"Captain Tom" charity | Watchdog to review accounts

She had ‘regret’ over building the spa complex… but not much it would seem!
“We have to accept that we made a decision, and it was probably the wrong one,”
Pay all the money back or go to prison
Trouble is how much are the sun and Morgan paying the **** for her story? Proper grifter.
The whole thing is just weird, from a weird time in history that still seems odd to think of even now.

As I've posted before, I have a surrealistic imagination and have sometimes thought of penning a short story. Captain Tom was never real, and it was all a scam (this is pretty much 50% true.)

He was a propaganda machine designed to press British buttons and as time went on, his achievements would be ever more hammed up and he'd gain more titles and medals, a bit like a North Korean general. Criticise and its the salt mines, motherfucker.

Viva Space Commander Viscount Galactic Emperor Warlord Khan Sultan Lord Captain Sir Tom, his Holiness and Excellency of the Third Galactic Legion
She hasnt done anything illegal so calm yer tits about prison time , not that there is any room in prison anyway due to the tories

What money did tom want to go his family? Only he knows

Poor decisions made no doubt but all this hate is no good guys
The thing that puzzles me is why she/they went ahead with building the spa complex thingymabob when planning permission was refused. That was bound to bring attention down on them.
The money in the Charity etc will be dealt with by the Charity Commission hopefully.
The thing that puzzles me is why she/they went ahead with building the spa complex thingymabob when planning permission was refused. That was bound to bring attention down on them.
The money in the Charity etc will be dealt with by the Charity Commission hopefully.
p.s. I agree with @kaz7 by the way. Why the hate? Life is too short for hatred of someone you’re probably never, ever going to meet. Annoyance, even anger, but why hate and death threats? I’m not talking about BlueMooners here just society in general. JMHO

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