Boris Johnson....

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Skashion said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Shall we have a debate about what defines middle class?

Where is the cut off? Is it financial,educational,type of work you do?
You have to be born middle-class.

-- Wed Aug 29, 2012 10:48 pm --

gordondaviesmoustache said:
Although he did post that before he met me in person.
If there was an advertisement for how so-called class does not make the man, you would be it. Aside from when you tried to proposition me in the toilets, which I presume is a remnant of your private school education?

He wanted you to be his fag?

not suprised
He's a twat who uses the fact he's a bumbling twat of a man to hoodwink the nation into thinking he's one of us when in reality he's a bellend with shit hair in a shit suit acting like a massive twat.

He's basically a fat slightly more intelligent (as a result of a private education) Peter Andre.

At least Hitler had the good grace to not invent a comic character to distract us from the holocaust. Pol Pot also managed it. No idea why the tories think that having a funny mascot will distract us from the current beating we're all on the end of.
denislawsbackheel said:
An utter twat and I can't wait for him to be Tory leader and make the c unts unelectable.

You do realise the opposite would happen, they would steam roll the election with him in charge, the shallow ones would vote him in
If he was nominated for Tory leader you watch the backstabbing self centred vindictive Tories turn on him!
we are always complaining that politicians are drab,boring wankers who say what they are told to say, along comes an eccentric in johnson and because he is a bit of a bumbling toff it makes him a nazi

what we need is a norman wisdom type for the left then everyone is happy

although it didnt do michael foot too much good

if we are going to get shafted which we always do it might as well be by someone who makes us laugh
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