Carlos in Milan yesterday and today

Pigeonho said:
Haha, loving the 'Tevez plays for himself' comments. Do you not think all the others don't play for themselves either? Do you think all those who have arrived lately are here because they are City fans? Are they balls. They are here because we are paying them over the odds wages which no-one else would do. Yaya and Balotellu definitely did not cuddle up to their City teddy's when they were nippers. They are here for the money, and only the money. Tevez is no different to any of them.


Try not paying any top level footballer who has kissed the badge, see how many show up at practice the next day.
SB Blue said:
IF he has returned his tickets maybe it's because his 'friends' arem't interested in watching the game if he's not playing???

I'll take them!
The harsh reality is that City's season has been blighted by the fact that the first instinct of Carlos Tevez is not to pass to other strikers because he sees them as his rivals. According to the Guardian Chalkboard, Tevez has passed approximately half a dozen times in total to Edin Dzeko in the Premier League games against Wolves, Birmingham, Manchester United, West Brom, Fulham and Liverpool. Moreover, Tevez has clearly resented attempts by others to exploit Dzeko's aerial ability, his first public pronouncement after Dzeko's arrival being that football is a game that should be played on the ground. I have not counted the passes that Tevez has completed to Mario Balotelli (or to Adebayor or to Jo) but I doubt the statistics are much better. If Tevez does not think he can score himself, he almost always passes in the expectation of a return pass - with David Silva being the player currently under most pressure to pass (back) to him.

Irrespective of Champions League qualification and of the identity of the manager next season, Manchester City's prospects of moving on to the next level as a team depend crucially on selling Tevez during the summer. In particular, only after Tevez has departed will Silva (my favourite player) truly realise his potential in what Roberto Mancini has recently described as the pivotal role of trequartista.
Pigeonho said:
Haha, loving the 'Tevez plays for himself' comments. Do you not think all the others don't play for themselves either? Do you think all those who have arrived lately are here because they are City fans? Are they balls. They are here because we are paying them over the odds wages which no-one else would do. Yaya and Balotellu definitely did not cuddle up to their City teddy's when they were nippers. They are here for the money, and only the money. Tevez is no different to any of them.

You're deliberately bending the interpretation of the phrase.

'Only plays for himself' means on the pitch he takes the option best suited for his own gain and not the team. Having said that(and I know, having started the seemingly infamous "Can't Wait for the Summer Departure of..." thread) I've noted he has gotten involved with the team play more, lately.

It has bemused me, as I don't know whether he's finally bought into the idea of team play or the RM idea of football.
pml79 said:
is this actually true? does anyone have any solid info on this or is it just made up crap again?

true , seen with my eyes on sky sport italy
Pigeonho said:
Haha, loving the 'Tevez plays for himself' comments. Do you not think all the others don't play for themselves either? Do you think all those who have arrived lately are here because they are City fans? Are they balls. They are here because we are paying them over the odds wages which no-one else would do. Yaya and Balotellu definitely did not cuddle up to their City teddy's when they were nippers. They are here for the money, and only the money. Tevez is no different to any of them.

They all play for themselves, but not sticking to your contract and fucking off left right and centre makes you a ****. Remember how much shit robinho got for it? Tevez is doing the same thing to us as he did with united no wonder they hate him so much.
ello_jo said:
Pigeonho said:
Haha, loving the 'Tevez plays for himself' comments. Do you not think all the others don't play for themselves either? Do you think all those who have arrived lately are here because they are City fans? Are they balls. They are here because we are paying them over the odds wages which no-one else would do. Yaya and Balotellu definitely did not cuddle up to their City teddy's when they were nippers. They are here for the money, and only the money. Tevez is no different to any of them.

They all play for themselves, but not sticking to your contract and fucking off left right and centre makes you a ****. Remember how much shit robinho got for it? Tevez is doing the same thing to us as he did with united no wonder they hate him so much.

I will respect Tevez and appreciate what he have done for the club even if he is leaving us this summer !

I will respect the 200% effort he put week in week out ! & I will miss seeing him chasing the ball , his tackles & his 42 goals.
even if injured he should be watching the match at Wembley tomorrow, shows very poor form if the skipper isn't even in the stands.
Well he doesn't give a flying fuck about this club so why the hell would he be there?

-- Fri Apr 15, 2011 8:04 pm --

Andouble said:
even if injured he should be watching the match at Wembley tomorrow, shows very poor form if the skipper isn't even in the stands.

He should never have been our captain. And he was fit to play a game for us but was in Tenerife with some bird he's not even with anymore, so what makes you think he'll even care what the score is tomorrow let alone actually be there supporting us?

-- Fri Apr 15, 2011 8:06 pm --

Pigeonho said:
Haha, loving the 'Tevez plays for himself' comments. Do you not think all the others don't play for themselves either? Do you think all those who have arrived lately are here because they are City fans? Are they balls. They are here because we are paying them over the odds wages which no-one else would do. Yaya and Balotellu definitely did not cuddle up to their City teddy's when they were nippers. They are here for the money, and only the money. Tevez is no different to any of them.

de Jong

to name a few.

You've named the other two apart from Tevez who are only here for the money!

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