Can we win the premier league ?

No, not a chance, sure I'd like it, sure I'd love for once that we're the side of Manchester that people talk about, but realistically, we'll be lucky to challenge Arsenal for 4th.
We've talented players, I think some are excellent, and it's a great squad, but a lot of them are rejected from the top 4, Tevez, Ade..etc. And that has happened for a reason.
I think we've a group of sprinters at the minute, which is all good and well, but to win the Premiership you need long distance endurance runners. Which I don't think we do have. I think the likes of Man U/Chelsea..etc have that. But we don't.
Put that down to the players we have or the inexperience of challenging for the top spot, whatever. I just think that we'll go well for a while, but we'll run out of steam at some point and struggle for a period of time around Christmas.

Liverpool always seem to fall apart at around that time, so do Arsenal as well.
Chelsea last longer but don't help themselves by shooting themselves in the foot, while United seem best prepared to run the distance. They miss Ronaldo, but they've lost bigger players and got on with it.

I still think, despite all that's happened that it's between Man U, though I think they've got a bit stale, I think Fergie made a mistake not replacing Ronaldo, but that could come back and bite us all in the ass after they win the Premierhsip, but I think Chelsea have a good shot at winning it this season if they don't have another melt down from the inside.
Which could well happen.
Oh the Premiership, just full of dramatics.
We are only just playing OK for most of the 90 minutes. At times we have looked world beaters but we have still only played a team who scraped out of relegation last year, a promoted team and one who had sold half its team in the last 4 weeks. Next 2 games will give a good indication of where we could finish.
Lmarkham-blueblood said:
of course we can!!! weve had over 30 years of being typical city. if anyone deserves it its us

lol, after 30 years i think I've figured it doesn't unfortunately work like that :(

But 4th, id be over the moon. The blue moon
Think chelsea are most likely to win the league, do think we can finish top 4 but would be happy with 5th.........
We're too inconsistant. We've gotten results from our games so far, but we've not lost because of 2 things, luck and Shay Given, it's as simple as that.
How many times has the woodwork saved us, or how many times has our defence looked comical, and Given then comes up with a piece of magic that reminds us all how good he is, why we signed him and why Newcastle are in the Championship.
Our defence is not good enough.
We're sloppy and at times we've players who just want to sprint up the pitch, and entertain and score goals, and that's great if you're 4-0 up against Hull or someone, but if you're 1-0 up and there's a few minutes left in the game and you've got them trying to pull the same crap, it'd age you 5 years watching them play it out.
While you'd put your house on it that if it was Man U, the likes of Rooney would be up in the corner holding on to the ball.
We need that, we don't play smart football. It's as simple as that.
We've players who think they're all that, they think they're stars and will try to out do eachother. That will cost us. They are always trying to impress and while that might be nice on the eye at times, it's stupid nearly 99 times outta 100.

Untill we learn how to play as a team, and play smart football we're in danager of loosing games we should win. And until we learn that, we wont be winning anything major.
i think chelsea look too strong this season but if we are still up there when the next transfer window opens and a couple of the big europian clubs have been knocked out of the champions league we could maybe get the players off them that will keep us right up near the top and give fergie a big fuckin heart attack
We have to believe it is possible. The team has to go into every game with confidence. Gone are the days when ' a decent performance' was considered good enough. These days we should be expecting more - a lot more.

If we are not still in with a chance of the title with 4 games to go, I would regard this season as a failure.

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