Boateng to Bayern

He will be quality for them. May have been for us. I think its a shame he didn't get a chance here but that is his fault for not sticking around...I think he would have gotten it this year.

This leads to the real question...are we in for a new CB? For me it is either Boyata stays and we sit tight with what we have or Boyata goes on loan and we go out and get someone (hopefully Vertonghen).
BlueJill said:
He will be quality for them. May have been for us. I think its a shame he didn't get a chance here but that is his fault for not sticking around...I think he would have gotten it this year.

This leads to the real question...are we in for a new CB? For me it is either Boyata stays and we sit tight with what we have or Boyata goes on loan and we go out and get someone (hopefully Vertonghen).
We did bring in Savic. Heard we're also in for a Uruguayan defender.
If we sign Sebastian Coates, then i fear Boyata's City career is coming to an end. He'd end up going on loan this season, but when he comes back, i don't see how he can leapfrog Kompany, Lescott, Savic and Coates (or whoever else we sign). The defenders we are selling this summer are Bridge, Onuoha and Boateng. Bridge was only here for half the season and has now been replaced by Clichy. Onuoha was never here, and Boateng has been repaced by Savic. I don't see why we'd need another, especially considering Kolo is back in September.

What's wrong with Kompany and Lescott as first choice, Kolo and Savic as cover/rotation and then Boyata as extra back-up? Plus, we could always play Richards at centre back with Zab at right back if we have an injury crisis.

We don't need any more defenders as we need to keep Boyata as he is a club-trained, home grown player - important for the Champions League squad.
Didsbury Dave said:
niall_mcfc said:
Glad hes gone. Couldnt be arsed playing last season just because he was playing right back not centre back. He immediately thought he was good enough to play week in week out and it turned out hes shit where ever he plays. THen starts running his mouth telling us to sell him, what a twat. GOod riddance Jerome be good playing in the Europa League next season

Hahaha, as sure as night follows day, an ex-player becomes " a twat".

the poster is right, e is a fucking twat; he shit out of a lot of challenges last season which zaba doesn't, boyata doesnt, so would rather fill the position with 1 of them; also the cnut bad mouthed the club, said we were a small club and angled in the media for a move. A complete fucking twat in my view mr smart arse (oh but Dave you are SO cool though)

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