Carlos hands in transfer request

for me if it is true i will be gutted,but it will not make one bit of difference where we finish in the league at the end of the season.we have to look at the bigger picture,and that is the team.we have players who are on fire like silva,toure,de jong and so whoever we get to replace him dzeko higuain torres they will score goals straight away because of the players around them.its exactly the same when villa went to barca,its all about the players around you.we need to trust the club if it is true so be it but the good times will still roll no matter who is scoring the goals.
This is far far worse than a lot of you are making out.

For one, we are a much better team with Carlos playing. He drives us forward and has scored nearly half our goals this season.

But more importantly is the knock on effect this is going to have. He's our biggest player and you can bet your bottom dollar it would have been a lot harder to sign Yaya, Silva etc if Tevez was not at the club. It's a huge huge loss and I can honestly see other players becoming unhappy and wanting to follow suit.

Absolutely gutted about this, gutted.
larderland said:
what a joke,my mum is a psychologist,and i was sitting at the family computer like 2days ago listening to the tevez interview,and she just turned to me and says whos that speaking???(she doesnt follow football) i said a city player. she then goes oh right,well u know hes luying yes?i was like what??she then got up and looked at the interview and said she could tell he was lying just by his body language etc when asked questions bout mancini etc...... i didnt listen and just thought she was talking shit.never thought 2days later this would happen,genuinely devastated

Depressed people are experts in masking their true feelings.
What a silly little twat he is.

Does he expect us to give him to some Argentinian team on loan or for free? He's gonna have to buy out his contract or something.

Torres and Dzeko in January would make Carlos a distant memory.
from earlier this week.

"A sacrifice has to be made when you make a commitment like I have done with City and it is something I am going to see through.

I believe the story is true, but still, something doesn't add up here. He's either a bare faced liar, or very confused. Probably the first, which I wouldn't hold against him, but still, it makes him look a bit foolish to bandy about that kind of statement.

I just don't feel that strongly about it. I couldn't think more highly of Carlos as a footballer, but I never felt like he was ours. He's a perfect mercenary, and that's something I respect. The club have bent over backwards to accomodate him but he wants more. Thus it's reasonable to assume he doesn't appreciate that other top players do not get the time off, the captaincy, the team built around them, etc etc. So, either he gets a dose of reality and thinks, actually, I could be an awful lot worse off, maybe it's in my interest to be good to them... or he remains unappreciative and uncommitted.

As good a player as he is (top 10 world wide IMO), it's never been the case that having the 11 best rated players makes you a perfect team. There is so much more to team sport.

Right now the most pleasing bit of my Saturdays comes when I'm filling in the Telegraph and Guardian player ratings. I get to the ninth player and realise I have given 5, 6, 7, 8 players 8 marks out of 10. That's the real reason we are challenging. Maybe he carried us when this wasn't happening, but maybe he's not quite the cherry on the top when it does... maybe he could be, but...

Maybe the ingratitude erodes the normal boundaries for the other players (Hansen pointed out the corresponding behaviour of Tevez last week and Balotelli this). They might like him, respect him, but what they really need to respect is 'the club', the team.

I think back to Mourinho at Inter. He had to remove far and away their best player in order to let 'the team' come to fruition. Prior to that, they were accused of being over-reliant on Ibrahimovic. Over reliance on one guy means he can play by different rules than the others. I think maybe it's a workable strategy to get you so far, but if you can adapt to life without him, you might create a better team.

So that is where we are.. we have an opportunity. The team are well on course to meet the important goals. The manager has his players playing better week by week. There will only be more opportunities to seal the deal and win the lot next year. In the mean time, we can sign another striker, or we get a renewed commitment from Tevez. He has pulled the trigger, but ultimately he's the one who either has to bite the bullet, or duck and run.

The only final compromise we could possibly make is monetary, and from the wording of these stories, it wouldn't be enough. Really, whilst he might be worth another 20k p/w, I fear it would be us bending over backwards once to often.
Hope it isn't true but if it is I'll thank him for all he's done for us, he's carried us many a game and the guy deserves repect for that.

I'm sick of all the rag like responses these days......
You really have to laugh. This story was apparently common knowledge according to the bowl haircut and general lickspittle Paul McCarthy, as early as Monday. So release on Sunday, hoping you cause maximum damage from now onwards. The big problem (which is why a number of papers are simply qouting the screws), is that this has come from either his agent, a player close Tevez, or whoever. It was quite funny listening to McCarthy and Burton making there usual weasal like cameo's. All they actually said was according to there sources he won't be at City next season. This is a nothing story.
We don't need to sell, therefore its not upto a player if we sell him, its the club.
Heaven forbid if Carlos leaves in the summer, don't think for one minute thats this is incident from which arrived, it will be that we will have bought well again and can't guarantee him a start. Otherwise I fully expect to see him in a City shirt next season. Its Christmas, his families in Argentina, so expect this to be another reason they give.
A nice big law suit might be in the offing.
we need to get some perspective here-we are not a one man team,certainly not this season anyway.

He goes,we get someone else in

The team create the chances he scores remember

Get a fucking grip people-we aint finished by a long chalk.

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