Booing the Champions League Anthem

Spot on Bert.

I still maintain people would stay longer if the infrastructure round the stadium wasn't so poor, the METROLINK is not fit for purpose and the road network becomes gridlocked.

Agreed and for anyone who makes the walk down Every St (not every street) and runs the gauntlet past the building works which forces pedestrians to have to walk in the road round a busy street corner, obscured for drivers... someone really hasn't thought that through. If there hasn't been an accident there yet it's only a matter of time.
It’s just another negative thing about our general support. TBH I don’t think we’ve ever truly embraced this wonderful success our new owners have bought. The quiet atmospheres, early leavers in the thousands at home games,conspiracy theories about agendas and now this stubbornness with the booing. It’s shame that this team and our coach is this good but our fans are so negative and unhappy.

re you a complete moron? It's fuck all to do with our team, our owners, how good we've been this season or whether we haven't embarked all of they. It is about an organisation that has an agenda and has to protect itself and it's members. We are not part of that club. Even winning it will not make us members of that club.
I take it you watch City so you must have seen perfectly good goals disallowed for nothing and very strange decisions against us. They will not let us win it is that basic.
Agreed and for anyone who makes the walk down Every St (not every street) and runs the gauntlet past the building works which forces pedestrians to have to walk in the road round a busy street corner, obscured for drivers... someone really hasn't thought that through. If there hasn't been an accident there yet it's only a matter of time.

Pending what end of the stadium you leave at, it can be bad. I am lucky and leave travelling back to north Manchester and honestly say of all the stadiums I go to ours is as good as most to get away from.

We do seem to expect to arrive at a game just in time and leave so to be home or at the pup 30 mins later. Can we not just get in our heads that we leave a stadium with 55k people so it will tale time to get back. I leave WBA with 24k and its slower ! Funny how when we played rags Saturday fans didn't need to rush home then.
Does my head in now listening to the booing, get over it.
Get over them giving seeding points to past winners who don’t get to play in the competition as much anymore like Liverpool United ACMilan etc. just so they get easier draws?

And the new FFPR that’s there just to hinder us?

Fuck that!

Some people have to remember, before City and PSG began sitting at the far corner of the UEFA CL table on a regular basis, but with nobody to talk to but themselves, the other clubs have been sat with each other for years or even decades, passing around the money, cigars and champagne. It's very hard for such a tight knit UEFA Cartel club, if almost impossible, to allow additional members in, never mind to accept them and to treat them fairly.

Just try and imagine how City and PSG officials are treated during these UEFA club meetings. Going to these meetings, in these large rooms, with officials from the other Cartel clubs, stood together, smiling, laughing,whispering, shaking each other's hands, etc, looking around and seeing City and PSG in the same room.

Don't forget that signed PL FFP letter drafted by Arsenal, signed by them, United, Liverpool and Spurs, that was leaked. They all worked together on PLFFP. Do you think it's any different in the CL and with UEFA? No it's worse. Not only are there more clubs behind CL FFP with a vested interest, but so is the organization that runs and owns the tournament. And if you need anymore proof, coefficient points are now being awarded for winning the trophy in the past, and UEFA are once again reworking FFP, even after relaxing it to help the Seria A clubs, especially Milan and Inter, who where crying bitches that FFP was killing them, and turning off possible billionaire investors from abroad. Oh the irony!

Nobody is privy to what goes on behind closed doors at UEFA and amongst the UEFA Cartel clubs, but it's hard not to believe that plans have been discussed and put into place to stop or to at least slowdown City.(and PSG) I don't think any City fan can argue against that fact.
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Some people have to remember, before City and PSG began sitting at the far corner of the UEFA CL table on a regular basis, but with nobody to talk to but themselves, the other clubs have been sat with each other for years or even decades, passing round the money, cigars and champagne. It's very hard for such a tight knit UEFA Cartel club, if almost impossible, to allow additional members in, never mind to be accept them and to treat them fairly.

