Camera up bum next week.

I've had camera down my throat which wasn't enjoyable as it felt like I was being choked, but also have an endoscopy on Friday which i'm not looking forward to! Quite conscious of someone sticking anything up my arse tbh!
Mr Ed (The Stables) said:
xgorton said:
Does it hurt anyone had this done.

They sedate you as they need you to turn this way and that during the procedure. I've had all three procedures to examine the male orifices with a camera and imo here they are in order of the worst experience:

01 Throat
02 Penis
03 Rectum

Hope everything is ok.

Same here. The bellend one was fine, until I had to piss out the water they put in my bladder. Took 20 minutes, and stung like hell!

I agree with your order too.
stony said:
mick10 said:
Had the anal one which I found uncomfortable and slightly embarrassing, especially when he asked me to push to help removal ( I thought I'd passed a motion!!!) Got one into the bladder through my tool. That was pants to say the least and it stung!! But to say it was painful would be wrong, more, uncomfortable physically and mentally. It will be ok and good luck. Relllllax.

Not sure I'd like one up my japs eye. I remember waking up in hospital once with a catheter attached and thinking 'how the fuck did they get that up there' my second thought was 'thank fuck I was asleep when they did it'
Having it taken out was a weird experience. Not unpleasant, just very strange.

Had the one down the old bell end when they were checking me for prostate cancer (thankfully all clear).True story that I had a nurse standing behind me and clutching my hand.I thought WTF is this all about.I was told to cough as hard as I could and thats when the old japs eye was fully opened by the camera.Christ kinows how I didn`t break the nurses fingers.
I said "oh shit" and apologised."Its alright love,I`ve heard far worse than that" she grinned.
Later that night I was taking a piss in my local and the stinging sensation was unbearable.
A small price to pay,knowing you are all clear of anything untowards with your health.
I had an ultrasound and biopsy test for prostate cancer a couple of years ago. I've never had a large dildo shoved up my backside but this must have been something similar. I had to drive 10 miles home afterwards and had to stop twice, sitting down was so uncomfortable. I even volunteered to do the ironing when I got home , it was more comfortable than sitting down. Spent the following month wetting myself and passing blood when pissing or having sex, which didnt impress the missus.

Fortunately it was -ve.
I've twice experienced the camera in the front docking port. First time with a very attractive young nurse in attendance with a very soothing bedside manner. Surreal. Second time, nurse was more old school and keen to finish her shift. Less surreal.

I wouldn't say catheterisation is bucket list material, but that's just a personal view. Insertion not too bad, but exit strategy had a lot in common with starting an outboard motor. Toes were wrapped around the bed frame like an eagles talons.

Main thing is to get the anaesthetic gel slapped on.

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