Call me unpatriotic...

'hating England' in a sports sense is always the 'in thing' over here :P
Just cause you never win anything in football never mind, you had the 05 ashes (and may well win 09, and the rugby world cup!) lol
you can win them all the time i don't mind......just as long as your unsuccesful run in the world cup and euro's continue ;) lol
If England win I don't get too excited, if they lose I don't get too depressed. I enjoy watching international football but I really don't have anywhere near the passion for it that I have for City.
i love footy.

city 1 st , then england.

if you love football and are english, why would you not support england in the world cup ? makes no sense.

i know its trendy for rags to say they dont give a s*** about england.

thats because the majority of them are not english and the rest PLASTIC. As their arsehole ex-captain once said......

" half the people in this ground cant even spell football, never mind understand it, their to busy drinking cups of tea and eating PRAWN SANDWICHES "

Stupid thread, IMO. I'd support England at tiddlywinks if needed! Bridge, SWP, Richards, Onouha, Barry apart I would LOVE them to win the World Cup. (Though City will always come first!!!)
As an irishman i would go a step further.If ireland played england in the world cup and we had 5 rags in the team and england had 5 or 6 city players i would support england.I 'm proud to be irish but city is a greater love and i could'nt give a flying fuck if stephen ireland never played for eire again as long as he does the business for city. NOW PASS THE TAR AND FEATHERS !
support the shirt and country not the players, but i know where your coming from, i remember when we last won the world cup just started to support city and i remember west ham fans singing we won the world cup which i thought was great ? but youve got to remember it was an ashton u lyne lad who got the hat trick he was one of ours and a gentleman with it, everybody has got to get behind the shirt whatever the circumstances?
I'm proud to be an Englishman, and although it's only sport, I love the sense of unity you feel when we're in the Euro's or the World Cup.

In peace time, it's the only chance you get to feel a sense of real solidarity and pride as a nation, whether you win or lose.

When players from rival teams are playing for England, I support them 100% as Englishmen.
hello said:
something like 65% of offical england travel clubs memebers supports sides outside the top division

I do remember reading an article after England players performed particularly crap saying this. It was commenting that most of the fans at the game were lower league supporters and the players should have respected them enough to play their heart out for them. For those fans, fair do's, but I would get more upset at City losing a league game than England losing in the World Cup final.

What someone said on here about the media and what their reaction to it would be also has a lot to do with it. Damn red tops.

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