadium or two, a train load that was all, mothers, children, children with their mothers, children in front of their mothers. If it was one Jew killed by the nazis for being a Jew, should that life have been taken? Daviesmcfc is Jewish, he will be able to give you the name of one Jew that was killed for being a Jew, and you can say yes, they should have been killed for being a Jew, and after that there won't be any argument.
buzzer1 said:
Daviesmcfc said:
buzzer1 said:
Daviesmcfc - "That is one of the most racist things I have ever read.
The figures are NOT blown up, I am Jewish my self and many people I know had their entire families killed by the Nazi's. If anything, it was more than six million. To suggest Jewish people pumped the figure up to get Israel is extremely racist. You should go to Auchwitz, you should see the gas chambers. the confiscated items and the death camps. It would bring a tear to anyone's eye how six million innocent people were killed.

The last bit of your post is the biggest load of sh*t I have ever seen. The wealthy Jews did not help transport the lower class Jews and if they did it was because they were forced to by the Nazi's.

You are a Holocaust denier as there is overwhelming proof that millions of Jewish people were killed."

Buzzer1 ...

Whatever you believe the upper class jewish people did transport the lower class jews to the camps for immunity and probably for certain death. Do not dare call me Racist, as the jewish are the most racist people in the world (NOT all of them). The Rothschild created ADL and b' naibraith (spellcheck) as the habit of branding people, with names to suit their adgenda, i.e Racist, holocaust denier if it does not suit their poxy agenda. And yes Israel was bombed into existance and if you can get your one brain cell round this.. iam not English, Scotish, Jewish, Arobic, Asian, or any other stupid fucking name that you choose to allow yourself to be branded with. I am from this piece of ground on which i stand, which in turn belongs to the universe!

If you would of seen some of my other posts and comments, then you surely will see this. We are just an experiment from the stars, and untill people like you wake up to this minipulation we will always be at logger heads.

The only flag i wrap myself in Comes in the colours blue & white!

Fuck off your racist Holocaust denying bastard. That is total utter shit. I'd like to see proof of your first statement. Jewish people are racist? You are a fucking racist knobhed. It's ***** like you who vote for the BNP.
I can not believe that you said the figures for the Holocaust are massively blown up. No Jewish person transported another Jewish person to a camp you fucking idiot and if they did it was against their will.

Hey you, you dirty piece of filth, you go round assassinating peoples character, and calling em c*unts, if you look at my post, i said what the question is, WAS IT blown up blah blah blah, so get yer facts right you oppressionist pr*k, and you what? Israel aint a racist state, just ask the palestinian people, and also every one of the Israeli leaders have been involved in a tarrorist group, i.e IRGUN, if you so wish i will name them all you silly little nobody. If i was bnp or any other worthless group, i would say so,you are a maggot who portray people the way your sick little mind will only allow you too. Also regards the transportation of jews to the camps you f*ckin proooove that they didnt. And as for the Palestinians they too were told a massive lie by the Rothschilds et al, they asked the palestinians for help to drive the Turks out of Palestine & the palestian people where promised a homeland. If you do not know your history look up Lawerence of Arabia who was also hoodwinked, but he knew what was going on when it was too late. Some homeland that turned out to be, its aparthied and racist in the extreme!!

The Jews and Arabs got along fine untill the Rothschilds came along, and created a living hell which is now ISRAEL! Not Racist, your having alaugh D**khead.
You should said Jewish people are the most racist people in the world. Bollocks. What the state of Israel did was the state of Israel, it was not the Jewish religion you idiot. Secondly Israel is nowhere near as racist as Iran, Iraq Dubai etc WHO DO NOT LET JEWS IN and want to kill every Jewish person alive.

About the transportation, what is your proof of that? Prove it. Give me some evedence that it happened. If it did which in all likeliness it didn't it was because the NAZI's were forcing them to.
Israel is and always has been traditionnaly the Jewish homeland. Get your facts right you antisemitic knobhed.

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