Cameron suggests cutting housing benefit

SWP's back said:
bellbuzzer said:
Peter Sutcliffe apparently gets many women visitors, some with presents even.

It defies logic, it is beyond comprehension.

Bit like thatcherism, except thatcherites see something in it for them, be it monetary gain or it strokes their feeling of superiority or both

I'll be back in a bit, just going to give birth to a thatcherite, might take a double
flush,...........that's better jeez what an ugly fucker

The comparison is a bit unbalanced, i admit, sutcliffe murdered 15?, how many was on the Belgrano ?
Well done, 5 paragraphs of shite unrelated to the topic and even a pejorative reference to a war winning act by our brave boys.

You're starting to respond in the manner of a Daily Mail headline writer. ;)
i can see lots of reminds me of the 80's when under 18's living at home didnt get the dole.solution from our crafty scouse neighbours,johnny moves in with his mates folks and and his mate the opposite also increased the homeless amongst the under 18's leaving the councils to clear up the mess.
malg said:
As with the Jimmy Carr Tax Avoidance thread the other day, this forum has more people who profess to being 'left' in political terms, but don't half appear to be 'right' minded....just saying.

A large percentage of the country is Libertarian and doesn't know it.
Its a good idea on the face of it but does anyone believe that us the tax payers will feel any benefit from it.They say they will save 2 billion how much would they save if they stopped wasting money within government. How much would they save stopping endless investigations to find out who was to blame when accidents happen and systems break down just to come out with quotes like " we need to make sure this will never happen again" . This government don't give a fook about the working man,any fool can come up with popular policies that wont work to deflect criticism from the cocked up policies that already exist.
Give me 30p of a litre of petrol that will help me, get some jobs out there for the young people and get the insurance companies to stop charging 4k for a years insurance. Conservative policies are knee jerk and wont support this countries recovery,the problem is neither will labours so can i suggest we just start a fooking revolution.
Mikecini said:
SWP's back said:
bellbuzzer said:
Peter Sutcliffe apparently gets many women visitors, some with presents even.

It defies logic, it is beyond comprehension.

Bit like thatcherism, except thatcherites see something in it for them, be it monetary gain or it strokes their feeling of superiority or both

I'll be back in a bit, just going to give birth to a thatcherite, might take a double
flush,...........that's better jeez what an ugly fucker

The comparison is a bit unbalanced, i admit, sutcliffe murdered 15?, how many was on the Belgrano ?
Well done, 5 paragraphs of shite unrelated to the topic and even a pejorative reference to a war winning act by our brave boys.

You're starting to respond in the manner of a Daily Mail headline writer. ;)
Ha, I used the "brave boys" bit fully tongue in cheek and I was after a "Sun" headline writer style tbf but I'll take it.

As challenger says though, the Belgrano is no stain on our history. It kept the Argies in port and helped hugely. But that's moving the thread off topic so I'll leave it there.
Damocles said:
malg said:
As with the Jimmy Carr Tax Avoidance thread the other day, this forum has more people who profess to being 'left' in political terms, but don't half appear to be 'right' minded....just saying.

A large percentage of the country is Libertarian and doesn't know it.

Is Libertarian the one were we pay much lower taxes and get out of the EU ?

As I'd vote for that.
bellbuzzer said:
Peter Sutcliffe apparently gets many women visitors, some with presents even.

It defies logic, it is beyond comprehension.

Bit like thatcherism, except thatcherites see something in it for them, be it monetary gain or it strokes their feeling of superiority or both

I'll be back in a bit, just going to give birth to a thatcherite, might take a double
flush,...........that's better jeez what an ugly fucker

The comparison is a bit unbalanced, i admit, sutcliffe murdered 15?, how many was on the Belgrano ?

From memory 323 died on the Belgrano, even a left wing bed wetter like yourself must admit that's better than 1 dead British soldier/sailor/airman.
deynaskaz said:
Its a good idea on the face of it but does anyone believe that us the tax payers will feel any benefit from it.They say they will save 2 billion how much would they save if they stopped wasting money within government. How much would they save stopping endless investigations to find out who was to blame when accidents happen and systems break down just to come out with quotes like " we need to make sure this will never happen again" . This government don't give a fook about the working man,any fool can come up with popular policies that wont work to deflect criticism from the cocked up policies that already exist.
Give me 30p of a litre of petrol that will help me, get some jobs out there for the young people and get the insurance companies to stop charging 4k for a years insurance. Conservative policies are knee jerk and wont support this countries recovery,the problem is neither will labours so can i suggest we just start a fooking revolution.

Power to the people brother I've got my pitch fork ready and my burning torch.
The irony of the people who support and lionise Thatcher, is that they are the ones who moan most about welfare and demand endless crackdowns on 'welfare lifestyles'. Yet it was their beloved Thatcher who created these 'welfare lifestyles'. In the 70's 'welfarism' was not an issue, working class people (men in particular), on the whole, had easy access jobs that allowed them to support and provide for a family. Yes sometimes these Industries were subsidised by the state but people had gainful employment and communities were strong. Dole existed but there was no Incapacity or the myriad of benefits there are now.

In the 80's Thatchers economic policy was based on the de-Industrialisation of Britain and to move us to a free market economy based largely on services and finance. This meant the destruction of the very jobs that working class communities (again mainly men) were sustained on. Interestingly Germany took the opposite view and decided to stick with manufacturing but through Government investment and crucially subsidy moved to a more high quality and high tech economy.

As this strategy was set in motion the inevitable happened, mass unemployment in Northern England, Scotland, Wales (Industrial areas). In order to massage the unemployment figures, Incapacity/the sick was created as well as Income support and the Dole was retained for Job Seekers. It was Thatcher's Government that created welfare as we now know it. If you look at the most deprived areas in England, Scotland and Wales where there is now inter-generational unemployment, you will see these are the very people and communities destroyed by Thatcher's deindustrialisation policy.

Unemployment was an intentional policy of Thatcher's. The Conservatives believe unemployment is a 'price worth paying' (quoting Norman Lamont). That is why it was her Government that created the welfare system her supporters now demonize. For Tories and their supporters in Big business a certain level of unemployment is a good thing. If you have 10 jobs and 10 workers, the power is with the worker, they can demand good wages etc but if you have 10 jobs and 100 workers, the power is with the employers. A large Labour or expanded Labour market with high unemployment means a cheaper, more compliant, fearful workforce.
deynaskaz said:
get the insurance companies to stop charging 4k for a years insurance.
I've explained before that most car insurance underwriters make around 4-8% profit on car insurance and many actually lose money on that side of it but have it as a loss leader for your custom.

If you want insurers to reduce prices then we need to get rid of "no win no fee" personal injury ambulance chasers. They and our increasingly litigious scoiety are the reason your premiums are so high.

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