Car driving standards

Then set off really slow .....or stay until they change to red again.

Blast out Sham 69 so you can't hear them.

Watch them combust.
I always set of quite quickly because it’s shit to hold up a queue of traffic… get up to speed and then cruise at the speed limit.

Driving at the speed of the road is just enraging to some idiots though.

And that isn’t just at the speeders, it also includes the morons who drive at 30 on a 40 road.
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My daughter is out of ICU and onto HDU.
She has 2 breaks in her pelvis, ruptured spleen, air under her lung and had a blood transfusion.

She is stable but in so much pain when the morphine wares off.

It is going to a long recovery for her both physically and mentally.

I keep having breakdowns thinking about the whole event and I know this will haunt me forever.

Thanks for the good wishes
Good to hear she’s on the mend. She’s young and will recover well. It’s worse getting over things like this when you’re older, so she’ll be fighting fit in no time!
Driving standards are in marked decline. Too many cars, too many performance cars on unsuitable urban roads, too many selfish aggressive twats.
Everyday some twat just drives right into my side of the road so they can pass parked cars on their side. The days of giving way to oncoming cars is a thing of the past.
Too many cars indeed
The art of overtaking on A roads is lost as well ,why do people sit behind lorries for miles and miles and not overtake ?
nothing illegal about overtaking but most people do not know how to do it.
What the fucks going on at roundabouts these days? Absolute fuckin amoebas. No indication, stay in the near side lane(for the whole roundabout sometimes)until your turning then indicate the wrong fucking way, because the contour of the road lurches that way. Who the fuck is teaching these pillocks to drive ? Then there's the ones who stay in the 3rd lane at 50mph and in doing so, stopping the traffic flow. It's definitely got worse the last few years.
They've started introducing roundabouts here, talk about a shit show, no one has a clue what to do with them. I get weird looks from people because I use my indicators, thinking about becoming a driving instructor, even the cops don't know how to use them.
They've started introducing roundabouts here, talk about a shit show, no one has a clue what to do with them. I get weird looks from people because I use my indicators, thinking about becoming a driving instructor, even the cops don't know how to use them.

'Murica. Such a great place but fuck me the Yanks are a breed of their own. Like real-life cartoon characters.
Im injured presently, got a torn calf and some achilles hassle. Im walking better but cant run, at all, even jog. Crossing the road takes a bit of thought and planning, for the first time in my life. Makes you feel a bit vulnerable, especially with the cunts about now. You notice it more.
I live on a residential estate as most of us do. On my way home earlier this involves walking along a little street between what is a right turn and then a left turn for drivers and the street is only about 30 yards long between those 2 junctions.
I heard this car coming from ahead but obviously cant see it til it turns right into the street. Sounds like its shifting, too quick, but Ive gauged time pace and distance to cross this little road. It comes round the corner almost on 2 wheels, cut the corner completely and is on me. I did the slow down signal and lifted my hands as if to say wtf. No slowing down, nothing. It just swerved round me and kept going like I was the nuisance, on the wrong side of the road. Prick of a driver.
Can see why old grippers and those always with restricted mobility fear getting about, because nobody gives a fuck
The art of overtaking on A roads is lost as well ,why do people sit behind lorries for miles and miles and not overtake ?
nothing illegal about overtaking but most people do not know how to do it.
It's fun and games round here, it's mostly all twisty bits with only a few decent passing places. The ones causing the holdups are usually tourists doing dead on 40 mph pointing at sheep and buzzards whilst coming the other way is Richard and his wife from accounts, Marjory in their B reg camper closely follwed by 1/2 mile of traffic. You really have to know the road and pick your moments.
The only time I use the middle lane is if there's an on slip rd coming up, leaves time and space for the vehicles entering the Mway to sort themselves out. But then I'm a truly considerable gent,a proper knight of the road and I have an AA badge on my get out of my fucking way !!!!
Is the badge a proper old round type or one of the new square ones? That will answer a lot of questions.

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