To finish fourth in any sport or business or any type of competition in the world, you are a failure. Finishing third is failing. Finishing second, whilst being respectible, is a failure.
Finishing fourth, whether it gets you Champions (ha, fucking Champions, it should be called the "UEFA Mostly Made Up Of No-marks League"! Most of the Champions League group teams have been complete failures in the Europa League over the last few years! How is that the highest level of competition? There are much better teams in the Europa League than half of the Champions League!) League or not, and being happy with it is a sad state of affairs.
Fuck the Champions League! I'd rather WIN the Europa League for now!
Finishing 5th last season made no difference to the players we signed, if we'd'v won the league we couldn't have signed better players. And fourth, fifth, whatever, it isn't first!
Fuck fourth! I want to WIN a trophy!
While the media want to portray fourth as an achievement and brainwash everyone into thinking that's true; it isn't!