Can't Wait for The Summer Departure of...

mergatroid said:
Great player, horrible despicable simple man. After what he did he has to go imo.

You have a terrible but not unknown smell..........
His talent is undoubted. His commitment given recent events is questionable.Will he go the extra yard? Yes he will work hard but how much does he want to score now? Maybe he feels he has already proven his point re: Slur Alecsh and the rags.

He didn't seem to be as disappointed as he would normally be or be giving himself a talking too when he missed the penalty or fell on his arse rather than scoring or not doing better wth any of the other opportunities. These things happen god knows but I seriously wonder whether he cares as much as he did before he put in a transfer request.

Getting back together and papering over the cracks when one of you wants away is normally just postponing the inevitable.

We need to start planning for life without him and sooner rather than later.
Bigga said:
LongsightM13 said:
As someone has already suggested, the fatal flaw in this argument is the assumption that if he passed more to someone else, then they would automatically score. I think the overall standard of finishing throughout the side is pretty shocking to be honest. Silva certainly should be better for a player of his sublime ability but he has missed some awful sitters this season - including today.
Me and Bigga are never going to agree on this subject but I hope those slating him on here don't transfer it to the stands. Still our most important player by a mile, no matter who the current South Stand darling is or isn't

Trinno said:
username Bigga, Ive never heard a "Bigga " load of shit in all my life, you are a deluded tosspot if you think this or any football team would be better off without Tevez, get real or fuck off.

cookster said:
I got three words for this thread...........

F@ck off Bigga

Interesting. People who don't understand simple things. That's fine. Clearly, you don't watch the actual game or watch what goes on around the man. That's fine.

I have an opinion that is based upon WATCHING football and not Tévez's famed 'work rate'.


If you actually watched football and understood it you wouldnt be carrying on with your cringeworthy arguement. The fact we've scored a few goals in games when tevez hasnt played is more down to poor oppisition than us being 'more expansive without tevez'. I prefer to look at how many match winning goals tevez has scored and how he plays, he is the main point of are team, the one when chips are down comes up with the goods most the time, the job he does upfront pressuring defenders cant be under estimated.

If your fantasy views were in anyway true do you not think mancini would of identified this? Why would he make someone who weakens are team captain? the whole point of signing dzeko is so that we'll get even more out of tevez.

I'd hate to think where we'd be without tevez again this season, we'd of finished mid table last year.
tevez...... self 1st..... self last...... self centred......get used it boys an girls will never change his style r we better wiv or wivout????????????????????????
Bigga said:
ManCityFC said:
I agree with this. When he missed that it seemed to go a bit pear shaped, but the manager has to take control. It was a bad day at the office and him and a few others struggled with the surface which hampered us today. I would have dragged him off after the break I think. We were lucky to hold on to that 3 points IMO.

Absolutely crucial in its reality!!

Couldn't give a sh*t how bad his 'day at the office' was if he'd bothered caring about the cause and not himself. Four goals scored and I'd have shrugged my shoulders.

But, like others have noticed, I'm not talking about this one game. I think Mancini is beginning to be frustrated that we are not blowing teams away, like he expects. The game play is there to do so, the team ethic is there, so what's the one problem area impeding that progress??


I agree he's a class striker, but he's not a Mancini style player and I think his goose is cooked.
Mancini hinted at his players being too selfish a few weeks back. To be honest I tot he was a hint to Tevez.

I have noticed I seldom like Tevez on the ball, unless he is leading the line and holding up play. His vision isn't very good, so he often dribbles out of situations to buy the time he needs to see the play. Silva, Yaya, Barry, Balo and lately Adam Johnson are all more intelligent with the ball at their feet. Same reason why I am not a Kolarov fan. Too many individual decisions for my taste.
gooney said:
Tevez is an awesome player....his weakness is he's not very tactical in his play. As a lone striker, he comes far too deep to collect the ball and that makes it harder for his team mates to find space. sure his numbers are there for everyone to see, but is he hindering the other two forwards to get in great positions as he drops deep and the defenders can push forward. if he mixed his game a bit more and drag defenders with him, there would be more space for others

His dropping deep was frustrating, that's what I forgot to add, but you know what you get with Carlos Tevez. I think Carlos and Mario would work excellently together because Mario hangs around the penalty area a lot more and looks to play on the shoulder at times. On Tuesday he always looked to get the ball over the top of the Villa defence. Today when Tevez dropped deep we had only Yaya in the box to aim for, allowing an energetic Blackpool side to regroup.

However, cast your minds back to the 2007/08 season. Rooney and Tevez were the recognised strikers over the road in Stretford, and both said players love to drop deep to get the ball. At the start of that season United struggled for goals and people questioned whether the rags would score enough with this partnership/type of strikers. Then a certain enigmatic forward stepped up to the plate. A young man who had previously been vilified for his petulance, inconsistency, and low workrate. Everyone, though, could see he had great potential, and the guy himself knew it. Cocky twat. This guy loved to cut in from out wide and was/is a sublime finisher. Could take a cool penalty and a mean free kick too. He scored 42 goals in all competitions that season, and the rest is history.

Mario and Tevez could be a fantastic partnership, they've already linked up well on occasions this season despite hardly playing together. I just fear we might not see them together after this summer, I think it would be a loss to football as a spectacle.
So if I don't agree with you I'm thick or don't watch football?
ROFL!!!! Very, very patronising Bigga.
Don't know what I've been doing on Saturday afternoons since the 70s then.
And that 500 quid a year for my season ticket is just to check out the hot chicks where I sit. Even the one who looks like Olive from On The Buses.
Balti said:
His talent is undoubted. His commitment given recent events is questionable.Will he go the extra yard? Yes he will work hard but how much does he want to score now? Maybe he feels he has already proven his point re: Slur Alecsh and the rags.

He didn't seem to be as disappointed as he would normally be or be giving himself a talking too when he missed the penalty or fell on his arse rather than scoring or not doing better wth any of the other opportunities. These things happen god knows but I seriously wonder whether he cares as much as he did before he put in a transfer request.

Getting back together and papering over the cracks when one of you wants away is normally just postponing the inevitable.

We need to start planning for life without him and sooner rather than later.

yes I agree, good post.

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