Bobbys ad in today's MEN

The ad is a bit cheesy IMO, and although I'm relieved to see him gone I can appreciate how important it was for us to get a strong figure like him to take us to the top level of the PL. The club was a mess when he took over and he set us on the right course and got rid of some dead weight. This last season however has been a very sad waste of time, and I'm positive we'll see a change for the better next season.

Thanks Bobby, you made me smile and cheer, you looked good with the scarf and I loved you when you stood up to Slurgie Funguscum in that last derby of our winning season. Mille grazie!
FantasyIreland said:
Tim of the Oak said:
Are you really a City fan?

I'm not a Mancini fan,and the more I learn,the more that increases.

You can dress the Monaco incident it up all you want,i'm of a differing opinion,he was feathering his own nest at a time his focus should have been solely here.........the man is an egomaniac,he doesn't care for anyone else and was a growing cancer on our club.

Like most of the players,i'm very happy he has gone.

And you know the players opinions?
You must get up at six every morning to read every newspaper.
Or there again you could live next door to Ya Ya.
You must be a clever person if the more you learn comes from the gutter press.
I get really annoyed at posters who continue to vent their hostility to Roberto and in particular in what started as an appreciation thread.
The post below is all that was needed - he no longer supported Roberto but is grateful for what he has done for the club.

By the way did Fergie take out an ad thanking the FA and referees for all their support during his tenure?

tufty said:
the bloke had lost me as a fan, due to his strange substitutions and inability to adapt to the other team doing well against us, this season, so I am glad he has gone.

However, I will always be grateful for the trophies he has won for us, and wish him well, and wont hear a bad word about him.

Ciao Roberto.
DruntBlunt said:
This last season however has been a very sad waste of time, and I'm positive we'll see a change for the better next season.!

FA cup finalists and Premiership runners up ahead of Chelsea, Arsenal and Spurs....

Yes, we've had problems, but hardly waste of time surely......
Quality gesture to the fans by the man, never heard of it being done before but i bet it will be now, semi against the rags, the first trophy in my lifetime, 6-1 at the swamp and aguerooooooooooooo, you will never be forgotten by any true blue bobby, thanks for the memories
Nice gesture from Mancini, I'll always have huge respect for him as will the majority of matchgoing blues.

I trust that those venting their hatred of the man, the man who led us back to the top, the man who made us champions, the man who gave us some of the greatest days in our history... will be quiet at the ground today and not cheering the fact he has gone.

I'm looking forward to today and our future.

Grazie Mancini

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