Bobby's problem

schumey04 said:
He has obviously fallen out now with Lescott as well not only because he left him out last night but the way Dzecko ran to Lescott after his Fulham goal seemed to smack of '' this manager doesnt know what hes doing''.

Get your facts straight before posting rubbish.

Re your complete post in general:

6 points in our next 2 league games and 6 points off Ajax and you'll be singing a very different tune.
Bobby's problem is right here:

"Mancini also praised Mario Balotelli for keeping his cool when the pressure, adding: “I’m happy Mario scored the penalty – he is like Joe in that you know he is reliable in those situations. It was vital we took something from this game despite our performance."

In other words, Balo gets on the field, acts disinterested, does not feel like playing, dooes not play well at all, and then there is a PK and he is given a ball to put it in from 11 meters - which is something EVERYONE on our our team can do very well - and VOILA!!! - Bobby comes up and sings him praises.

WTF Bobby? Balo sucked all night. Don't praise him for that!
WimbledonRd said:
Bobby's problem is right here:

"Mancini also praised Mario Balotelli for keeping his cool when the pressure, adding: “I’m happy Mario scored the penalty – he is like Joe in that you know he is reliable in those situations. It was vital we took something from this game despite our performance."

In other words, Balo gets on the field, acts disinterested, does not feel like playing, dooes not play well at all, and then there is a PK and he is given a ball to put it in from 11 meters - which is something EVERYONE on our our team can do very well - and VOILA!!! - Bobby comes up and sings him praises.

WTF Bobby? Balo sucked all night. Don't praise him for that!

To be fair the whole team was useless when he came on and he was feeding off scraps. All he has said is that you can rely on him for pens.
LHarper said:
schumey04 said:
He has obviously fallen out now with Lescott as well not only because he left him out last night but the way Dzecko ran to Lescott after his Fulham goal seemed to smack of '' this manager doesnt know what hes doing''.

Get your facts straight before posting rubbish.

Re your complete post in general:

6 points in our next 2 league games and 6 points off Ajax and you'll be singing a very different tune.

Well he might. But if our current form continues we won't get these mythical points you casually appear to toss in as a given.

We are playing badly.
WimbledonRd said:
Bobby's problem is right here:

"Mancini also praised Mario Balotelli for keeping his cool when the pressure, adding: “I’m happy Mario scored the penalty – he is like Joe in that you know he is reliable in those situations. It was vital we took something from this game despite our performance."

In other words, Balo gets on the field, acts disinterested, does not feel like playing, dooes not play well at all, and then there is a PK and he is given a ball to put it in from 11 meters - which is something EVERYONE on our our team can do very well - and VOILA!!! - Bobby comes up and sings him praises.

WTF Bobby? Balo sucked all night. Don't praise him for that!

what a load of shite how could he have possibly sucked all night he was on the pitch for 5-10 minutes
We need more movement off the ball - the only options available at the min are out to fullback, back to centre back, centre back smacks it up field.

We need to play 2 central midfielders plus Toure, to get the best out of Toure, cover his forward runs and stop us being outnumbered, especially on counter attacks.

We need a settled back four for the next 5 games at least to get some rhythm.

We need to take some defensive onus off David Silva and allow him to do what he does best, unfortunately for the time being at the expense of Nasri.

We need to press higher up the pitch and in midfield, conversely we need to be able to combat teams who do it to us - we have been caught a few times already this season.
Bobby needs to stick with 4 at the back and stop chopping & changing. We need consistency.
Why do people keep assuming we've got 6 points of Ajax??

In regards to the 'problem' hopefully it's he's realised to drop the 3-5-2 and to not play both silva and nasri in europe. In such a fast paced game last night and as you generally get in europe you cannot afford someone like nasri in the team who constantly turns back on himself when breaking away.

Play 4-3-3 in europe please, Yaya further forward so he isn't ineffective as he was last night. Tevez and Balotelli are both capable of playing wide left.
It really is time we went back to basics and played with 4-3-2-1 especially in Europe and start grinding out 1-0 wins.

----------------------- Hart --------------------------
Zabaleta --- Kompany -------- Lescott --------- Clichy
-------- Garcia ------- Yaya -------- Barry ------------
---------------- Silva --------- Tevez / Nasri -----------------
---------------------- Balotelli -------------------------

IMO this formation will get the best out of Silva and Toure who our are two most influential players. It may leave us a bit narrow at times but it gives more room for Silva and CT/SN to roam and YaYa can make his runs without leaving the team isolated in the middle. The reason I choose Mario up front is that his movement is by far the best from our attackers and will relish the passes from Silva.
Jordie said:
Pigeonho said:
Jordie said:
I highlighted the two points i don't agree with. Rodwell handling the ball against Liverpool, when he clearly didn't, and the stupid (imo) remark about Tevez looking "mutinous". Are you saying you agree with these remarks?

-- Thu Oct 04, 2012 11:14 am --

I thought he was injured.

Many would say ball to hand and that it was harsh, however many could say the same for the handball which lead to our penalty last night. Either way it was handball so yes, I agree with that.

As for the mutinous comment, well that really is a nothing isn't it?

Handball has to be deliberate and that wasn't, neither was our penalty last night but that isn't the issue. Neither were handball.

The "mutinous" comment. I don't think it is nothing but regardless. Do you agree with it?
Ok for fuck sake, I agree with everything apart from the mutinous comment. Fussy ****.

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