"Captain Tom" charity | Watchdog to review accounts

Most charities are bent as fuck they take more money out and are not trustworthy.
This is bad news for big charities, people will stop donating due to her alleged fiddles. So less income.
That could mean some charity directors might not be ordering the latest Mercedes "company car" and a freeze on their erm, largish salaries and expense account. Poor buggars.
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I recall a period of unemployment in the 90’s where my local job centre had an ad for “charity rose sellers” where you go round pubs on a weekend selling a single red rose to pissed up couples for £1 - wage was £10/hour, when I could get £3 for bar work, plus your pimp, er supervisor, would get a wedge too. So cost of rose, pimp & me meant fuck all went to charity. Never bought one again (despite pastings from ladies of interest), always question what % of your donations go to the end recipients, the charity has costs, but less than 50% - don’t bother
This woman is obviously awful but the amount of misinformation and outright bullshit in this thread about charities in general is disgusting. It’s like reading a Trump forum.

Please read my previous replies in this thread, I can’t be arsed repeating myself.

Agreed, guess it keeps tight and ignorant people happy to think all charities are a scam so they don’t bother.
This woman is obviously awful but the amount of misinformation and outright bullshit in this thread about charities in general is disgusting. It’s like reading a Trump forum.

Please read my previous replies in this thread, I can’t be arsed repeating myself.
What I find disgusting about the whole thing is that we even need charities at all when you've got the richest 1% of the world population with over 50% of the wealth and the poorest 50% of the population just 0.75 of the wealth.

I'm mot calling for out and out Communism here, but come on Jeff Bezos; do you REALLY need $163Billion?

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