Car driving standards

My heartfelt best wishes to you and your daughter right now. I hope she comes though it , I really do.

I will never, ever get selfish, lazy, ignorant drivers who think it's ok to drive under the influence. I'd even stretch it as far as those knobs on their phones whilst driving, which has made a rapid comeback in recent years.

To me, if you do it and are caught then you have no right to ever get behind the wheel ever again.

Best wishes to you again.
Cars swerving as they text etc. So obvious . Looking down at their lap.

I'm currently sat in Sheffield childrens hospital intensive care unit with my daughter who was hit last night.

I'm absolutely heartbroken as to that I seen when I got to the site....bodies everywhere and my daughter unconscious face down being helped by locals.

All the people were making there way back into the village after the fair had shut and then hit.

Can't get that image out of my head it's killing me.
That's horrible. I hope your daughter and all the others injured are going to be OK. As far the driver, I hope he lives the rest of his miserable life in constant pain.
I’ve noticed that the nicer car you drive the more idiots there are out there.
To name but a few… Tailgating, undercutting, not using indicators, speeding up in middle lane when overtaking in outside lane, people not knowing how to drive on motorways, hogging the middle lane etc.
I’m sure fellow blues have covered everything above.
Apart from that there’s no complaints from me really I still enjoy my driving.
Guilty. But seriously the standard of driving nowadays is frighteningly bad and people’s attention span seems to be milliseconds, every day I see it in front of my eyes and can’t believe what I’m seeing
What worries me is the amount of people that have a skin full of alcohol at night then assume they are ok to drive in the morning because they've had a big breakfast and 3 cups of coffee
I’ve noticed that the nicer car you drive the more idiots there are out there.
To name but a few… Tailgating, undercutting, not using indicators, speeding up in middle lane when overtaking in outside lane, people not knowing how to drive on motorways, hogging the middle lane etc.
I’m sure fellow blues have covered everything above.
Apart from that there’s no complaints from me really I still enjoy my driving.

I don't understand people not indicating especially when it takes barely any effort to use indicators.

Is it an arrogance thing? Is it meant to be "cool"? In reality, you look like a f*ckwit.
I hear council’s are redoing the road markings “keep clear for me”. As for box junctions - save the fecking paint mate…
Cars swerving as they text etc. So obvious . Looking down at their lap.

It is, yet it's so frequent now, I see it on every trip, but it's just not enforced. I am sure years ago whe there was a crackdown, it worked a bit, but now I think here are so many grey areas between distractions, with our phones being our satnavs, radio and more.

I'd also second what another poster said about school runs. We walk our kids to school and daily we see horrendous behaviour from parents, who you'd think would be the most aware when it comes to child safety. Stopping dead outside the school and flinging a child out literally into the road because they're in a rush, driving up pavements towards kids and prams walking to school, parking on yellow lines, blocking driveways, and one to watch out for tomorrow is driving through puddles and splashing pedestrians.

The headteacher has actually reported parents to the police in the past for endangering child safety, and good on her for it. A few years back my eldest literally saved a 4 year old from being run over by a woman reversing up onto the pavement. She didn't see her, she didn't even stop after it. In her own world, where herself and hers are the only consideration.

What I would say is that having a camera makes a difference. I have to have one for my work lease car now as part of the contract, and I am sure that it makes some drivers think twice knowing their crappy driving is being filmed.
Two cars behind me on the A6 in Chorley last night, foot down and over took me fully on the opposite side of the road at about 80 mile an hour. Fucking dangerous lunatics.

Surely the only way to overtake is to use the opposite side of the road?

Unless you mean you were three wide? I.e someone overtaking the person who was overtaking you at the some time.
The roads are full of cunts,all differing sorts....angry/useless/dordolling/ignorant/brain dead/pissed up etc.....
And rush hour seems to be pretty much all fucking day!! Trying to drive in to Manchester after 0700 or out after 1430 and you're encountering jams and fuck wits.

Like everything else in this country,its gone to the dogs.

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