Car driving standards

Come and drive in Malaysia for an eye opening experience. Driving 2" from your rear bumper at 115kph is the norm on the highways, if you stick to the 2 seconds rule someone, usually a Velfire, will sit right in your bumper even if there is nowhere to move to as you are overtaking a line of traffic. A really stressful place to drive.
Really? I think it's not too bad. Maybe because I lived in Morocco before I came here (and Vietnam before that). It's fucking awful there. To be point where people can't even drive in a lane. The number of times I'd take a taxi and halfway down the road he'd realise he was driving between two lanes. Malaysia is amazing in comparison. Other than the constant phone wankers (I guess that's everywhere now) and the fact that no-one ever stops at a zebra crossing.
The world is full of selfish cunts, not sure why youd think the roads would be any different.
I see people every morning driving their cars whilst doing their hair, putting on make up, using their phones & generally being cunts on my commute every morning.
If they kill themselves fuck em but they hurt/kill others more often than not
There seems to be a certain age group that feel "safe" sat in the middle lane at 60 mph , they stay out of lane one, don't want to be dealing with those lorries etc. But don't want to be lane 3 with the perceived speeders so middle lane is just right for staying out of the way ! Electric vehicles don't help either most have their optimum range between the speeds of 60 and 70 mph on the motorway so they all sit at 60 mph middle lane eeking out their range, feeling smug cos they are green and helping the environment.
As a non driver, I’m reliant on taxis and too many “professional” drivers are awful. If it’s not on their sat nav then they haven’t a clue.

One belter was the cabbie who tried to take me to Bradford Bulls’ rugby league stadium when I asked for Bradford Park Avenue FC.
Both are as shite as each other. The Horsfall home of Bradford Cemetary Road is a joke of a ground.
Standards of driving seem to get worse the more you get near to a major city both on A roads & Motorway's. When I travel in for games the beauty and peace of driving gradually deterates but gets noticeably worse as I get near the M60.

I live on the coast now and over winter driving is fantastic but come summer it's full of what I call TB's (tourist bastards), now nothing wrong with being a tourist etc but they have no idea of the roads/lanes to be in and rather than decide shit wrong lane I'll stay where I am and just turn round a little later they just jump all over the road.
I do about 300 miles a week driving to and from work and use the motorway everyday and I can categorically say the following cars are driven by cunts.

These fuckin cars are either doing 2 miles an hour in front of you or right up your backside. On the motorways you can be travelling along minding your own business then all of a sudden out of nowhere twatface driving their golf or Audi are right behind you.

Or said twats in said twat cars are racing eachother on the M60 and weaving in and out of traffic like it's their own personal racetrack. I find myself saying go on crash it you **** in the hope that they take themselves out and end up on their arse.

Absolutely hate driving now whereas before I loved it, too many little dickheads in their nobhead cars on the roads.
Come and drive in Malaysia for an eye opening experience. Driving 2" from your rear bumper at 115kph is the norm on the highways, if you stick to the 2 seconds rule someone, usually a Velfire, will sit right in your bumper even if there is nowhere to move to as you are overtaking a line of traffic. A really stressful place to drive.
Try Thailand it makes that sound like a quiet Sunday drive ;)
If anyone undertakes it’s because the knob in the middle lane is in the wrong lane.

But what is under taking ?

I drive happily doing 70mph on the inside lane because I'm not over talking anyone and the lane is empty. Than after a few miles I come up to someone doing 60mph in the middle lane.

Am I meant to change to the middle lane than the outside lane go pass them, than move back into the middle lane than into the left hand lane ?. That to me seems dangerous moving across all those lanes.
My understanding of the highway code is, if the inside lane is moving faster than the land on your right it is ok to pass the middle lane. I'm not undertaking I havent changed lanes to go passed on the left hand side. Just my lane is going faster than the middle or 3rd land.
We have the worst lane discipline and overall driving standards in this country. I drove a lot in Europe and I’ve driven regularly in the US but we’re the worst drivers by a country mile.. Does my nut in

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