Carragher getting abuse again

But when a man has been demonstrably proven to be a scumbag by spitting at a child then normal rules don’t apply anymore similar to if one finds oneself confronted by a burglar at home. The same legal rules may still apply but morally the situation has changed.

Yes, they do. They always do. If you want to call Carragher a scumbag, at least acknowledge the people doing this are scumbags too.
Carragher should have known better & just walked away without getting in to a verbal.
Although them inciting Carragher came across as a bunch of idiots who if identified should be named & shamed.
Whilst it shouldn't change there is a difference between inside the stadium behaviour and outside. I remember one of the few times I had talksport on Adrian Durham spoke a bit of sense for a change how fully grown adults change into absolute Neanderthals when it comes to being in a football enviroiment. These are probably parents, in good jobs, behave normally through the week and as soon as weekend hits they behave completely differently. It is odd, had they had been driving alone yesterday I doubt they would have felt the need to abuse Carragher.

It is the pack mentality and it exists in all animals, many eminent psychologists have explained it over the years.

The thing with going to a match it was a place to let off steam from the constraints and stress of working and everyday life. People did behave badly, shout, swear, some fight and then leave what back then was a mainly macho all male environment, put the cloak of respectability back on and behave perfectly respectable for the other six days.

Now with all seated stadiums, more women and kids, cameras everywhere and more and more things it is an offence to think or say even letting off steam at a football game has been taken away.

These things and worse have been going on forever, the difference being in the bad old days there were no video cameras in everyone's pockets so little was ever recorded. It is probably safer and more pleasant to go to a game than ever before now. When you think that somewhere somebody is filming everything these incidents are still quite rare.
Context is important here though pal.

If Souness or even Neville had been subjected to this abuse then I’d probably agree with all the offended virtue signalling snowflakes that it was out of order.

But when a man has been demonstrably proven to be a scumbag by spitting at a child then normal rules don’t apply anymore similar to if one finds oneself confronted by a burglar at home. The same legal rules may still apply but morally the situation has changed.

No, what your example should be is you see a burglar out and about that you know had burgled your neighbour. See what moral rights you have in that circumstance. Yeah he is a twat of a man for what he done but there are a lot of twats out there. You don't take it upon yourself to call them out every time you see them. As I mentioned though, alone they wouldn't have said a peep to him. Had it have been Ray Wilkins before he passed would it have been ok because he was a repeat drink driver?
Yes, they do. They always do. If you want to call Carragher a scumbag, at least acknowledge the people doing this are scumbags too.
No they don’t. Circumstances and situations and context change people’s moral stance massively. I could give you a million examples.
No, what your example should be is you see a burglar out and about that you know had burgled your neighbour. See what moral rights you have in that circumstance. Yeah he is a twat of a man for what he done but there are a lot of twats out there. You don't take it upon yourself to call them out every time you see them. As I mentioned though, alone they wouldn't have said a peep to him. Had it have been Ray Wilkins before he passed would it have been ok because he was a repeat drink driver?
In your example yes I would abuse the burgling cvnt
No they don’t. Circumstances and situations and context change people’s moral stance massively. I could give you a million examples.

I've no doubt whatever you could give me loads of examples of justifying shitty behaviour, yes.
Is that not just pissed up idiots shouting you Scouse bastard at a scouser? A aggressive spitting at children scouser at that. How is this even a thing? He's not be confronted or overly abused. No one has approached him or invaded his personal space. It's banter, very shit banter but banter non the less.
Sadly his behaviour in the past will lead to this everywhere.

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