British woman who fled to Syria wants to return to UK

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Note of caution what happens if she is an Isis spy, and wants to return to the UK to then carry out their work.

Perhaps form a "sleeper cell" just like in the Cold War.

Then when she hears a certain phrase on some obscure radio broadcast she becomes activated.

Scarey stuff straight from a John Le Carre novel but could be possible.

Radio broadcast Granddad. Surely you mean Snapchat. :-)
Note of caution what happens if she is an Isis spy, and wants to return to the UK to then carry out their work.

Perhaps form a "sleeper cell" just like in the Cold War.

Then when she hears a certain phrase on some obscure radio broadcast she becomes activated.

Scarey stuff straight from a John Le Carre novel but could be possible.
What's all this 'radio' talk,laddie ? Surely you mean wireless.
Only a couple months ago the picture of a washed up child laying dead on a beach was posted. Sympathy and outrage more needs to be done to help the refugees. How quickly some forget and now couldn't give a toss about the kids in this situation.

And in both of these cases it's the parents fault that they put their children in danger.

I would lay on a weekly charter plane for these ISIS supporters , hand in your passport , NI number , child benefit numbers, close the door on your way out , you ain't coming back.
All to predictable really with the usual lot gleefully rubbing their hands together at a 'bad Muslim' story they can really get their teeth into.
I'm convinced they all tag team each other to start another bash a muslim thread, every thread the same bell ends.

Nothing suprises me anymore though even posters wanting children blown up, they would eradicate every darkie going if they had their way.
I'm convinced they all tag team each other to start another bash a muslim thread, every thread the same bell ends.

Nothing suprises me anymore though even posters wanting children blown up, they would eradicate every darkie going if they had their way.
The only person to mention her religion is you and stonerblue.
I'm convinced they all tag team each other to start another bash a muslim thread, every thread the same bell ends.

Nothing suprises me anymore though even posters wanting children blown up, they would eradicate every darkie going if they had their way.
It's quite worrying how a person's view of death, cruelty or punishment towards a fellow human being can change dramatically when something occurs outside this small island of ours.
And in both of these cases it's the parents fault that they put their children in danger.

I would lay on a weekly charter plane for these ISIS supporters , hand in your passport , NI number , child benefit numbers, close the door on your way out , you ain't coming back.

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