Boateng to Bayern

He just looked a little too dopey for me for the Premier League. Another one off the books and all parties are happy. Savic will hopefully be a better long term replacement.
Didsbury Dave said:
niall_mcfc said:
Glad hes gone. Couldnt be arsed playing last season just because he was playing right back not centre back. He immediately thought he was good enough to play week in week out and it turned out hes shit where ever he plays. THen starts running his mouth telling us to sell him, what a twat. GOod riddance Jerome be good playing in the Europa League next season

Hahaha, as sure as night follows day, an ex-player becomes " a twat".
hahahahaha and everyone wanking about Savic when I bet a pound to a penny they've never seen him a kick a ball!!! Bit dissapointed Boateng has gone, we never saw the best of him and I'd put money on him being one of the top defenders in Europe in the upcoming years.
When we were buying players left right and centre over the last couple of years, this will actually help us now with FFP. This season up to now I think it is fair to say we are about equal with incomings and outgoings. Tevez being sold are replacing him with someone of a similar value. Bellers, Ade, Bridge, RSC etc being sold will actually have us in profit with transfer dealings this summer. We lost £120M last season even with our outlay but have had or are about to have a major influx of money in one form or another. Why are the rags not having a little bit of a squeaky bum, lost £105M without buying anyone, can't really increase their revenue and have already spent £50 this close season. I think Mr Platini might just have to have a look Trafford way before he bangs on our door!
henning said:
Boots_ said:
Andouble said:
it's on the Bayern OS, saying medical is basically all that stands in the way.

Best of luck Jerome, though I, Mario, and Silva hope you start when we play your new lot in the CL this season :)

Didn't he break his toe whilst sat on an aeroplane?

*puts money on him failing medical*

Busted his knee on a tea trolley, I think it was. Never made any notable contributions - and turned out to be a whiny little runt in the end. Glad to see him go.

His knee was it? Blimey.

*puts extra tenner on him staying at City*
He will be an excellent centre back for Bayern, good luck to him and thanks Jerome for your contribution.
Bluwhit said:
He just looked a little too dopey for me for the Premier League. Another one off the books and all parties are happy. Savic will hopefully be a better long term replacement.
I don't know. Just to be safe, let's hope Savic breaks seven legs during his debut all while using a knife to carve Manchester City onto his chest with one hand while using an Uzi to mow down rag supporters in the other all the way at the Swamp with guided bullets. Now that's commitment. ;)
Has this been made official now?

Decent outcome if it's true, a profit on an unhappy, so far underwhelming player!

Hope he does well at Bayern, but not too well, especially in the champions league!

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