Bobb injured in training | Fractured leg confirmed (p 5)

How is a youngster - who was set for a breakthrough season - fracturing a bone in his leg, now out until the new year, not horrific news?

It might not be “horrific” for our season as a whole and we’ll be able to cope, but it’s obviously horrific from his perspective. He’ll be devastated.
Horrific is a bit over the top. I't's a 3 or 4 month injury, not ideal hardly horrific or career threatening.
In Bali panicked when I saw the news, take a fracture any day over a knee ligament one (especially ACL) fractures tend to mend… knee ligaments can hamper a players entire career.

Shame, but it’s not that bad… could be worse.. few months for Jackie boy to get things right, Doku and the new Brazilian kid to get some minutes :)
A couple of years ago I twisted my ankle badly and had to go for an X-ray, It turned out it was just a bad sprain and ligament damage, But the X-ray showed long ago when I was playing football I broke the bottom of my leg that holds the ankle bone, a piece of bone had snap off and went into the ankle joint,

The funny thing is the doctor said it's normal for sportsmen to break bones and not know it, many just heal by themselves and leave a scar on the bone or in my case a chip that fell off just floated around in the joint.

It's mad how you can break a bone and not know until years later, By the way, the bad sprain and ligament damage hurt so bad and took about 4 weeks to settle down

I remember a few years ago there was a second rower at Salford, Craig Randall, who was often mocked for being a bit soft. One time, it turned out that he had played for a few weeks unknowingly with a broken ankle. It still didn't change the views of some!
It’s such a shame for the young man, just as it looked as if he was about to make a major breakthrough.

I know he’s in the best hands, and will receive fantastic care, but I doubt we’ll see much of him this season.

Hopefully, he comes back fully recovered and will be stronger for the experience.
Oh well, he’ll give us a boost before Christmas and be like signing a new player.
The problem is it might be very difficult for him to get back up to a level which will get him onto the pitch in the second half of the season. Sadly this could set him back a full season in development terms especially if the fracture is slow to heal and he is not fit for selection until the New Year. I wonder if this setback might inform short term transfer policy particularly if the season does not start well?
I remember a few years ago there was a second rower at Salford, Craig Randall, who was often mocked for being a bit soft. One time, it turned out that he had played for a few weeks unknowingly with a broken ankle. It still didn't change the views of some!
Calling him soft with a broken ankle is a tad harsh. Mind you it is rugby league.
Bad news for all concerned and we all wish Oscar well. He is in the best hands and all being well he will come back just fine. Everyone connected with the club will make sure he stays focused too. There is every reason to be positive after what happened so fingers crossed. Whether it pushes us into a move or two we shall see. I just don't want any knee-jerk signings but we only have a fortnight give or take.

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