Buying Success: Discuss

ColinLee said:
sir baconface said:
ColinLee said:
Since a mod had already addressed the issue what would be the point of repeating it?

I don't understand what you are saying here.
I'm saying that I had an issue with it (and similar crappy posts that are all but unreadable) but since a mod had already pulled him up then there's no sense in posting more replies to it. Perhaps there's actually a lot of people that objected to it but did the same as myself and let the mods deal with it?

Right. Thanks.

Probably best left there as it's water under the bridge now.
FanchesterCity said:
'because I'm a fucking moderator' is a phrase that no moderator should ever post.

Other than that, text speak does need to be policed, although perhaps with a gentle reminder rather than a sarcastic rebuke.

Context my friend. I wasn't saying "I'm a fucking moderator" so therefore I can do whatever I want, I was saying "I'm a fucking moderator" and as such I don't have the luxury of just ignoring things I'd rather not deal with. Do you really think I wanted to pick someone up on a post like that one? No, I've better things to be doing with my time thanks, but, as I said, it's an issue many have a problem with so it needed dealing with. A light hearted response seemed easier than a staid, dry "don't do that it's against the Code Of Conduct" type post, which incidentally would have been jumped on with "get a grip" type posts just like my later post was.
franksinatra said:
Matty said:
franksinatra said:
Absolutely incredible. You actually think you are in the right. For no reason you try and belittle a poster and then take the moral high ground. The poster made a valid analogy to buying success. For some reason instead of responding to the post you felt the need to criticise.

Actually, I don't think I'm in the right, I know I am. It wasn't for "no reason" I pointed this out, it's because I'm a fucking moderator, and it's our responsibility to deal with issue other posters find irritating, and that fall foul of the Code Of Conduct. An entire paragraph, containing what should have been 5 or 6 individual sentences, that contains not 1 single piece of punctuation, wasn't acceptable as it makes it incredibly difficult to read. In fact it's actually annoying for many members as it's just lazy posting and a sign of modern society where it's more important to be heard than to do so in a manner that's articulate. Being called a twat for doing so is not acceptable. Oh, and the "reason" I felt the need to criticise, your word not mine, is because I'm a fucking moderator, and it's our responsibility to deal with issue other posters find irritating, and that fall foul of the Code Of Conduct. I many have mentioned that already.

Read the responses, not one person has an issue with the post you tried to belittle with your crass reference to Punctuation. Yet five or six people have commented on your attitude and comments. So if you are dealing with 'issues posters find irritating' I would start 'fucking moderating' ,your words, closer to home
Just because people shout the loudest doesn't make them the majority view. The kind of people that dislike moderating, and feel it's akin to a website policing, are the kind of people who kick and scream and shout about things, thus ensuring their view is heard. Those who agree with the moderating action taken are far less likely to post a response saying so, especially when it's also likely to see themselves end up as a target for some shouting and ranting.
Matty said:
franksinatra said:
Matty said:
Actually, I don't think I'm in the right, I know I am. It wasn't for "no reason" I pointed this out, it's because I'm a fucking moderator, and it's our responsibility to deal with issue other posters find irritating, and that fall foul of the Code Of Conduct. An entire paragraph, containing what should have been 5 or 6 individual sentences, that contains not 1 single piece of punctuation, wasn't acceptable as it makes it incredibly difficult to read. In fact it's actually annoying for many members as it's just lazy posting and a sign of modern society where it's more important to be heard than to do so in a manner that's articulate. Being called a twat for doing so is not acceptable. Oh, and the "reason" I felt the need to criticise, your word not mine, is because I'm a fucking moderator, and it's our responsibility to deal with issue other posters find irritating, and that fall foul of the Code Of Conduct. I many have mentioned that already.

Read the responses, not one person has an issue with the post you tried to belittle with your crass reference to Punctuation. Yet five or six people have commented on your attitude and comments. So if you are dealing with 'issues posters find irritating' I would start 'fucking moderating' ,your words, closer to home
Just because people shout the loudest doesn't make them the majority view. The kind of people that dislike moderating, and feel it's akin to a website policing, are the kind of people who kick and scream and shout about things, thus ensuring their view is heard. Those who agree with the moderating action taken are far less likely to post a response saying so, especially when it's also likely to see themselves end up as a target for some shouting and ranting.
You're just trying to up your post count now aren't you:)
andyhinch said:
Matty said:
franksinatra said:

