bnp have an elected mep

There is no excuse for voting for the BNP. None what so ever. If people really felt so strongly about being ignored etc then there are so many other ways to change things before you vote for the Nazi's.

Those who couldn't be arsed voting and those who thought they'd 'protest' should be ashamed of themselves. The North West's name has been tarnished.
mcfcant said:
Helmet Cole said:
alextrueblue said:
the racist bastids have won yorkshire and humber?
andrew brons has won bnp's first seat in european parliament. How long will he last, sat next to all those foriegn m.p's?

I think you will find that sadly he was democraticly elected by "racist bastids".

so everyone who votes bnp are rascist?? get a grip you knob?

No,not everyone who voted for the BNP is racist.
Some undoubtedly are,others are incredibly stupid and quite a lot of 'em are both.
But a considerable amount voted that way because,(rightly or wrongly),they see the rampant corruption,deceit and fraudulence that has given the conventional "3 party system" such a bad name and no longer have any faith in the current discredited fiasco.
It is,effectively,a massive "fuck you" to Parliament - coupled with an even more apathetic turnout than usual,and as such is in many ways a protest vote.
Not the way I would choose to object,but an object lesson to the Commons that if they don't rid themselves of the stigma of sleaze,then it will return to bite them on the arse come election time.
Thankfully,I don't think that this will be carried forward to a General Election,but the warning signs are clear for all to see.
It pains me to even give that repulsive turd Griffin headspace,let alone seeing him and his grinning babboon supporters on the steps of Manchester town hall.
People should take this as a wake-up call as to what can happen when people feel powerless and disenfranchised by mainstream politics.
They will inevitably resort to extremes,and the only beneficiaries are those on the fringes of the political process,such as Griffin and his odious cohorts.
If we don't want this repeated,then the answer is to de-select any constituency MP tarnished by the current scandal,get involved in local politics at grassroots level or just make sure you actually bother to vote,as its often those who can't be arsed who moan the loudest when we get saddled with a bunch of corrupt numpties.
If people could be arsed voting then those clowns(BNP) wouldn't have 2 seats. 36% turn out is shocking!

It does annoy me how many tits are complaining about the idio brigade(BNP) when they couldnt be arsed going to the polling station or using the postal vote to stop those arseholes from gaining seats.

Fair play to everyone who voted
According to the BBC there was actually a slight drop in the amount of votes the BNP polled, it was the huge number of votes that Labour lost which has meant they've managed to gain two MEPs.

On a related issue, has anyone noticed that whenever this BNP MEP issue is mentioned on a website/in a newspaper it's accompanied by a picture of Nick Griffin looking as nasty/evil/smug as possible. Now I've no love whateoever for the BNP but this seems to me to be an akin to subliminal messaging from a media that's supposed to be unbiased. It's as if they're trying to associate the BNP with those characteristics. In my opinion it's an accurate pairing of party and adjectives, but that isn't really the point.
Matty said:
According to the BBC there was actually a slight drop in the amount of votes the BNP polled, it was the huge number of votes that Labour lost which has meant they've managed to gain two MEPs.

On a related issue, has anyone noticed that whenever this BNP MEP issue is mentioned on a website/in a newspaper it's accompanied by a picture of Nick Griffin looking as nasty/evil/smug as possible. Now I've no love whateoever for the BNP but this seems to me to be an akin to subliminal messaging from a media that's supposed to be unbiased. It's as if they're trying to associate the BNP with those characteristics. In my opinion it's an accurate pairing of party and adjectives, but that isn't really the point.

In fairness he's one ugly twat.
Matty said:
According to the BBC there was actually a slight drop in the amount of votes the BNP polled, it was the huge number of votes that Labour lost which has meant they've managed to gain two MEPs.

On a related issue, has anyone noticed that whenever this BNP MEP issue is mentioned on a website/in a newspaper it's accompanied by a picture of Nick Griffin looking as nasty/evil/smug as possible. Now I've no love whateoever for the BNP but this seems to me to be an akin to subliminal messaging from a media that's supposed to be unbiased. It's as if they're trying to associate the BNP with those characteristics. In my opinion it's an accurate pairing of party and adjectives, but that isn't really the point.

It would be pretty hard to portray him as handsome,without favourable lighting,botox and a plastic surgeons scalpel.
Hardly an example of the Aryan master-race he so admires.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Matty said:
According to the BBC there was actually a slight drop in the amount of votes the BNP polled, it was the huge number of votes that Labour lost which has meant they've managed to gain two MEPs.

On a related issue, has anyone noticed that whenever this BNP MEP issue is mentioned on a website/in a newspaper it's accompanied by a picture of Nick Griffin looking as nasty/evil/smug as possible. Now I've no love whateoever for the BNP but this seems to me to be an akin to subliminal messaging from a media that's supposed to be unbiased. It's as if they're trying to associate the BNP with those characteristics. In my opinion it's an accurate pairing of party and adjectives, but that isn't really the point.

It would be pretty hard to portray him as handsome,without favourable lighting,botox and a plastic surgeons scalpel.
Hardly an example of the Aryan master-race he so admires.
True, but Gordon Brown is a cycloptic satchel faced man, and they manage to get pictures of him that don't look like he's plotting the World's doom from inside a hollowed out volcano.
mcfcant said:
Helmet Cole said:
alextrueblue said:
the racist bastids have won yorkshire and humber?
andrew brons has won bnp's first seat in european parliament. How long will he last, sat next to all those foriegn m.p's?

I think you will find that sadly he was democraticly elected by "racist bastids".

so everyone who votes bnp are rascist?? get a grip you knob?

Why else would you willingly support a party who's core principles are racist ? You may not consider yourself a racist, but by helping them achieve their goals you are certainly making a statement that you dont care about my eyes that makes you just a bad as them.
Matty said:
True, but Gordon Brown is a cycloptic satchel faced man, and they manage to get pictures of him that don't look like he's plotting the World's doom from inside a hollowed out volcano.

I don't know about that mate

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