Just try and imagine how City and PSG officials are treated during these UEFA club meetings. Going to these meetings, in these large rooms, with officials from the other Cartel clubs, stood together, smiling, laughing,whispering, shaking each other's hands, etc, looking around and seeing City and PSG in the same room.

Don't forget that signed PL FFP letter, drafted by Arsenal, signed by them, United, Liverpool, And Spurs, that was leaked. They all worked together on PLFFP. Do you think it's any different in the CL and with UEFA. No it's worse. Not only are more clubs behind CL FFP with a vested interest, but so is the organization that runs and owns the tournament. And if you need anymore proof, coefficient points are now being awarded for winning the trophy in the past, and UEFA are once again reworking FFP, even after relaxing it to help the Seria A clubs, especially Milan and Inter, who where crying bitches that FFP was killing them, and turning off possible billionaire investors from abroad. Oh the irony!

Nobody is privy to what goes on behind closed doors at UEFA and amongst the UEFA Cartel clubs, but it's hard not to believe the plans have been discussed and put into place to stop or to at least slowdown City.(and PSG) I don't think any City fan can argue against that fact.
Good post, but to be honest, PSG were one of the original G-14 clubs so they can shove it n’all
So if the crowd stop booing for the two or three minutes prior to the match when the anthem is being played, it will make our players perform better?

Do me a F'ing favour.
Gorton Tubster.

No offence, but I get really frustrated with City fans like you.

Many of you seem to suffer from short-term memories.


*It's negative and our players going out to play this cup hear the crowd booing a competition they are trying to win, for us?!!?*

Vincent Kompany.

Kompany thinks City fans have every right to protest in the way they have and points out players sometimes have to deal with far worse booing.

The Belgium defender said: "It's a joke. We have played many games in Europe where there has been racial abuse and we have had to put up with it.

"And there have been times when we have been sanctioned in the same way as the team that was actually perpetrating those chants.

"In Moscow we weren't allowed to have any support inside the stadium. I don't see what our fans did wrong.

Read more:

Perhaps the newer players didn't understand it initially, but the older players will have explained to them why City fans boo the UEFA CL anthem.

Once again for you and any other City fans who think like you, booing the UEFA CL anthem for 30 seconds before the match starts does not in anyway impact on the team, and on their performance. And to prove that, rewatch the first half against Liverpool. Once and for all, that line of argument/debate is wrong. Full stop.

Whatever guys. Fact is it costs nothing to stop, the owners the manager think it will help and have asked, nothing to lose.
Spot on Bert.

I still maintain people would stay longer if the infrastructure round the stadium wasn't so poor, the METROLINK is not fit for purpose and the road network becomes gridlocked.
Plus there are next to no pubs around the ground and there isn’t one single pub between the ground and Town and there are no other reasons to stay around the area of the stadium, other than to stand in a puddly gravel car park and look at the stadium.

Plus those people who shout too much with microphones are excruciatingly painful to listen to so City Square is a no-go area
FIFA were proven to be a completely corrupt organisation and i think if the powers that be did the same amount of digging at UEFA , they would find similar issues , UEFA are a self serving organsiation who will dictate which clubs they want to win their competitions , the orignal G14 clubs are still well supported and upstarts like , PSG and ourselves will never be completely accepted into their club. Every questionable decision in the Dipper Q/Final went the Dippers way , Salah's offside goal , Sane's two onside goals , Sterlings nailed on penalty , Pep sent to the stands , its been orchestrated from the very top since 2009 when we arrived in the Champs league .
The groups of death draws , FFP , racism against our players , ridiculous fines for being a minute late at half time (a bigger fine than Moscow got for their fans racism) or maybe i am showing my "cityness" as one knobhead poster has stated on here , all we want as supporters is exactly the same treatment as other teams who compete in the Champs league , nothing more nothing less and we have simply not had this from day one , hence the booing from the majority of our supporters.

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