Read the responses, not one person has an issue with the post you tried to belittle with your crass reference to Punctuation. Yet five or six people have commented on your attitude and comments. So if you are dealing with 'issues posters find irritating' I would start 'fucking moderating' ,your words, closer to home
Just because people shout the loudest doesn't make them the majority view. The kind of people that dislike moderating, and feel it's akin to a website policing, are the kind of people who kick and scream and shout about things, thus ensuring their view is heard. Those who agree with the moderating action taken are far less likely to post a response saying so, especially when it's also likely to see themselves end up as a target for some shouting and ranting.
You're just trying to up your post count now aren't you:)
Obviously, got to get to the 25,000 post mark soon, there's a Gold Watch as a prize..................or was that supposed to be a secret?
Matty said:
andyhinch said:
Matty said:
Just because people shout the loudest doesn't make them the majority view. The kind of people that dislike moderating, and feel it's akin to a website policing, are the kind of people who kick and scream and shout about things, thus ensuring their view is heard. Those who agree with the moderating action taken are far less likely to post a response saying so, especially when it's also likely to see themselves end up as a target for some shouting and ranting.
You're just trying to up your post count now aren't you:)
Obviously, got to get to the 25,000 post mark soon, there's a Gold Watch as a prize..................or was that supposed to be a secret?
Ric's promised me something if I get to 20,000 by the end of the World Cup, a long holiday I think, sounds great.
andyhinch said:
Matty said:
andyhinch said:
You're just trying to up your post count now aren't you:)
Obviously, got to get to the 25,000 post mark soon, there's a Gold Watch as a prize..................or was that supposed to be a secret?
Ric's promised me something if I get to 20,000 by the end of the World Cup, a long holiday I think, sounds great.
Oh yes, we were discussing the fact you really need a break in the Moderator Forum.......
Ignoring the last five pages, because it's like my 4 year old having a paddy with his mate over which is the best Transformer, investment just gives you a chance of success, Leeds and Portsmouth showed just how easy it is to screw things up. The key is to have the right people at the helm to steer them in the right direction. Dippers were fine through Shankly to Dalglish, Scum struck lucky with Ferguson and we started along the road with Mancini and MP. Those that chop and change will fall by the side of the road, look at Spurs, should compete for everything but Levy is shortsighted and I really don't expect them to win anything in my lifetime or until he goes.

Cash just helps, but it doesn't win you anything.
gouldybob said:
Ignoring the last five pages, because it's like my 4 year old having a paddy with his mate over which is the best Transformer, investment just gives you a chance of success, Leeds and Portsmouth showed just how easy it is to screw things up. The key is to have the right people at the helm to steer them in the right direction. Dippers were fine through Shankly to Dalglish, Scum struck lucky with Ferguson and we started along the road with Mancini and MP. Those that chop and change will fall by the side of the road, look at Spurs, should compete for everything but Levy is shortsighted and I really don't expect them to win anything in my lifetime or until he goes.

Cash just helps, but it doesn't win you anything.
It's more important how the cash is invested than the amount. The issues Leeds and Portsmouth had were they were investing money they had to repay, whether it be to banks, financial institutions or a wealthy owner, when the success failed to materialise, as it did at Leeds, or when the owner wants his money back and won't pay anymore, as happened at Portsmouth, the wheels fall off very, very quickly indeed.

The situation at City is very different, and to anyone who isn't trying to be obtuse and look for ways to be critical of City, it's clear that we are in a very different situation to Leeds and Portsmouth. Our owner hasn't loaned us money with the intention of asking for it all back at some point, he's turned it into equity, and his actions both at City, and his involvement with MCC and the wider area, have made it abundantly clear he isn't looking to move on any time soon. The fact he's making City self reliant is the really important aspect here, he's lifted us up from a position of financial insecurity with his own wealth, but now he's strengthening the club itself to allow us to stand on our own two feet. When he eventually does sell the club, which happens to all clubs eventually, we won't still be reliant upon the Sheikh's deep pockets. We'll be a hugely successful club, with a wide array of revenue streams, and a strong future ahead of us.

In the short term you can "buy success" in the way people think City have been doing it (just throwing money at the problem with no thought of the future) however this is unsustainable and what you really need is a long term plan to maintain that success. United have long term success because they have turned themselves into a cash producing giant who isn't dependent upon an individual to support them (in fact they've been capable of surviving a leech of an owner and still been successful), City will be aiming to reach a comparable position of security. Ultimately both methods are "buying success", it just seems that one method is frowned upon whereas the other is lauded as the blueprint for success.

Oh, and it's clearly Optimus Prime and if your kid says anything else he's an idiot.

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