Bobbys ad in today's MEN

Tim of the Oak said:
When the news break that interviews for Mancini's successor allegedly took place before Xmas the people with negative views might have to look at themselves again.

Considering the loyal Mancini was touting himself around Europe some time before that,i doubt very much that said people would feel such a need.<br /><br />-- 18 May 2013 22:39 --<br /><br />
Blumers Bloomers said:
Didn't have to do that........

He really did.....
FantasyIreland said:
Tim of the Oak said:
When the news break that interviews for Mancini's successor allegedly took place before Xmas the people with negative views might have to look at themselves again.

Considering the loyal Mancini was touting himself around Europe some time before that,i doubt very much that said people would feel such a need.

-- 18 May 2013 22:39 --

Blumers Bloomers said:
Didn't have to do that........

He really did.....

OK Fantasy. You're not going change your tune but Mancini's contacts with Monaco were contingencies in case he was sacked by City. It is obvious he wanted to stay with the Blues but now we know he has been undermined for most of the season. Are you really a City fan?
jrb said:
I've been around for 45 years, and in that time I've seen the managerial revolving door turn on numerous occasions at City.

However, one thing is certain. I've never heard a managers name sang as often and as loud as Mancini's was.

That should tell you all you need to know, regardless of your views on Mancini.
Now that, sir, is a stupendous comment.
Prestwich_Blue said:
TGR said:
BringBackSwales said:
There is no worse or more disgusting insult that a BLUE can receive than to be called a rag. If he has any proof then he should give it, if not he should apologise.

If anyone needs my credentials as life long blue then that is not a problem.
However, I won't hold my breath for a retraction of apology from PB and TBH I don't need one. My first game was in '68 and I have never stopped supporting them since. In comparison PB is a lightweight (but a very self important one!)
If he bans me then it will only confirm it.
OK I apologise unreservedly (just to confound you). My first visit to Maine Road was actually 4 years before yours though and I started going regularly about the same time as you so I just found it hard to understand how someone who has been through everything we've been through over those 45 years could get so worked up about things, when it's just a blip in a very bright future.

You know that I don't agree with your assertion that the club's handling of this has been a disaster and you've never really offered your view of how else they could have played it although I do agree that today's Ladyman article is pushing it and has inflamed the situation instead of calming it down.

I'll be having a little word with Mr. Ladyman tomorrow...
waspish said:
A touch of pure class from him
Tim of the Oak said:
Are you really a City fan?

I'm not a Mancini fan,and the more I learn,the more that increases.

You can dress the Monaco incident it up all you want,i'm of a differing opinion,he was feathering his own nest at a time his focus should have been solely here.........the man is an egomaniac,he doesn't care for anyone else and was a growing cancer on our club.

Like most of the players,i'm very happy he has gone.
FantasyIreland said:
Tim of the Oak said:
Are you really a City fan?

I'm not a Mancini fan,and the more I learn,the more that increases.

You can dress the Monaco incident it up all you want,i'm of a differing opinion,he was feathering his own nest at a time his focus should have been solely here.........the man is an egomaniac,he doesn't care for anyone else and was a growing cancer on our club.

Like most of the players,i'm very happy he has gone.
So, most. You've obviously got the inside track so name names? Are you saying that the majority let the club and the supporters down because they could, or they couldn't be arsed?

I'd like to know who these players are and compare that to our games this season. Just for the sake of it of course.
bluemoonmatt said:
The outers have what they wanted the inners generally are accepting what's happened. We will move onwards and upwards but I think this is a genuine gesture from a man who despite the 200 plus pages of Mancini out thread heard his name sung louder than any of the players. It would be nice if the outters let sleeping dogs lie now and actually bring themselves to thank RM for what he helped achieve. Ciao Roberto e grazia

Well said. I didn't want him to go but happy to get behind the new man.

The ad is a very nice gesture, nothing underhand in it.
the bloke had lost me as a fan, due to his strange substitutions and inability to adapt to the other team doing well against us, this season, so I am glad he has gone.

However, I will always be grateful for the trophies he has won for us, and wish him well, and wont hear a bad word about him.

Ciao Roberto.
CC1 said:
Shadz69 said:
CC1 said:
His pay off probably included a 'gagging clause'. Is this his parting shot at the Board without contravening his termination deal? Have to consider it because he didn't exactly go out of his way to meet fans when he was in charge?? He has always kept his distance and considering the constant support he got from the fans he never came on to the pitch at the end of matches to walk over to us with the players.....why?????

If he won't get close to his own players and staff there is'nt much chance of it happening with fans.Bob is aloof and a little eccentric it's part of his charm.

I am in 2 minds. I really loved the guy and what he did for us. The recent reports on his aloofness and frankly, dismissive treatment of players has caused huge doubts about whether his success would have been long term. As the old scumbag in Salford proved, he was hard but seemed to be respected and regarded as a father figure by many of his players. Roberto only demonstrated that with Mario....

The old scumbag from Trafford was a father figure to the chosen few.
How many of his football children did he disown and sling into fostering or adoption to the highest bidder?

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