bnp have an elected mep

Matty said:
According to the BBC there was actually a slight drop in the amount of votes the BNP polled, it was the huge number of votes that Labour lost which has meant they've managed to gain two MEPs.

On a related issue, has anyone noticed that whenever this BNP MEP issue is mentioned on a website/in a newspaper it's accompanied by a picture of Nick Griffin looking as nasty/evil/smug as possible. Now I've no love whateoever for the BNP but this seems to me to be an akin to subliminal messaging from a media that's supposed to be unbiased. It's as if they're trying to associate the BNP with those characteristics. In my opinion it's an accurate pairing of party and adjectives, but that isn't really the point.

Same thing with Myra Hindley.
One bad snapshot and suddenly everyones against her.
This "trial by camera" is so unfair.
In fairness to Gordon Brown, he might be one ugly mother, but when he appears in public he does so in a variety of situations, speaking about a variety of topics and covering a variety of emotions.

When Nick Griffen appears in public he is almost exclusively spouting bile and hate or behaving like a complete and utter prick at election declarations, with about as much dignity as I had when Dickov scored the second goal at Wembly.

There are hardly any opportunities to take a picture of him looking and acting like anything other than a hateful, ugly, bitter twat. That's what he is and how he almost exclusively acts in public.

I don't know whether that programme that Sky keep advertising called Lie To Me is any good or a load of rubbish, but given that the main character looks like he is a bloke who determines someone's character through the expressions on their face, I imagine that he would be able to see through this twat in an instance.
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Helmet Cole said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Lets see if they deliver on their promises and represent their constituents before we get all Guardianesque about them.

Do you mean return/repatriate their constituents?

No, they will not be able to do that. I mean will they be present at clinics, will they listen to their constituents, will they ask the questions WE the electorate want answering, that kind of things. Most people voted BNP as a protest to the self serving pigs who take a lot out and give back very little, yes they have some questionable policies but if you take the racist shit out they also spoke a lot of sense.

I think you should see the "SENSE" as a political trojan horse, making them appear acceptable when the reality of what they represent is somewhat different.
What a sad day for British politics. ANyoen who voted for the BNP is an absolute idiot.
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
In fairness to Gordon Brown, he might be one ugly mother, but when he appears in public he does so in a variety of situations, speaking about a variety of topics and covering a variety of emotions.

When Nick Griffen appears in public he is almost exclusively spouting bile and hate or behaving like a complete and utter prick at election declarations, with about as much dignity as I had when Dickov scored the second goal at Wembly.

There are hardly any opportunities to take a picture of him looking and acting like anything other than a hateful, ugly, bitter twat. That's what he is and how he almost exclusively acts in public.

I don't know whether that programme that Sky keep advertising called Lie To Me is any good or a load of rubbish, but given that the main character looks like he is a bloke who determines someone's character through the expressions on their face, I imagine that he would be able to see through this twat in an instance.

That's the thing though, he doesn't come across badly at all. I sat and watched him last night and he knows just how to play the media. I know he's a twat and I'd happily put him down with a shot gun but to your average man who doesn't really give a shit about politics he'll appear a very attractive proposition.
Daviesmcfc said:
What a sad day for British politics. ANyoen who voted for the BNP is an absolute idiot.

I think that it can be safely said that the BNP guy who got elected in Yorkshire, was he called Brons, isn't an idiot, he's an intelligent and educated man, the obvious sort of person that the media and politicos love to hate.

Apparently though he has a bit of baggage. That said many Labour MPs have baggage, Alistair Darling was a raving Trotskysite in the 80's and Peter Hain...well I won't go into what he was into.

However, these are past mistakes and at the end of the day instead of the media and other idiots demonising the BNP and downplaying their voters (I loved Denis MacShanes comments about council estate politics last night, absolute bigoted tosh) they should be given the right to represent their community and take part in the electoral process.

What is the alternative to not allowing the BNP to take part in the electoral process?
Danbert said:
Daviesmcfc said:
What a sad day for British politics. ANyoen who voted for the BNP is an absolute idiot.

I think that it can be safely said that the BNP guy who got elected in Yorkshire, was he called Brons, isn't an idiot, he's an intelligent and educated man, the obvious sort of person that the media and politicos love to hate.

Apparently though he has a bit of baggage. That said many Labour MPs have baggage, Alistair Darling was a raving Trotskysite in the 80's and Peter Hain...well I won't go into what he was into.

However, these are past mistakes and at the end of the day instead of the media and other idiots demonising the BNP and downplaying their voters (I loved Denis MacShanes comments about council estate politics last night, absolute bigoted tosh) they should be given the right to represent their community and take part in the electoral process.

What is the alternative to not allowing the BNP to take part in the electoral process?

That's putting it mildly, would you describe Hitler as intelligent?
dannybcity said:
Danbert said:
Daviesmcfc said:
What a sad day for British politics. ANyoen who voted for the BNP is an absolute idiot.

I think that it can be safely said that the BNP guy who got elected in Yorkshire, was he called Brons, isn't an idiot, he's an intelligent and educated man, the obvious sort of person that the media and politicos love to hate.

Apparently though he has a bit of baggage. That said many Labour MPs have baggage, Alistair Darling was a raving Trotskysite in the 80's and Peter Hain...well I won't go into what he was into.

However, these are past mistakes and at the end of the day instead of the media and other idiots demonising the BNP and downplaying their voters (I loved Denis MacShanes comments about council estate politics last night, absolute bigoted tosh) they should be given the right to represent their community and take part in the electoral process.

What is the alternative to not allowing the BNP to take part in the electoral process?

That's putting it mildly, would you describe Hitler as intelligent?

Hitler was highly intelligent.
Danbert said:
Daviesmcfc said:
What a sad day for British politics. ANyoen who voted for the BNP is an absolute idiot.

I think that it can be safely said that the BNP guy who got elected in Yorkshire, was he called Brons, isn't an idiot, he's an intelligent and educated man, the obvious sort of person that the media and politicos love to hate.

Apparently though he has a bit of baggage. That said many Labour MPs have baggage, Alistair Darling was a raving Trotskysite in the 80's and Peter Hain...well I won't go into what he was into.

However, these are past mistakes and at the end of the day instead of the media and other idiots demonising the BNP and downplaying their voters (I loved Denis MacShanes comments about council estate politics last night, absolute bigoted tosh) they should be given the right to represent their community and take part in the electoral process.

What is the alternative to not allowing the BNP to take part in the electoral process?
I said ayone who voted for them is an idiot. As well as being racist. I can not belive you can defend the BNP. They are immoral, racist and a cancer of society. Nick Griffin denied the Holocaust ffs! How can you listen to him?

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