Carlos in Milan yesterday and today

ive heard today from a very good source that carlos tevez has returned the 20 semi final tickets he was alloted back to the club. make of this what you want but if i was injured id want to be at wembley cheering my team mates on with a bunch of friends and family. in my opinion carlos tevez plays for carlos tevez . i think hes off in the summer and i couldnt care less. selfish twat on and off the pitch.
mancitymick said:
Mancitymick in Waitrose yesterday and today, So what. If he wants to go Manchester City will always be here

So what?!! You're wasting money. Shop at TESCOs, it's much better
Haha, loving the 'Tevez plays for himself' comments. Do you not think all the others don't play for themselves either? Do you think all those who have arrived lately are here because they are City fans? Are they balls. They are here because we are paying them over the odds wages which no-one else would do. Yaya and Balotellu definitely did not cuddle up to their City teddy's when they were nippers. They are here for the money, and only the money. Tevez is no different to any of them.
Dave Ewing's Back 'eader said:
I definitely want to know if Carlos is at Wembley tomorrow.
If he isn't, I expect - no, demand - to see this:
Pigeonho said:
Haha, loving the 'Tevez plays for himself' comments. Do you not think all the others don't play for themselves either? Do you think all those who have arrived lately are here because they are City fans? Are they balls. They are here because we are paying them over the odds wages which no-one else would do. Yaya and Balotellu definitely did not cuddle up to their City teddy's when they were nippers. They are here for the money, and only the money. Tevez is no different to any of them.
i was just passing info on about what i heard today. i also said in my opinion and the rest of your post is yawn zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. in my opinion of course.
jayblue said:
Pigeonho said:
Haha, loving the 'Tevez plays for himself' comments. Do you not think all the others don't play for themselves either? Do you think all those who have arrived lately are here because they are City fans? Are they balls. They are here because we are paying them over the odds wages which no-one else would do. Yaya and Balotellu definitely did not cuddle up to their City teddy's when they were nippers. They are here for the money, and only the money. Tevez is no different to any of them.
i was just passing info on about what i heard today. i also said in my opinion and the rest of your post is yawn zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. in my opinion of course.
Okkkkkkkkkkkk! ;-)
They're all mercenaries mate, all of them, (who wouldn't be?). He had it right him at Spurs, Assou-Ekkoto when he said he hates football, has no affiliation for Spurs and is there simply for the cash. You can't really argue with honesty like that.
Rammyblues said:
Only way to Inter would involve player exchange, eg., Eto + Scheider = Tevez

Don't think any Italian club has 45m to spend to be honest. Only teams who could do that are RM and Barca IMO.

I think at the end of the day he'll go for around 30m. Or 20-25mil and a player.
Pigeonho said:
jayblue said:
i was just passing info on about what i heard today. i also said in my opinion and the rest of your post is yawn zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. in my opinion of course.
Okkkkkkkkkkkk! ;-)
They're all mercenaries mate, all of them, (who wouldn't be?). He had it right him at Spurs, Assou-Ekkoto when he said he hates football, has no affiliation for Spurs and is there simply for the cash. You can't really argue with honesty like that.
only jokin mate. i agree with you that a lot of em dont give two shits but when i hear stories like this with the tickets it just rams it home and leaves a nasty taste in the mouth.
Any pictures of him in Italy, or is this just the usual paper bollocks??? Spotted in a restaurant, amazing how many things happen in restaurants.... is that beacuse the paps aren't allowed in to take pics???

IF he has returned his tickets maybe it's because his 'friends' arem't interested in watching the game if he's not playing???

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