Breaking Bad

Gotta say Walts getting less likeable by the week! I hoped he'd ride off into the sunset with millions in his pockets until this series, no I sort of hope Uncle Hank busts him!
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Does anyone else watch this show? Im absolutely hooked, up there with Sopranos/The Wire for me, but no majpr networks picked it up here. I watch through my Netflix on apple TV. Can't recommend highly enough.

its the biggest shinest set of bollocks meant for a great dane, but on a yorkshire terrirer. By far the best written, acted and produced current drama out there. Its absense from mainstream and sat tv says everything you need to know about the *uck wits in charge, who are happy to peddle utter dross, like harrys law and the middle, but couldn't secure this monster of a story. It's *ucking brilliant and anyone who says it isn't deserves to be *ucked with a palm tree.

a suitable comparrison, would be for one to buy phil jones and the other to buy kun aguero!
ElanJo said:
Jesse was hilarious at the dinner table lol

And Walt wants an Empire! This is gonna be good :)

Walt has lost the plot which is probably what would really happen to somebody in his position. He sold out his chance when he was young and has regretted it every day since so there's no way this can end well for him because of his obsession.
Walt is in 100% Heisenberg mode now and it's just fantastic to watch. Should be interesting to see what his compromise is and the inevitable outcome. He's living dangerously close to the edge and only a matter of time before Hank catches him out, but something tells me he'll give Walt leeway to save face with the DEA by telling him to cut off all contact with his family and leave home which I can't imagine Walt (Sorry Heisenberg...) reacting all too well to. Just my prediction, it's going to be one hell of a finale that's all I can say the writers of this show are second to none.
yatesy94 said:
Walt is in 100% Heisenberg mode now and it's just fantastic to watch. Should be interesting to see what his compromise is and the inevitable outcome. He's living dangerously close to the edge and only a matter of time before Hank catches him out, but something tells me he'll give Walt leeway to save face with the DEA by telling him to cut off all contact with his family and leave home which I can't imagine Walt (Sorry Heisenberg...) reacting all too well to. Just my prediction, it's going to be one hell of a finale that's all I can say the writers of this show are second to none.

His plan has to have something to using the guy buying the methylamine as his distributor. Or maybe partnering up with him and being the cook for his whole operation.
buckshot said:
yatesy94 said:
Walt is in 100% Heisenberg mode now and it's just fantastic to watch. Should be interesting to see what his compromise is and the inevitable outcome. He's living dangerously close to the edge and only a matter of time before Hank catches him out, but something tells me he'll give Walt leeway to save face with the DEA by telling him to cut off all contact with his family and leave home which I can't imagine Walt (Sorry Heisenberg...) reacting all too well to. Just my prediction, it's going to be one hell of a finale that's all I can say the writers of this show are second to none.

His plan has to have something to using the guy buying the methylamine as his distributor. Or maybe partnering up with him and being the cook for his whole operation.

Ah suppose that would enable his future "Empire" to become a reality then. Although can't imagine Walt working under anyone again after the whole Gus fiasco. Will be intriguing to see how it develops.
salman said:
Does anybody else fucking despise Skylar? fucking biaatchh
I praying either walt or mike shoots her right in the face. infact ive wanted that since series 2. she plays the character fooking well though! out of all of this i hope its Jesse that survives everything. he fucking cracks me up

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