Can't Wait for The Summer Departure of...

BlueAnorak said:
Tevez was crap today. It happens.
Yes he should pass the ball more to others but if the others he passes to miss (like Slva and Ya Ya did today) then perhaps he has a good excuse for being a bit greedy.


I remember Tevez had two choices of passing to Silva today. One was the tap in he ignored DS for and one was slightly behind DS as he ran on to a return.

I would've preferred he passed for the tap in, myself.
His finishing was awful today, His penalty was a fcking joke and if nothing else Balotelli should be taking them when he plays as Tevez never inspires me when taking one. His work rate today wasnt as good as usual but I am not sure if he was still playing with a slight Hamstring problem.

However overall, he is the main reason we win so many away from home and for that I have to forgive him the clear issues at home.
Bigga said:

If there was one player that is the antitheses to the free flowing team play that is trying be instilled into the Manchester City ethos, it is him.

Man City stop, as a team, when the ball gets to him in the penalty box. Where the lads may be willing runners for support for him for the first few attacks, the support begins to tail off in earnest after that. Our attackers now begin to look for fortunate ricochets, rather than expect the ball from him, for a simple tap in.

Silva has been there for the tap in, Yaya and probably others, that I can't recount just yet. I can't blame the under pressure Adam Johnson for not picking out Touré, as the alternative to Tévez, in the box as he merely is between a rock and a hard place on such decisions.

Man, I know people will have a go, but I see what I see and Tévez is a square peg in a round hole when it comes to team play, as a whole.

Tévez works for Tévez and no one else.

utter drivel

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... e-question</a>

read that and anyone else who believes this drivel should read it, you might learn a thing or two about football and the way we play. Maybe Against shite like blackpool he can look selfish but he's a goal scorer I expect it. Come Wednesday you'll see once again Tevez is are most important player. it was only 6 days ago he tore newcastle apart and was unplayable, this thread really is nonsense
I'm glad this thread was started. many times I am shaking my head at some of the ridiculous 'head down' shots Tevez takes that kills off our forward momentum.

at least he scores goals. he certainly does that.

but I believe in the argument that if he were less selfish other teammates would pick up the goal scoring slack. you have to then take the criticism game to game. this match? he was unbelievably selfish and it nearly cost the team.

I also have to agree with posters who noted that watching Balo score a hat-trick from the bench might have put a fire under him and put the blinders on. This is a team game. Carlos, pass the fooking ball lad!!
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
If there were a 'Premier League Player of 2010' Award, Carlos Tevez would walk it.

Skysports just awarded him that.

I really am dumbstruck by the shit people write. Tevez being selfish and not playing for the team deserves a special mention. To those who wrote that, notably Bigga and Damocles, I ask:

On the pitch, Tevez is widely regarded as being one of the most hardworking players in the Premier League. Why do think he puts in such a shift when we've not got the ball? For himself? Or does football only begin when you're in possession? Why, if he is so selfish, is he known for being so hardworking?

The problem with football these days is that it's too accessible. Everyone's got an opinion regardless of how informed they are to make that opinion.
disco dancer said:
Bigga said:

If there was one player that is the antitheses to the free flowing team play that is trying be instilled into the Manchester City ethos, it is him.

Man City stop, as a team, when the ball gets to him in the penalty box. Where the lads may be willing runners for support for him for the first few attacks, the support begins to tail off in earnest after that. Our attackers now begin to look for fortunate ricochets, rather than expect the ball from him, for a simple tap in.

Silva has been there for the tap in, Yaya and probably others, that I can't recount just yet. I can't blame the under pressure Adam Johnson for not picking out Touré, as the alternative to Tévez, in the box as he merely is between a rock and a hard place on such decisions.

Man, I know people will have a go, but I see what I see and Tévez is a square peg in a round hole when it comes to team play, as a whole.

Tévez works for Tévez and no one else.

utter drivel

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... e-question</a>

read that and anyone else who believes this drivel should read it, you might learn a thing or two about football and the way we play. Maybe Against shite like blackpool he can look selfish but he's a goal scorer I expect it. Come Wednesday you'll see once again Tevez is are most important player. it was only 6 days ago he tore newcastle apart and was unplayable, this thread really is nonsense

LOL!! Thanks for the flawed article! It would have been more relevant if we've not scored in multiples since Nov 9, without him in the team. The fact that we're MORE expansive without him makes a mere mockery of your point and have proof to that.

We have won 5 games with scores of 3 and above.

Only 2 involved Tévez. Also:
The contrast with Ronaldo, in fact, is telling: on Sunday against Atlético Madrid, he once again showed his astonishing self-obsession, shooting from increasingly preposterous positions just because he hadn't scored

Sound familiar...?

Cheers for that.
As someone has already suggested, the fatal flaw in this argument is the assumption that if he passed more to someone else, then they would automatically score. I think the overall standard of finishing throughout the side is pretty shocking to be honest. Silva certainly should be better for a player of his sublime ability but he has missed some awful sitters this season - including today.
Me and Bigga are never going to agree on this subject but I hope those slating him on here don't transfer it to the stands. Still our most important player by a mile, no matter who the current South Stand darling is or isn't
username Bigga, Ive never heard a "Bigga " load of shit in all my life, you are a deluded tosspot if you think this or any football team would be better off without Tevez, get real or fuck off.
me to and not just because of today

he doesnt fit the system and you cant just judge him by goals scored he is playing in arguably the best squad and best mid in the EPL ffs plus he takes the pens

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