Capello GONE

In an effort to be cost effective in these austere times, Trevor Brooking (on behalf of the FA) has raised a query with the HMRC asking whether or not they may be able to get the tax back on Harry's salary.

The HMRC have replied saying they would like to know the same thing.
About time. Never liked anything about him.

Ironically, in this case I think he was right and the FA was wrong (over Terry).
gaudinho's stolen car said:
Terry is a fucking **** and Capello is a whopper for backing him. It seems like a put up job that has been planned for months.

think it hinged on 'arry 2bh.

I reckon, like Mandaric & 'arry, that Capello is sitting on a nice wad of cash tonight as a goodwill payment for fucking off early.

Cyrille Regis and Richard Edgehill. Get on it quick - just got 500-1 at Billy Hill. It's like printing money!

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BoyBlue_1985 said:
80s Shorts said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Fuck me fella, is searching topics a hobby of yours. especially in the gold mine that is the transfer forum

Why shouldnt he, to prove his point and disprove yours totally.

Well got to be honest i didnt bother reading them, i never do when people do that. alky was obviously hurt by tolmie at one point and while i use tolmie as a resource and one i believe valuable. Tolmie as far as i am aware stealing or not always brings transfers to my attention infact nearly every name he has ever mentioned we have been in for or signed.
Some people like alky who obviously has a severe problem with him need to build some bridges because its a tad pathetic

Mate, you made a statement and it was clearly wrong. I don't have issues with Tolmie as a person. I have issues with they way people deal with dissemination information. Its your choice not to read the evidence that disproves what you've had to say. But anyone capable to searching "Nasri" can tell you that youre claim was wrong.

Now you've just chose ignorance. But thats your choice. I have nothing wrong with Tolmie, but how he ends up in every thread is really mystifying.

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