Bring the Poznan back!!

danburge82 said:
Last season we seemed to be as one, a proper unit, a proper fanbase. I think the Poznań really made us as a set of fans. We had a camaraderie, a real feel good and together feeling. I think that was because of the Poznań.

This season I've rarely enjoyed being part of our fanbase. We've seemed really dull, we've sang very shit songs, and in some games when the team has really needed us we've been fucking shit (Liverpool League Cup semi-final 1stLeg, Sunderland on Saturday, and a number of away games). There's nothing about us this season, other than dullness!

The one thing I have realised about success and fans is that the more successful a team becomes, the less passion the fans exhibit.
I have attended games at OT, and felt an urge to sit with the away fans. I even had a row with a guy because he looked like he was getting annoyed at me singing. Granted, I have a terrible voice, but ffs, it's a footie match. Compare that to when we play away, and anyone would think we had some of the loudest fans out there.

Unfortunately, success brings the prawn sandwich brigade to matches.
can we make this a spoiler, as the poznan really helps to defines us as fans, the players love it and we all know other club pretend to hate it, when in fact at any opportunity they try mimic it e.g united at our place in the F.A Cup
We need a trigger point in the game to do the poznan as one, at wembley it was when rags were read out. To have biggest impact I think we should celebrate goal scored as we want then the moment the game restarts can be our trigger so as one we all turn and do the poznan, all together as one would look immense and put the shackles up other team after they have just conceded
Let's all do the poznan
Let's all do the poznan
F**k the boring b*****ds
F**k the boring b*****ds
Na na na
danburge82 said:
Always like to pick out the miserable bastards facing forward in these pics.
The poznan was the best thing to go round an english football ground for over 20 years, it got the crowd together, got great media attention, wembley was class and first time anything seen like that for years.
Yes i was at blackburn away where the rovers fans said they watched us rather than game because of what we did, yes i was at bolton, yes i was at home against poznan when we first did it.
I really dont understand the people that comment saying the poznan was crap ! There must be some dirty filthy rags on this site !
The poznan may not win the league for us, but players love it, fans get together, it looks fantastic, so lets do it again.
Again we have improved this season as far as results are concerned, no matter how you look at things iv been proud of city this season. Come on lets bring the atmosphere back like we did at home to chelsea, we are not the prawn sandwich brigade at the swamp ! CTID
trevorriley said:
yes i was at home against poznan when we first did it.

This is the thing I dont like about it we had to steal another teams identity to use for our own.

I give my full support all through the games, then lads beside me give me funny look when I dont join in with it as I feel like a right tit jumping around like that. Yet the same lads have stood there most of the game and not sang or give much encouragement to the team all the way through.

At the end of the day people pay for the ticket / turn up and can do what they want a guess.

Why not put our own twist on it and do it forwards or something as- were English not Polish.

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